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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/forget_snow_this_christmas_forecasters_predict_gale_force_winds_and_rain_for_norfolk_1_4822652 Maybe we won't be sitting on the river bank with mulled wine this year! Nor going for a hoped for Christmas morning sail, I must be getting soft in my dotage.
  2. Judging by the cover this one has to be the best forum calendar yet! Will there be a second edition?
  3. A large part of the problem is the keen DIYer who's boat rarely leaves the mooring, being used more as a weekend cottage than a boat. Every comfort of home installed with little or no knowledge of marine electronics, a specialist subject if ever there was one.
  4. Re galvanic action, if you moor in a marina and you have a poorly installed mains system aboard then you could be causing major problems for you neighbour. I know of several boats that have needed refastening below the waterline after a spell in a marina.
  5. I can cope with traders, 'thank you but no thanks' seems to work for me okay. However, like Carol, I also dislike the religious ones, especially those who don't identify themselves, or their religion, for fear I suppose, of having the door slammed in their faces. Some of them are insistent but I normally win the day when I ask 'is their church the one that sets itself above God'? I then go on to suggest that God has allowed doctors the miracle of being able to cure folk by the use of blood transfusions. Todate it has never failed! Actually I worked with a member of an annoying American money making church, travelling together for two to six hours a day. By heck I learned all the answers! Another one that never seems to fail was to accept their invitation to their place of worship provided they would come to mine first. I never ever get a repeat visit although another member of that congregation might try their luck. The older elders probably send 'em round as part of their indoctrination. Wish 'em a happy Christmas, you might get a rye smile in return!
  6. By heck, Liz, you have enough keel under there for you to set a sail & tack up the Ant. P.S. She looks splendid!
  7. Don't forget Bradbeers and Norfolk Broads Direct.
  8. http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/body_of_a_man_in_his_60s_found_at_salhouse_broad_1_4821117
  9. The Waveney was open this evening! Hope it's for more than just Christmas, fingers crossed.
  10. Regarding diesel versus petrol debate, the environmental consequences of diesel are many and varied but one nasty is that the stuff sinks rather than evaporates. Core samples of Broads mud clearly shows the build up of diesel residue in the spoil since the fifties and sixties.. The Americans are normally safety conscious to the enth degree, diesel powered leisure craft, apparently, are still very much in the minority over there, anyone know why?
  11. If he's renting then I suspect he is out to make a decent profit, if he can. Sooner or later he'll be priced out of the pub by the owners.
  12. Afright, South Rivers bream hot spots happily coincide with pubs on the River Yare, I kid you not! Anywhere from Langley Dyke up to Surlingham is likely to be good.
  13. I do indeed, I was licencee at the time and the old boy that owner her was the very handy-man, we spent many a happy hour on board her. She was a bit rough when she was at Burgh but the boatbuilders all helped when I wasn't watching! That was about forty years ago.
  14. Ah ha, 'tis one of these! http://www.broads.org.uk/wiki/index.php5?title=Style_Details&style=Dlit
  15. Jean, few old cards are really mint but that rarely detracts from the subject matter. Never too late to start! Anyway, see here, plenty to choose from, just get your plastic out! http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p3984.m570.l2632.R2.TR10.TRC2.A0.H3.XNorfolk+Broads.TRS0&_nkw=norfolk+broads&_sacat=914
  16. Gosh, Marsh, the 'likes' are mounting up! On the Edward Williams issue you are absolutely right. Incidentally if people want cheaper then they could Google Newton Crum, that worked for me.
  17. Be careful if you do resort to E-Bay, it can be addictive! Err, what else can I sell? Beware, you could end up living in a featureless, echoing cavern! On the other hand it's a great way of recycling crap. I sold 61 post cards the other day, ended up with £74.00 which is not to be sneezed at but they had sat in a box, on a shelf for years. Now I have space to spread and they weren't wasted. Some only got pence, some quite a few quid but thankfully someone wanted them, I no longer did.
  18. Re vintage fishing tackle on E-Bay, I might have parted with my kid's inheritance but I have then gone on to buy modern and incredibly better performing gear. I sold a Hardy Silex reel for absolutely silly money, although I suspect the buyer thought that he had a deal, and bought a modern 'pin' for a fraction of the price and what a cracker of a reel it is too! I really don't see the attraction of using what honestly, by comparison is old crap! I sold some old aluminium maggot 'tins', modern in 1950, how much! But why when a modern, plastic maggot box is way better for the job and only a quid or two? I enjoy watching Chris Yates on A Passion for Angling but why do people seek to emulate him? I sold my Milwards Swimversa split cane rod to such a person, I now have a rather good Drennan rod that is way out of this world in comparison when it comes to catching fish, and I had change for a pint or ten. As for Aerial reels, old or modern, I have never liked those blessed spokes! I still have one that belonged to my Grandfather though but for actual fishing I have a Lewtham Leeds pin that I picked up from a junk-shop for a fiver, great reel!
  19. Moles and mole stories, don't we just love 'em! More please. Just curious, Steve, did that mole population move on?
  20. What a silly question! Like my Mum I have long been an assiduous collector of postcards. Anyway, the time has come to declutter my office, what a task! Dear ol' E-Bay and one or two surprises! Fishing tackle for example, what is so special about 1960/70's tackle? I have received some amazing prices, not that I'm complaining. Anyway, back to postcards, I inherited not only my mum's collection but also her sister's thus I had a number of duplicates and cards that held no interest for me, plus I had 50 odd years of my own collecting. What has become very noticeable is that cards from Norfolk, and the Broads in particular, will sell and have generally sold well whilst cards from elsewhere have attracted far less interest and lower prices. I would have thought that South Coast boating with cards from 1950 to 1980 would have found a far larger audience than would the Broads. I have long concentrated on Oulton Broad & the River Waveney but inevitably I have others and it's those that I have been selling or swapping. As I have written, it's the Broads ones that sell, far outselling those from other areas such as the canals & Peak District for example. Great for when I'm selling, not so good for when I'm buying!
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