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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Destroyed? Probably not, it's what pays his salary and eventually his pension. However I am convinced, beyond a shadow of doubt, that he's intent on destroying the Broads as we know it and recreating his very own erroneous vision. The National Park issue has annoyed the conservationists, many of whom go boating, quite simply because the stated aim is to market the Broads. Great, but get the strategy wrong and the Broads becomes inundated and slowly destroyed by the very people who come here to enjoy the present qualities of the Broads. Arguably a strategy that does not run in tandem with a sustainable holiday. Us boaters see it as a threat to our traditional freedoms so we are equally annoyed. Generally I think that Packman is pretty transparent, not that he intends to be, but this present campaign to get every ones' back up is nigh on incomprehensible, at least to me. Us boaters need to remember that the 2018 toll increase will be percentage based on the higher toll that we are expected to pay for 2017. Seemingly the bloke thrives on confrontation. Perhaps all but 15 people, having been nicked, subsequently paid their toll? Perhaps a question worth asking. If 493 were caught then I wonder how many were missed?
  2. Packman wants about 3% more from the toll, a tenner or two for most of us, not a great issue, we might have mobbed but I suspect that he would have got away with it. However he has now chosen to upset the applecart, to introduce a scheme that will see rises from 10 to 40% amongst the private fleet whilst reducing the percentage rise on the majority of hire craft. There has long been reasonable harmony between the two factions so why introduce this divisive proposal? Perhaps the clue is in the word 'divisive'. There has long been reasonable compromise on the Broads so why upset that status quo now? What does Packman hope to achieve by driving wedges between stakeholders? From where I'm sitting I can see no other reason for these particular proposals at this particular time other than to divide stakeholders. What does he hope to gain by doing that? To me it is further evidence that the bloke simply does not understand The Broads. Why is he doing what he is doing, it makes no sense? The NSBA has come up with a reasonable alternative, one that would not cause ruptions, it can be done, but Packmans sees otherwise.
  3. Wha hey, we have lift off!
  4. Just to remind folk that the toll provides about half the Authority's annual income. Bear in mind that navigation represents just one third of the Authority's duties and then consider that fifty percent of the toll is hived off for overheads. Adjust that injustice then there might be no need for private boaters to pick up any shortfall. Speed, don't worry, he does know, it has been considered, shared ownership has gone on for generations. Too many variations for it to be a consideration, or it was when I was involved in a tolls review. An issue that would upset a lot of boatowners, both sail and motor. There are even syndicate dinghies owned by anglers. For a kick off I reckon identifying all the syndicate boats would be a major headache.
  5. An interesting opinion, Vaughan. Apart from the syndicate boats I don't suppose many private boats are used much in comparison with hire boats. Was it not for hireboats then I don't suppose we would have been lumbered with the cost of Spirit of Breydon.
  6. Have to ask, Clive, surely you pass the cost of the multiplier onto your clients so why is it an issue? Effectively it is a visitor tax, perhaps it could be channelled into refuse collection?
  7. Despite the double glazing, conservatory furniture, cars, rude Norfolk salesmen and nil interest or spare cash for a gin palace, if I lived in London then I would go. Travelling over a hundred miles just to get there destroys any inclination that I might have to go to Excel. Twice was once more than enough!
  8. Can't really argue with that Paul, but I'll have a go! When a law becomes outdated, as in this case with the introduction of electric trolling motors, then in its application that particular law becomes illogical so surely there is then a very real risk that the very rule of law itself becomes devalued, that the law, once again, is shown to be an ass, or is it an rrse?. When laws become illogical, unreasonable even, a good and fair administration has two options, ignore or change it. We have numerous statutes in this country that wisdom has allowed to become dormant. However, in this case I'm not preaching a blind eye but rather wise revision, e.g. trolling with oars or recognised electric trolling motors but not before November the 1st.
  9. Jimmy, you are absolutely right. Of course it's safer, but my addled brain had ignored the obvious! I have trolled under power on Holland's Islemere for perch, for example, a pleasurable experience. Really bugs me that I can't legally do it on the Broads.
  10. Amazing but the boats at that mooring aren't all laying immediately alongside each other as they are at Oulton Broad's Yacht Station. The thought of a blaze like that at a packed Broads mooring doesn't bare thinking about!
