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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Scunny is welcome to him! Perhaps he should be awarded the freedom of the town.
  2. We once had a boat returned with a suspiciously full tank, the tank had been topped up with river water! Thankfully it showed up on the dipstick but it did delay the turnround by several hours with a knock on effect for the following hirers, Not fuel related but we also had a boat returned with incredibly clean windows, the cheeky beggers had broken one so removed all the glass on that side of the boat in the hope that no one would notice before the deposit had been paid back. It was noticed but that was by chance and at the last moment.
  3. I do agree that people who enjoy National Parks will have more choice by including the Broads within the NP portfolio. I do think that NP people could thus be attracted to the Broads. On the other hand traditional Broads holiday makers might be put off coming here because it is a national park. My honest feeling is that the BNP tag is going to prove to be a deterant. We shall have to wait and see. On the one hand I would love the Broads to be a national park, it might discourage the stag & hen parties that we all love so dearly. On the other hand I would object to the Broads Authority having the powers that National Parks legislation brings. I don't suppose we can have it both ways. Have no doubts about it, the present BNP branding won't end there, it is only a means to an end, an end that many of us won't like, of that I am sure.
  4. For Gracie: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sledgehammer#Lump_hammer Also for use by frustrated IT technicians wishing to fix female computers, e.g. awquad ones.
  5. Facebook, unless it's just me, fails to provide the community and sense of belonging that a forum does. NBN provides a fair balance between pleasant chatter and the serious stuff. The core membership excludes no one yet manages to remain as a group of friends, I like that in a forum. Buggered if I know what I'd do with myself if NBN became Facebook only, I agree with Arthur about Facebook but it is also the hidden replies that annoy me. I say hidden, but very often replies have to be sought thus might be missed by others, if that makes sense. I have looked at the NBN Facebook page, not that well populated or used, that must tell us something.
  6. Regarding all-in-prices, no easy answer. I would prefer one price but then that might frighten some folk off. Lower price plus extras, or a fully inclusive but higher price? If I were to use only half a tank of fuel would I get a refund? If I were to turn up in a taxi would I get a refund because I didn't use the car-park? There is no easy answer. As for low cost boating holidays, we've seen it all before, Freddy Lakers who come and go, rarely surviving more than a few years before reality starts to bite, or disinterest sets in.
  7. It's expensive because people have allowed it to become so. Whilst there are moorers who are willing to pay inflated prices then mooring providers are equally willing to charge for them! As for the take it or leave it attitude, I agree, but that is human nature, if you don't want to pay then there is always someone who will. On the other hand, unless moorings do provide inflated profits then perhaps there wouldn't be any! Something of a Catch 22 me thinks.
  8. I have had a few thoughts on this one. Please regard these comments as questions and observations rather than facts. I notice the comment that prior to being managed by the Authority that Pye's Mill was managed by the local parish council. Does that mean that the moorings are or were what locally are called 'parish moorings'? In the past, if I understand things correctly, parish moorings have traditionally provided moorings for parishioners. In other words mooring holders had to live within the local parish. In many cases parish moorings became self-managed by parishioners who use the mooring as, I believe, is the case at Langly Dyke for example. Does anyone actually know the legal status of Pye's Mill? Is it a public staithe for example? Does the local PCC have a duty to provide moorings for it parishioners? I fully support the creation of 24 hour moorings but I do wonder, in this case, whether in providing moorings for visiting boats, laudable, if perhaps the locals have lost their right to moor.
  9. 'Hence the phrase 'he needs his bumps felt' Gosh, bumps on the head, I never knew that! How wrong can a man be, especially after all this time.
  10. Ah ha, a man who obviously knows the job, time for promotion then?
  11. Jonzo please send your lump hammer and screwdrivers to Grace.
  12. Can I propose Gracie for Woman's On-Line Equality rep? Any seconders? That should take a load off Jonzo's shoulders!!
  13. Sometimes I rather wish that I could help with the tech stuff, but then again, knowing the pressure that others sometimes find themselves under then I'm rather glad to be totally inept in that regard. Thank goodness for the experts!
  14. NBB? A pessimistic yet perhaps a reasonable question. I would miss this forum if it died, that's for sure. It has an identity that sets it apart from the others, hence why a number of us jumped another ship and boarded the NBN.
  15. I hope that our new friend from the USA realizes that the Broads is a system of waterways.
  16. Fair comment is that, Marsh. I suspect that the school's already have their curriculum decided by some Whitehall seat polisher thus outside dabbling goes unnoticed. Whilst I wish the Wherry Trust future success I do rather hope that the Ministry of Misleading Propaganda (Broads) founders at the first opportunity and that the money is channeled elsewhere, hopefully somewhere rather more useful.
  17. Many model railway shops sell thin plastic sheet that can be invaluable for reinforcing broken whatevers and even covering the break.so that it looks nice. Some double glazing company trade counters have off-cuts of 3 mm 'cover-board' which is very easy to work with.
  18. We now have the insistence that meetings are recorded, the reasons for which must now be obvious to all.
  19. Vaughan, the minutes as presented have long been vetted by JP, this is common knowledge, thus matters arising have long been controlled, the system manipulated and abused.
  20. and sometimes they wouldn't be ready thus the time between the relevant meeting and the subsequent reading of the minutes was extended, very crafty. In any case very, very few committee members take their own minutes. Anyway, audio recordings are to be made, a long overdue reaction to the abuse of minutes by the 'officers' at the BA.
  21. Alan, how right you are, committee members don't always read the minutes of the meeting that they are attending either, quite simply relying on the Officer's carefully worded Report, a fact that has been disdainfully taken advantage of over the last ten or so years.
  22. Vaughan, I like that, especially your last sentence. I do wonder at the qualifications within Yare House for either education or marketing. Adequately qualified then I would have thought that such folk would have employment within those sectors rather than within the walls of Yare House. The Authority does have a penchant for dabbling in matters outside their field of expertise in order to promote itself.
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