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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Alan, I don't think that I ever met you and Tan but I always admired your togetherness on this forum, not least your joint welcome to new members, I'm sure that we shall all miss that.
  2. At the end of the day, at least on the Broads, it could be the rich people who have to pay. There can be little doubt that far more stringent emissions testing on boats is long over due on the Broads. The 'gas guzzling', emission spewing craft perhaps most likely to fail any reasonable test are possibly if not probably the over engined, at least for Broads use, mega boats that are the demand of rich owners. Despite having regulations in place to restrict emissions the Authority has so far, apart from telling people not to run their engines at moorings, failed to tackle the problem with any great enthusiasm. I have been on the canals where the lock chambers can quickly fill with diesel emissions which quickly result in sore throats and smarting eyes, it is not just a Broads issue and I can foresee demands from other waterways, not just in England, triggering greater regulation.
  3. Yes. Also sometimes kept as 'portable' and removed for the boat safety scheme inspection, naughty!
  4. I would expect that to be a fossil fuel powered set-up in case you get caught short. Word of warning, I have seen some appalling DIY installations especially where the exhaust is concerned, even on premium boats.
  5. I do know of some hugely wealthy boat salesmen locally, more than one is a millionaire or well on the way to becoming one!
  6. Until we see electric lorries then I doubt that electric boats will stand much of a chance. Lorries and many big boats have one thing in common, they are bigger than cars!
  7. You might go blind if you do!!
  8. Wise words, Cal. Shouldn't be up to the crew to make good the mistakes of the helmsman. Better to back off and come in again.
  9. Second hand boat prices do tend to be a tad, or even more, inflated on the Broads.
  10. Perhaps not really a Broads boat and not best suited to cruising the Broads, in my humble opinion. Perhaps it's time to decide what you want of a boat and where you intend to use it.
  11. Everything goes South, you'll be glad of kinky!!
  12. Wait until you are in your eighties!
  13. You should be fine, might need a smear of lubrication on the toilet door posts in order for you to get in and a bottle jack to get you out though. Really lovely boats.
  14. A great many classic Broads boats were designed and built some forty or more years ago, when people were decidedly less healthily fed. That has to be an all time classic oxymoron if ever I read one! There are, or were, boats designed just for couples. Known by the yards as Honeymooners it was assumed that the hirers would be in close contact! They were small, and very popular back in the 1960's & 70's. Only real problem was that some couples tied up for the week in some quiet backwater and never ran their engines thus yards had to change their batteries Friday evening so that they could get back to the yard for Saturday morning!
  15. Colemans of mustard fame owned a Baltic Trader that had been converted to be a yacht. Normally moored at Oulton Broad, when not cruising, she may have gone to Norwich on occasions. I believe that she was accidentally burnt.
  16. Wintertime for me is either a decent vindaloo or beef & game hot pot served in a pint pot making it easy to scoff whilst under way. Prepare at home and either shove it in a wide necked Thermos flask or heat it up onboard. No finesse or eating with my eyes, strictly functional, hot and tasty!
  17. Actually I don't think that minimal speeding was the issue, that by itself would surely have resulted in an advisory wave of the arms. In this case the lack of toll and BSS is relevant.
  18. Would it not have had it trade plates on display and surely where speeding is concerned isn't that limited to certain areas?
  19. I am just so sorry for your heart rending loss, Alan. My thoughts are with you.
  20. Timber tops need constant care and attention, just like any timber boat. They can look the absolute mutt's nuts but equally they can go downhill fast if left unattended. They are the epitome of why a boat is called 'she', they are costly to maintain if they are not loved and cherished.
  21. Or even had a boat safety certificate? My eldest daughter & I went to look at a houseboat on Oulton Broad which had been totally stripped out. Because of that we had a natter with a surveyor who it turned out had had a look at the houseboat for another prospective customer. Wow weeeee, the list of things that needed doing before he could issue a certificate was endless so we backed off as have all other possible buyers. That particular houseboat looked in darn sight better condition than that sunk one.
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