  11. Agreed but it is a fact that it is a navigation rather than an angling byelaw. I have and do troll with an electric outboard outside the Broads area, one hand on my rod and one hand on the outboard, This means that I am in direct contact with my lure and consequently any fish that I hook. When I row & troll I have to lay my rod down and rely on observation rather than feel to indicate a bite, not so good if it's a drop back style take. No question, in my experience, that trolling with an electric outboard is more fish safe than trolling under oar power. Time to update the byelaw?
  12. I've met a few from the other side too, apart from the terrible jokes they aren't a bad bunch! Not sure whether it's a case of Northern men knowing how to treat their women or whether the women like mothering their menfolk, either way, an excellent culture, one to be encouraged!! Mixing with Northern anglers who's womenfolk keep them plied with sarnies & bevvies whilst they fish has hugely impressed me, obviously a sign of an excellent upbringing. Southern lasses please take note!
  13. Picked this up off the internet, a picture of the boat on fire. Frightening, it shows quite dramatically what can happen if a boat goes up.
  14. Met Fred once, he came to a local steam engine rally. He showed me & my wife great courtesy by doing us a decent brew as he explained the ins and outs of his engine. I often wonder if he had as much trouble understanding me as I did him. I like the warmth and down to earth nature of Northern Folk, and Fred was one of the best!
  15. Just for the record trolling under power is perfectly legal as a fishing technique, where it becomes illegal is in regards to navigation. When I went up to Potter the other day I was surprised at just how many anglers had moored up mid river, within the main navigation channel. That too is illegal as regards navigation. As an angler I do have some sympathy with these blatant transgressors but when I got shouted at by a bloke on a boat moored out in the river for sailing too close to him I did inform him that it was not me that was out of order. Not that I told him but as an angler I couldn't for the life of me, or my fishfinder that doubles as depth sounder, see why he was moored where he was, not that that mattered. There is always a bubble of goodness surrounding the Rangers, perhaps they should break their routines more often, even turning round and going back, might surprise a few errant boaters or anglers.
  16. Is that the rather nice place with the wonky church spire and where the inhabitants all speak with funny accents?
  17. Tim, don't underestimate the man. I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that he knows to the enth degree exactly what powers he has. And if he doesn't have the power he will reinterpret another one to provide what he wants. Have no doubts about him, he is hugely well educated, indeed over educated, undoubtedly manipulative and totally targeted, just a shame that he is not on our side. However, he is on a side, but it is solely his own.
  18. Regarding night time navigating on the Broads I well remember one trip up the Bure from Gt Yarmouth. We were struggling with the wind, our choice, but eventually resorted to our motor as we wanted to make Stokesby for the night. Getting there all the moorings were full, we had three choices, lay against the reeds in the river, carry on to Acle or drop back to Stracey. Legally speaking not a problem for us but clearly it was for a number of hire boats, boats that had probably left Yarmouth with all the best intentions but without realising the cruising times involved. I was quite surprised at how many hirers were out after dark seeking moorings. I'm sure that people set off to an intended mooring expecting that there would be room to moor, there isn't and the search begins. I really don't know the answer, not everyone wants to moor up at two in the afternoon. Getting heavy with the Fuzz & the Rangers isn't the answer, but then I don't know what is. I rather suspect that most night time navigating hireboats do so because they find themselves having to rather than wanting to.
  19. The NSBA has responded, but will Packman listen? http://www.thegreenbook.org.uk/default.htm
  20. Enjoy, it'll take you all day, even Norfolk's best can not hold a candle to it!
  21. For those misguided souls who would want Potter old bridge replaced there is, apparently, a vision to replace it with a GRP replica, complete with lifting central arch. The old one would be recycled and rebranded for marketing purposes as Norfolk Rock and sold off by Yare House Trading, a subsidiary company of BNP Enterprises.
  22. Derbyshire isn't such a bad place. Chatsworth, for example, stunning. Lori, do you live in the Peak District Real National Park?
  23. No Jonzo, just me being sentimental. Gorgeous morning and similar evening today. Lucky me, out fishing and not catching much but it was just good to be there. I thought of all you poor sods stuck in your towns and cities, unable to enjoy what I had all to myself.
  24. I had the Broad all to myself this evening!
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