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Everything posted by Wussername

  1. For many a sad summer. A wretched summer. It will be difficult for all of us. I have personally gone through a couple of very difficult summers and I was looking forward to some quality time on the broads, on the river. But not to be. Let us hope that as a group of like minded people we will be able overcome some of our petty differences which in the scheme of things are of little consequence. Indeed you could argue of no consequence. Andrew
  2. OK GO. But you are one of those people that this forum needs. A person of sincerity. Stay. Please. You don't have to post every day, every week. Just provide us with a bit of sensitivity that we need. Andrew
  3. Peter. I have taken on board your comment that the Broads will be around long after the virus has been tamed. And I agree. But will it be the same as we both remember? I am of an age. Nearly eighty. I can remember, like yourself, an age gone by. I wish for those days on the Waveny, on the Yare, on the Wensum. But they have gone. We have to look back and reflect on those wonderful days. We most allow the new generation to decide their own destiny. Is it so wrong? Time will tell. I hope that they will take heed of our concern, however that will only be achieved when we are able to obtain confidence with regard to their ambitions for the future and that we are united and confident in in our endeavours. Without constant criticism and disdain of those who seek solution.
  4. Do not log out Chris. We need your council. I am also appalled by the insensitivity of some of our members. Back off. We don't need it. We don't need your posturing. May I appeal to you all for a constructive, beneficial contribution towards the most challenging of issues of our lifetime. Andrew
  5. Well I for one would like to thank you Ian for your very kind offer. At this moment in time I guess we are fairly well stocked up. However in few weeks it could be a different story. Now where did all those pheasants go a few weeks back?
  6. I have always valued your contributions to the forum and I sincerely hope that your optimism in this particular instance gives me and others confidence for the future. We need confidence and direction to overcome this dreadful situation. Few will be able to provide, we just need to provide support towards them.
  7. Hi Chris Am I able to stay in a hotel Use their restaurant Have a tonsil rinse in the bar? Moor stern on to another boat, eat at a restaurant, have a pint in a pub All of us are facing social limitations and more importantly financial implications. I am at a loss to be able to offer advice or comfort. Andrew
  8. Perhaps, just a thought. Should we not be giving a consideration to our members on the Broads, on the river who have issues concerning their welfare during the current crisis. And our visitors, the holiday makers. A simple contact for a local or a distant member for advice for those who require help. Guidance and assurance from those with local knowledge. Perhaps, just perhaps, the frivolity of a game or whatever you like to call it should take second place under the current circumstances. We need to be proactive in providing support and assurance that this forum in particular is foremost in providing support and help to those in need.
  9. It is going to be a very difficult time for us all. You are not alone. Anne and I are facing similar problems. I am afraid that the majority of families and our closest friends will be compromised by the effects of this virus. Andrew
  10. "Where were they taken theme" Just before you went into the bank I suspect!
  11. Not when you sit on that there wall as long as I hev .
  12. On the slantandicular as we say in Norfolk. (Of the ugliest bridge in Norfolk). Who ever approved the design of this monstrosity?
  13. Indeed. Passed a large notice in the entrance foyer, prior to the reception area, which stated that "DO NOT ENTER WITH CORONAVIRUS SYMPTOMS. CONTACT 111 FOR ADVICE" The reception area could at any one time have seated some thirty, elderly, frail, residents from our surrounding villages. My wife and I were telephoned today and informed that our appointment at Brundall had been transferred to the surgery at Blofield. Not a joke. No confirmation of this particular virus at Brundall. But what it does demonstrate is the care and professionalism and precautions taken by the team at Brundall to ensure the health and welfare of thier patients.
  14. I agree. Not a joke. I have never stated otherwise. Andrew
  15. Is that confirmation of someone returning from the far east or confirmation of coronavirus.
  16. BA is correct it is not their business. Well not all of it. Most of it is ours. And joy of joy's. More to come once all this building work off the NDR is completed. Where is it all going to go. Does anybody know.? You won't be able to see the bridges at Wroxham or Potter let alone go under them. Andrew
  17. A bit confused Alan. I thought that the smell came from the main sewage works. Which outlet are you referring to? Andrew
  18. I read somewhere that the filthiest jerm ridden item you ever touch is the handle of the supermarket trolley.
  19. If you have not done so already you must give up smoking. Go to your doctor and get signed up for pulmonary rehabilitation at your local hospital. A six to eight week course. A one hundred percent commitment is required. You will then be considered to be referred to a local gymnasium that specializes in people of your age group, capability, and suffer from COPD, episodes of chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis and other respiratory conditions. You will be offered an emergency pack of antibiotics and steroids. You will not be alone. Andrew
  20. Bronchiectasis is another condition similar to COPD and effects many people, indeed as with the latter many people have the condition but have not been diagnosed. The coronavirus is of great concern and will lead to a serious exacerbation amongst COPD sufferers. Fumes, petrol or deisel is another matter and to those who suffer from respiratory issues can and will find that prolonged exposure to this pollution may give rise to further complications. The running of engines for periods of time, whilst moored, has far reaching implications for many over and above noise pollution, to those in close proximity to the fumes. In the fullness of time action by the authorities will have to be taken. Perhaps this year would be a good time to start. Andrew Andrew
  21. A bit confused by your reply. Where is the blockage? All the way down from the bridge to the Bure or are you not sure.
  22. Where exactly is the Thurne blockage? What does it consist of? If it has now sunk presumably at one time it simply floated about.
  23. I fail to see the "good fun" where there is this constant need for character assassination. Andrew
  24. Yep, agree with that Regulo. Climate change and pollution.The former is for us all. Pollution, depends where you live I suppose. Certainley there is pollution on the broads. Now, that is something we can make a difference.
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