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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. I get it,the high earners in footballing percentage wise is overall small.What I think should be done is for football to look if in this time there could be a balance. Some clubs like many not only football,but in business have not really handled this very well.Thats the point I'm trying to make.Many high profile companies were quick to throw people under the bus.Most people know I have been a lifelong fan of Chelsea,and football in general. Football has a massive following, I think in this very difficult time football just needs to set an example. Some clubs in Europe are doing just that.I take your point Griff,I think it would go along way if clubs looked how they could help others less fortunate.I also accept clubs are doing alot for the NHS and many local organisations. Let's hope this horrible disease goes soon,and we can enjoy or not our football. Ian.
  2. When I worked in the hotels in the mid seventies. We had a really good football team.One year winning all three cups on offer.One cup played at Highbury, one at Stamford bridge. Many of our team were semi pro.One had played for Chelsea under Tommy Doc. After watching him play in our final they offered him a contract back at the club.He turned them down,was earning more as a semi pro and working for the hotel.
  3. Don't forget tonight at eight o'clock to show your support for the NHS.I would add other emergency services,support staff, delivery drivers supermarket workers. They all deserve our Thanks.
  4. It's a tricky one.looking back a few weeks, so much panic buying. Things were getting out of hand,there was a need for order by and large things have cairmed down in the main.There needs to be a balance with Policing. Its a burden of overstretched Policing.
  5. I agree in part.Yes indeed many outside of the PL and the championship are on low Money. However the top players should set an example and take a cut in money. That money could go to charities, many of which are suffering, there findings are drying up.
  6. The big news at present, which I think is disgraceful. Many top clubs are still paying there very rich footballers full money. Yet many of there back room staff across the board are on the Government 80% of there money. Not a good example. Clubs should set an example and pay there staff full.Money there players can afford.
  7. I just think sadly my company despite all there talk about caring for peoples well being and mental health.There just interested in making money. I am somewhat annoyed, I have worked hard for them and often put the company before myself.If in different circumstances I would tell them where to stick there job,sadly I'm at home unable to do anything for at least 12 weeks.
  8. Like those that I work with all are at home,on the understanding that may need to return to work.All be unlikely. With me I'm not allowed to leave home and because I'm a chef working from home is impossible .
  9. At least I'm not on my own,Think its unfair, my health issues aside.Last year I only had one day off sick.In the last 10 months I have been part of a team that made where Im working a success.Quite rightly theres a level of protection to me and others in my position.I understand that and indeed thankful.What I don't understand, many that I work with are also not working yet are being paid 80% of there wages.If this virus wasn't around I could work. I would try and get some more details tomorrow.
  10. Not long off the phone with my boss.She informed me that because the NHS have said I'm at high risk and must stay at home.I will only get SSP.Just got March pay so from now on will only get SSP.Not sure what I can do will make some calls tomorrow
  11. If it makes people happy,I wont leave home until at least the middle of June.
  12. It appears some Police Officers have been a little quick off the mark with some people. Think now common sense will come through.
  13. Yes Carole it's not easy,I've been home now two weeks.Unable to leave home since Monday last week.It will take time but we're got though this.Stay safe.
  14. Indeed when this madness ends,the world will change. Some for the good,some notes so good.Thimk in the beginning there be lots of spending.People will what to go out,pubs,restaurants Trips to the seaside country side,etc.Think more on line spending.For sure the high street has been changing and will continue to do so.Think bid stores will reduce or share space.I for one look forward to the day I can leave the house.
  15. Also one at The bear and bell Beccles. Think he ate a fair bit of the pub!
  16. You are correct in 2 to 1.Try a little oil.Keep checking until its cooked.If your rice starts to get dry,just add a little hot water.If too much water when its cooked drain well.Try cooking your rice now and again in the oven.Do the same 2 to 1,add a stock cube cover well takes about 15 odd minutes. Ian
  17. I'm I bit slow.Got it in the end!Just my blonde moment.
  18. Unsure what you mean Paul,but in my case if I catch this virus I will certainly need one to help me to breathe.If you mean the link with Mercedes. Certainly the closest I'll get to a Merc.
  19. I've just asked Google it was between 6 and 11 times a day.Even 11 times a day is incredible, May explain why it's hard to get people into the habit of washing there hands more often.
  20. What amazed me.About three weeks ago,on BBC breakfast mentioned hand washing just as this madness started that on average people washed there hands about five times a day.If correct thats unbelievable .Okay I'm a chef properly wash my hands after every task,so in a day maybe 50/60 times at least.
  21. A picture of me,my fleece is about as close as I will get for many weeks to the boat sadly. Still not easy for me being unable to go for a walk or the shops.Have been in the garden as long as not one else is around.On the news,some interesting developments regarding ventilators.UCL and Mercedes have one in development, which they say may be available next week.If so may keep many out of intensive care.
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