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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. That's better spaced than I expected, plenty of room between the anglers, at least on that occasion. I really don't see a problem.
  2. There's free mooring on the common land just before the old bridge, port hand.
  3. Plenty of alternative moorings at Beccles at this time of the year, as I say, give and take.
  4. Phone number sent, couldn't help with an e-mail.
  5. Pol, you haven't gone and bought a wherry have you?
  6. How on earth can anyone misspell Mr Q for heaven's sakes?
  7. Tim, flog 'em off as a job lot, you might be pleasantly surprised!
  8. You must be talking 'select' North Norfolk prices, Chris. Come to plebeian Lowestoft, Stanford Arms and the Triangle for example.
  9. Knowing the ones at Beccles, most are mid-week matches, they don't interfere with the very, very few boats out on the water and there are always moorings at the yacht-station at this time of the year. I have never heard that they are 'officially' booked and I suspect that if a boat that was unable to pass under the bridge came along then the anglers would have no choice but to move on. However, it is common land there! That aside, reasonable compromise and give and take, the fishing season ends in a few weeks, the yotties can have it all to themselves.
  10. Whoops, .00 of a card too much, doddery old fool! Selling it back on e-bay, so true! Be surprised how much can be made on poorly described items. I bought a badge the other day for a pound, poorly described thus search engines missed it, I found it whilst browsing a seller's other items. In this case an angling badge, one of which I already own, and only a few weeks ago another the same topped eighty quid! Mind you, with this one I might hang on until I go to a specialist angling show.
  11. Do any of you sell on E-Bay? I've both bought & sold for about fifteen years now. At one time the prices were low, it became a great hobby at reasonable cost. Then, like has happened with boat yard badges, prices reached what can only described as silly money. I suppose we all had the more common cards but the rare ones, wow! Great if if you were selling but a bummer if you were buying! Over the last six months, in my experience, the post card market has all but collapsed, not just ones from the Broads. Perhaps now is a good time to start a collection! I often wonder just how many cards are out there. Back in the 1960's and 70's my father & I sold countless thousands every summer. The cost of a card & a stamp was seen as reasonable, cards were guaranteed results whereas yer average Kodak crap-matic camera was not, people bought them by the several handfuls. Bare in mind that we had a twenty week season & for my little shop at Burgh St Peter I would buy in at least 10,000.00 cards every spring and would also top up during the season. Cards were big business for us, browsers in the evening were big buyers. Cheap souvenirs I suppose and by buying them in the quantities that we did they were profitable, especially as they were an add on to the grocery shopping that most folk first came into the shop for. Now, as children clear their departed parent's homes, just a theory, I suppose that many of these cards have surfaced over recent years and now the market is satiated, there are just not enough collectors for those thousands of cards! I wonder what my children will do with my collection of Southern Rivers post cards when I snuff it? In the meantime I shall stash away my 'for sale' cards, until a new generation of interest comes along, if it does. Will the newer generations collect as the older ones do or did. I used to collect & sell old bottles that we found after the dredgers had done their work, that was a good earner whilst it lasted but now that interest has declined. Collecting does seem to be something of a fad. Having collected stuff then what do we do with it?
  12. Not only that but next year's rise will be based on this years bumper demand. Packman must be laughing his socks off!
  13. Look on it this way, it's only about £1.50 extra per week. Or, if you break it down over twenty trips this year then it's just under £4.00 extra per outing. Then of course we have the bonus of a smug, self satisfied CEO, got to be worth it.
  14. I bought him a ride-on one for Christmas!
  15. This one perhaps? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Hoseasons-Holiday-Hints-Handbook-1979-Norfolk-Broads-Great-Yarmouth-Lowerstoft-/182439935800?hash=item2a7a447f38:g:tqQAAOSwA3dYQXBH
  16. Q, my wife is insistent that I have enough toys in my toy box now without buying more, and she might just be right! Seriously tempted though!
  17. Being surrounded by tough men in wet, rubber suits, got to be one for our Grace! She would have to move to Hemsby but that would be no bad thing. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/do_you_fancy_signing_up_to_hemsby_lifeboat_crew_1_4890066
  18. Four daughters, five grandaughters, grandmother, mother & mother in-law, several aunts and Margaret Thatcher, I've had a really emancipated life, not! Q, many years ago I made models for architects and two local authorities so modelling has for far too long been a latent hobby in waiting. Trouble is that the mechanics have moved on from my three rail Hornby days! When I retired. my friendly bank manager offered me a 'health check', the first step being to go through my standing orders, that was a revelation in itself! My racing days, and interest, are long gone so I don't regret letting those clubs go. Cars, righting my mistakes and cack handedness would cost far more than the normal costs incurred at a garage!
  19. On retirement I dumped several sailing clubs and I don't miss them one iota. As for forums, one angling, one Broads, one Drascombe, that's enough for me.. E.Bay, amazing, after forty five years of marriage and having lived in the same house all that time I had accumulated so much junk, junk that was too good to throw out so E.Bay has been a god send although the novelty is now wearing off, Likewise on the jungle/wild garden, only an acre and a couple of hours with ride-on and a strimmer sees to that. I do like model railways, if only I could find the time! We have nearby Bressingham Gardens and the railway museum down there, my youngest grandson is enthralled by our visits there so just maybe I will start to divert time to toy trains. Cars, a necessary evil in life, I really don't see how anyone could make a hobby out of them. Bird watching, now that is proving a joy because both my wife and I can do that together. Whilst I don't like the RSPB we both enjoy our trips to Minsmere despite having hundreds of acres of superb nature reserve within a mile of our home. We all tackle retirement in our own ways. My neighbour opposite has bought a rather tasty BMW motor bike on retirement and he and his Missus do about 12,000 mile every summer touring Europe. Not for me, living besides the Broads then why should I want to do that? We make use of what we have, simples! .
  20. Today's projects: un-rig a bowsprit and strip varnish and then finish varnishing door post into conservatory. I really don't understand where my fellow males find time to be bored? Then my workshop is suddenly even more confused than Grendel's, I really do need to sort that one out!
  21. I have known or met a few old male 'Queens' in my time!
  22. Three women, only three! On top of that I have sixteen female chickens, four female boats, five female grandchildren, a female prime-minister and a female Queen! Every man should have a shed/bolt hole, a handy local serving Adnams, infinite patience, a tool box, a wooden boat and a fishing rod.
  23. Try a hobby rather than a job! Granted that I found the first year of retirement something of an adjustment period I can now thoroughly recommend it. I first tried retiring at fifty five but that was way to early, but when I finally made it at sixty seven , well, I'm glad that I did.
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