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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. In fairness none of us know why Trudi is moving on. Also worth remembering that Trudi has been with & survived the Authority for a number of years. We can guess but we mustn't assume as to why Trudi is leaving. However it is a fact that a number of excellent people have left the Authority since Prof. Aitkin Clarke, the previous CEO, left the Authority.
  2. Quite so, but what will happen to the Broads in the meantime?
  3. It can also be damaging if the new broom fails to understand how to respond to the 'system'.
  4. Tim, I think that you are entirely right, at least in regard to Trudi. Bless her, Trudi was between the devil & the deep blue sea, a situation that she managed with great professionalism. To my mind the problem is that the job grew around Trudi and Trudi grew around the job. I can not envisage anyone from within being able to move up and fill her shoes and anyone coming in from outside will have a huge, huge amount to learn, not least how the Authority operates.
  5. Wasn't going to though. I have absolutely no knowledge on the realities. Whatever, a great loss to the Broads and us boaters.
  6. Up North to a job in fisheries, so I understand. As to why she left, as I say, we can only guess and your's is as good as mine. Why did you mention politics? I didn't, till now! Bit of a coincidence about Toll-Gate though, don't you think! Yes, I'm playing devil's advocate, but then I would!
  7. http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/jobs/current-vacancies/director-of-operations Since it is now out in the public arena I can report that Trudi Wakelin is leaving the Broads Authority. Trudi has long been a good friend to the Little People. Those of us who know or have worked with Trudi will miss her, a voice of reason at Yare House. We can only guess why Trudi is moving on. I always thought that she'd make a darn good CEO. Unlike some Trudi grew to understand the Broads.
  8. Makes my dual use washing up bucket look a tad primitive!
  9. There are some right softies out there! This lot will be out sailing every weekend throughout the winter months. No cabins or central heating either! http://norwichfrostbitesailing.club/club-history/
  10. Poppy is quite right, moderation on the Society's forum was in complete contrast to that of the dear Pesky!
  11. Put it another way, cranking in those wings, and why not have retractable bow and stern, at the time of measurement by the BA seems to me to be a plan.
  12. Mike just dropped in to see his friend, Steve (Level) Evens. We just happened to be there, incidental to the main event so to speak. Mike & family were passing, on their way to take their children to a party. Sad to relate we didn't adjourn to the boozer. Good job really, it's a long time since I've been able to match Mike pint for pint and regretfully we don't have a handy dormobile to gracefully pass out in.
  13. I really don't know the answer to that one. What I do know is that both major forums, plus the one I linked you too, are well read by folk along the rhonds. There can't be much doubt that the internet was an unexpected thorn in the sides of the Authority during the passage of the Broads Bill. It was certainly a useful weapon. Without the forums I firmly believe that the Broads Bill would have been a much more objectionable piece of legislation than it is. We did manage to get eight important clauses either modified or dropped.
  14. Postscript to our journey, my son-in-law and I returned to the yard today so we could de-rig Spray before she's cocooned for the winter. I do enjoy poking around traditional Broads boatyards, peering into sheds where boats sit on their cradles, quiet and sepulchral like, recognising old friends under their shrouds. In older yards there are bound to be relics from boats and times gone by although you'll probably have to peer through a mantle of cobwebs and dust to find them. There is a sadness in watching a boat being craned out for winter storage, although there will be an interest in her not normally seen underwater lines. As we watched one boat being lifted over our heads a friend, the owner of Madie, unexpectedly joined us on the bankside, the discussion centred on traditional versus modern rudder profiles, prompted by the boat swaying above us, and then, quite naturally, we drifted into good natured reminiscing before we went our separate ways, wishing each other the best for the coming festivities. Spray is now empty, the boots of our cars filled to the brim, tomorrow all will be cleaned, labeled where applicable, and then stored away ready for next year. Job done, over the road to the pub, gosh, they are busy! Not surprising, we had an excellent meal to end our day.
  15. Another old gem here, 1929 this time: http://player.bfi.org.uk/film/watch-day-on-the-broads-1929/
  16. Under 800 members in 2015, the vast majority being from outside the area. Hardly a mandate for influence. At one time membership of the Society read like a who's who of the Broads, not now, regretfully.
  17. Vaughan, you might find this link interesting: https://www.facebook.com/groups/785936721494266/permalink/1187048868049714/ In it you will read that the new chairman has been asked whether the previous coziness between the BS & the BA is to continue. At this point in time no firm assertion has been made either way.
  18. You could, if you joined the Wherry Trust. I'm told that trainee skippers are very welcome.
  19. There is occasionally a Moth out on Oulton Broad, no problems, yet. Click on this:
  20. I wonder if the technology that has produced this beast will filter through to the Three Rivers Race?
  21. I can just picture some precocious twelve year old telling a 'yellow top' full of boozed up 'lads' to slow down! 'Mummy, a nasty man told me to do all sorts of strange things, what did he mean?'
  22. Vaughan, that link: http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/name_change_guided_tours_and_junior_rangers_are_priorities_for_new_broads_society_chairman_1_4801732
  23. I don't know the man but I do know folk who do, however, in my opinion only time will tell.
  24. An old anglepoise light with weak springs might be more to the point!
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