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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. If it had been my home then I would have maintained it! Most of those flat-afloats have expanded polystyrene filled flotation which generally makes them near unsinkable. If Mr Weston saw that it was low in the water then I wonder why he did nothing about it?
  2. The mystery deepens! It now turns out that the outgoing monitoring officer resigned a month ago but apparently Authority Members were not told. Considering that he was a senior officer I find that somewhat surprising, even amazing.
  3. I thought all the Commandments came from on high. If I understand correctly that was part of the problem!
  4. I don't lie and I sincerely doubt that the current 'Pike' does either. Regretfully revealing sources might prove unwise, for obvious reasons.
  5. I would be very interested to know what grounds there are for connecting the apparent resignation of the Solicitor and Monitoring Officer to that policy. If nothing else I will suggest timing, perhaps more than just a coincidence.
  6. Perhaps occasionally but more often than not the Pike is pretty near the mark, as is the case with this latest report. Indeed I really don't think that there has ever been smoke without some form of fire. Granted that we can all draw our own conclusions but in this case the BA's monitoring officer has moved on, coincidence or not but no getting away from the iffy goings on at BA HQ.
  7. Perhaps the only way to rid the ether of the Pike is to rid the Broads of his/her tormentor!
  8. Interestingly the Pike's identity varies and this latest contributor is a new one in the swim. No, not me but the point is that there are a number of Pike, different opinions, different personalities, similar convictions. I don't always agree with the Pike but by and large he/she is remarkably close to the mark. Can't deny it, many a true word written in jest. Like or loath the Pike, there is always a serious point behind his/her meddlings. This latest one is spot on! All power to the Pike's fins!
  9. http://www.broadsnationalpike.com/2018/11/blessed-monitoring-officer-bails-out.html?fbclid=IwAR0UKOEX7ErycdukZsUxOlZgifHH6Xk-D5kMEOYRxeYKa2XGiMxfM5jTd08 Many a true word written in jest!
  10. Trust me, you can trust Jeckells!
  11. I have long wondered why the Authority feels duty bound in offering these posts. I can understand marina operators doing so but not the BA. There is no logical driver behind this one as far as the BA is concerned. If private enterprise wants to offer it as a service then great. As it is the BA has created an animal where people rush to their boats at the weekend/Friday evening where they then rush to their favoured electric pylon where they then moor up and stay for their allotted 24 hours thus preventing it's use by anyone else during that time-span. That was never the intention behind the original installation!
  12. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6424407/Every-person-spawned-single-pair-adults-living-200-000-years-ago-scientists-claim.htmld Heaven forbid . . . . . . . . . . . .
  13. Wise words indeed, won't happen though, not under the existing set-up.
  14. Whilst I agree to the principle of what you are saying we mustn't forget that our stink-boat cousins don't require de-masting facilities for which I suspect their owners share the cost. Back to the cost of charging points, the price could be loaded in order to pay for their installation.
  15. Was at St Olaves over the weekend where there are two boats on-shore in winter storage both called Grace, wonder how many more there are on the Broads?
  16. Griff (BA) used to wear a hat like that!
  17. That all depends on who you consider to be the the little 'jack pike'!
  18. http://www.broadsnationalpike.com/2018/11/pikeman-strikes-back.html#comment-form Many a true word written in jest!
  19. Perhaps you could consider timber?
  20. Enter the darkside at your own risk!
  21. An assortment of boat numbers and names would be useful, just change 'em every 24 hours!
  22. Perhaps we need to ask ourselves why people are calling for elections. If I am yer average, typical voter then I don't generally vote people in, I tend to vote people out. In the case of the the Authority, back in the days of Professor Aitken Clark (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2010/apr/19/michael-aitken-obituary) I don't recollect any calls for elections, there was no need. Are we really asking for the ability to elect, or are we asking for the ability to get rid of people who we perceive to be wrongly employed or positioned? Who should be able to vote? Members of relevant clubs and people who live and work here. It would be up to each club or association to vote for a representative. Such elections have to be entirely independent of the BA and more so the BA CEO.
  23. A committee of 'poodles', plain & simple.
  24. https://www.edp24.co.uk/news/thorpe-st-andrew-live-stream-river-green-1-5783939
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