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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Broads boats and their engines may well outlive the ban but if fuel is no longer required for cars and lorries then will it still be available for boats?
  2. We can only guess at the moment! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-51366123
  3. Afraid I can not agree, at least not entirely. We do know that the forums are being watched, apart from private FB groups that is. We were open and public with the Broads Bill, in doing so we lost, in part, the upper hand. Mind you I firmly believe that the BA's leadership completely underestimated the value of the web back then but this time around they appear to be fully alert to its potential. We are far from inactive, rest assured.
  4. Quietly plodding away in the background!
  5. Wise words that need endorsing, as should all wise words!!
  6. Very recently had a discussion with a mere fifty year old, a man who does not do forums, nevertheless a dissatisfied individual. His appraisal of the situation was to compare the present leader with his predecessor. The Authority was initially driven by a man who was in it for the Broads rather than for himself, that is clearly not the case now.
  7. And may I be so bold as to ask who the minor few might be? That aside, either politicians are honest or they are not, no half measures, no half truths, no deceit, no manipulation. The same should apply to department heads and CEO's that act on behalf of those politicians. By and large trust in politicians has flown out of the window, just as has honesty. If we can't trust the system on the less important issues then how can we trust them on the more important ones? Without question these road signs are part and parcel of a bigger issue, one that has the potential to effect every last one of us, hardly an unimportant issue. THE BNP, with the potential of Sandford, are together an issue that should not be belittled.
  8. It's widely thought to be common practice, especially within the public services so I don't suppose the BA is any more guilty than anyone else. I agree, it's a despicable practice, especially as it gives false hope to good, decent people who are often desperate to find a job.
  9. Like taking the easy option and rubber-stamping it without further thought?
  10. Paladin's posting highlights a technique used by probably scores of organisations, not just the BA. Consultation will be by stealth, or it was when I was on the Nav Com. A letter would go out to the effect saying:" I have consulted with so and so from whatever organisation and he agrees with my request etc. etc. so I trust that I can count on your support". One by one key consultees would be picked off, relying on the probability that each one would think 'well, so and so has agreed so I will too', thus further agreement was given, probably with no one bothering to check what was being agreed to! That's the system, some folk have clearly got it off to a fine art!
  11. No sign of the usual dribbles down the front of his T-shirt then!
  12. Reedham is one of the bigger communities on the Yare, next to Thorpe and Yarmouth and is roughly central to both so maybe being the 'heart' is not that far off the mark, mind you the heartbeat is rather on the slow, even lethargic side! As for a location that is halfway between head and toe, best take a look at a map of England, the right hand side, shape akin to that of an ample posterior, suitably placed as an outfall of unpleasantries, is Gt Yarmouth, not Reedham!
  13. I've met him just once, my guess is late sixties. Agreed, not that smart!
  14. Regretfully. Perhaps if the man hadn't upset the planning authorities then he might, I repeat might achieve something worthwhile, both there and at Berney. Beauchamp is a place that begs development. It's happened at Burgh St Peter, it could and , in all fairness, should happen there.
  15. An experience that is not to be missed! A good place for watching the world and its dogs pass by during the summer months.
  16. https://www.facebook.com/events/590811994987170/ My wife and I attended a music event there last spring. The band plugged in, the circuits blew! I looked under the stage, ohhhh dear! Hopefully that disaster has been sorted. Lots of New Age folk, good company, good day, just no amplified music! Fingers crossed for this year. New landlord, anybody know what's going on?
  17. It's not. I agree, the troops are by and large decent folk, no criticisms intended there.
  18. Are those for carrying the crew back from the pub?
  19. A major component of the fabled Great Estuary.
  20. Non taken. I don't work that way, nor, I suspect do you
  21. I am sure that you are right but I think that it goes rather deeper than that. It is widely thought that 'he' interferes extensively with the appointment of Board and committee members and even the election of the chair of the Authority. So when it comes to staff I suspect that they will have already have shown themselves as being totally submissive and malleable to the party line! A simplistic view? Perhaps!
  22. Not always easy but 'should' is the operative word here ! To the above I would add 'respect'. Once again not always easy, especially when it's undeserved, but nevertheless it is still desirable. All in all, and perhaps I am as guilty as anyone, some folk have a confrontational sometimes abrupt manner. It's the way some folk are, at least on line. Snide comments have crept in lately, wholly unnecessary, in my opinion. Some people will excuse it as being down to earth! Whatever, I just wish that members would accept such mannerisms, even when they don't like them. In a nutshell, let's all be nice to each other ! And so back to the delightful moorings at Brundall Gardens. Here endeth the lesson according to St Peter!
  23. Perhaps you have an unwelcome reputation for mixing with us unaligned disruptives and non believers, you should choose your associates with far greater care
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