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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Perhaps, when this is all over, there will be a welcome shift in both our behavior and more especially our values. I can at least hope so.
  2. Surely Black Tar Varnish is the biz!
  3. From Wikipedia: 'Most English counties have nicknames for people from that county, such as a Tyke from Yorkshire and a Yellowbelly from Lincolnshire; the traditional nickname for people from Suffolk is 'Suffolk Fair-Maids', or 'Silly Suffolk', referring respectively to the supposed beauty of its female inhabitants in the Middle Ages, and to the long history of Christianity in the county and its many fine churches (from Anglo-Saxon selige, originally meaning holy)'
  4. Another lockdown moment! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-52427165
  5. One condition that has not been mentioned is that of depression. Another five or six months of this, who knows, but some one who does have underlying problems and is cooped up in their house, well, I do have some sympathies with such folk. Depriving them of hobbies, as is happening for some, is hardly likely to improve their well-being. Back to back TV can wear a bit thin!
  6. Probably. It could introduce a new demographic group to the Broads. Except that more folk will need to cook aboard meaning that there will more engine running at moorings in order to fire up the microwave oven.
  7. It's not the picture that is frozen, it's Martham for you!
  8. If this has been mentioned then sorry for repeating it but Horning Sailing club has installed cameras covering the course of the 3RR and have kindly left them turned on! https://www.horning-sailing.club/webcams.php
  9. An apparent lack of an experienced, fit team, plus an unachievable handicap for a boat that is so rarely raced, does appear to be a problem. Bit of a pity really. Looking forward to seeing the reborn Lady Bird.
  10. Something of a big unknown but judging by the reported queues of folk clamoring to get into B&Q yesterday I suspect we shall eventually all carry on just as before, just minus a few more shops in our high streets.
  11. A trailer, Honda Gold Wing style, would do the trick! Was talking to a publican friend of mine yesterday, his feeling is that the Broads pubs won't reopen much before Christmas, ahh, got the C word in, so will it really be worth the effort?
  12. Due to my mum-in law's health & situation thrusting me into becoming a carer and eventually the primary winder up of her life, five years ago, followed by my wife's ill health and my own decline I have to admit to having let things go in regard to my boats. I have always kept my varnish work as immaculate as I can but five years of neglect has taken its toll. My Drascombe has a mizzen mast and boom, the main mast with its boom and yard, five spars in total. This lockdown, despite the worries and tragedies, I'm actually quite enjoying it, I've found time to strip back to bare wood three of the five spars so far, they now look like new! There is something incredibly satisfying about working on spars. Sanding and planing out dings and black spots, running my hand across the timber, checking for irregularities and making good any damage, making ready for at least eight coats of Epifanes varnish, all in all the next best thing to actually being out on the water! For the first time in a long time I have rediscovered 'me time', it's almost unaccustomed, but it's good.
  13. Angling on the Broads might be okay after all!
  14. Electric winches equate to battery drain so manual is good! I have a small version of one of these on the fore-deck of my Drascombe. In itself it is bomb proof and I even use it to beach my boat as well as breaking out the anchor or mudweight. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MOYLE-Classic-Manual-Windlass-for-10mm-3-8-chain-I-think-gypsy-warping-drum/372826438991?hash=item56ce2ffd4f:g:hS4AAOSwRu5dtE~m
  15. Alan Breeze also liked airplanes, he was involved in the creation of this museum behind his pub, it's well worth a visit: https://www.aviationmuseum.net/
  16. Worker's Playtime was another cringe worthy BBC classic! Actually I rather enjoyed Billy Cotton and Alan Breeze. In later years Alan opened a pub near Bungay at Flixton, The Buck. My wife and I were regulars when we were courting. Lynn could down a yard of ale in 24 seconds, one of Alan's attractions, I never managed to beat her time, not for a lack of trying though! A girl that would sip a Babycham or one that could down a yard of Adnams, no contest!
  17. My memories of the BBC back then were the NDO, an effort to be trendy, actually the Northern Dance Orchestra, seemingly a bunch of tired old men playing bland musak without any feeling or emotion, it was truly awful! The Pirates were a breath of fresh air, a sense of rebellion even. Fashion and art followed on with that rebellious spirit, it was an exciting time to be young. At one time back then, when I had a riverside shop at Burgh St Peter, I had either Radio Caroline or Veronica on continually for my own sake but customers clearly loved it, helped my sales that was for sure!
  18. 1966. http://www.offshoreechos.com/Radio Caroline/Caroline60sPage-12.html No mention of Lowestoft but 'a photograph never lies' plus she went to Richards Iron Works where I went aboard, the boss of the yard being a family friend.
  19. When one of the Caroline radio ships came to Lowestoft:
  20. The Millennials amongst you will probably have no appreciation of the impact of the Pirate Radio stations of the 60's an 70's. The founder of Radio Caroline has just died, RIP. The Radio Caroline Roadshow came to Norwich and Lowestoft several times, and a Caroline ship came into Lowestoft for repairs so pirate radio almost came to The Broads! http://www.radiocaroline.co.uk/#home.html
  21. To-date she only comes out at Oulton Week. Just wondering what you could balance on Ladybird, she has had at least one extreme rig so why not another!
  22. Perhaps it will be 'The Shard' when Clive has finished whichever one he is finishing.
  23. Does that include the new mast, the one that is rumoured to even top the Tacolneston Broadcasting aerial?
  24. It's what 'Benny' hats are for. (Preferably in yellow and green and never in blue and white!)
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