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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Dont know for the life of me understand why people are buying up loo rolls. Anyway too much talk about Corona, drink a good Norfolk or Suffolk beer instead. Grace theres some nice white wines in Surlingham!
  2. Theres far to much panic,most of which brought on by the press.Is this any worse then the Flu?I dont think so,think EVERYONE needs to take a breath. It will get worse then settle down.Its not the end of the world despite what some people think.
  3. As I posted yesterday, I contact ed 111 regarding some symptoms ,temperature feeling unwell etc.The doctor reviewed notes from 111 and advised me to see him if symptoms continued for a week.I did not go to work yesterday or today.Pleased to say my temperature appears normal now.There are other things which may or could be down to my COPD. Perhaps a warning. I'm aware of signs that sometimes lead to a chest infection. The way I feel dont think that's going to happen now.My problem some of the symptoms are also similar to those of Corona,which in my case it's not
  4. Think the advice so far to to avoid some countries, but most countries its okay to visit. I expect there will be more cases everywhere including the UK.Best to take the advice of travel companies. We are going to Cornwall in June.The Holiday is due to be paid this month. It's not a concern to me yet.
  5. Thanks,I've learnt over the years when there is a problem I seek advice,even though I have a number of health problems, oddly I dont get many cold.With COPD you get used to a number of symptoms. Last night and this morning others unexplained problems arise.That why I took advice.
  6. Well last night I wasn't feeling right and this morning I woke up feeling very warm,then cold.So I phoned 111.After about 40 minutes talking it through. Pleased to say it's not Corona but after a number of Q&A's ,she advised me to see the GP within three days.So pleased it's not the virus, but theres something not right.Just my luck really.
  7. Pleased that your wife is on the mend.The breathing clinic is standard. My breathing is checked once a year now.
  8. Think theres to much panic theres no doubt it's a serious problem, but some of the stuff written and on tv does not help.
  9. According to BBC breakfast this morning, about six thousand die of flu in the UK. For my part I'm at risk,working in London at present in a leading international bank with people from.all over the world, and I suffer from COPD.However I'm not unduly worried. I try to cut down on risks that are within my control. Also this morning the number of cases in China are reducing.
  10. As I said have stopped at the New Inn for many times over the years,and spent lots of money in the pub.Will think again if they charge.Another favourite, The ferry house.
  11. Hand sanitizer are good,but the advice is frequent hand washing.
  12. If for example if the cost is 5 or 10 pounds and that's taken off the bill, then yes.If they retain part of the charge no.
  13. If they charge to moor there,I wont stop there.Have been going to the New Inn for years.Always have a meal there.Wont if they charge.
  14. I know the feeling having had phenomena ,it is a concern. Peter send my best wishes to you and your wife.
  15. I hope that the pub goes to someone who will maintain high standards. Always enjoyed staying at the pub.
  16. My earliest memories was the locks.I remember Susan, what a character!Not been back since it's been tarted up.Hope to go this year, think I will be disappointed.
  17. May be worthwhile asking southgates ,next to the New Inn.They may have some info.
  18. When I first dated Marina, she had a dog called karla,a German shepherd. She would take up most of the bad,plus the three cats.There was no room!
  19. Very true, they were both great characters. Pops loved her food.In fact she even nicked peas off my plate once.Cici wasn't so fussed about her food,but she did like a chat.Pops was just over 19,and had a long life. It was and still is hard with Cici,being 11.We would love another cat and a dog,but probably wont until we retire,unless we can't go any longer.
  20. Fire tonight,sadly Poppy and Cici are not here.Poppy used to love a fire stretched out like a sausage dog.Cici wasn't so sure.Time goes so quick.Poppy pasted over two months ago Cici a month ago.Its still hard not having them around.
  21. If I did that think I'll need to take out a bank loan
  22. Think it's right that we take care,but still the risk is low.Flu kills thousands in the UK each year.The Chief Medical officer adviced against wearing face masks,only to be used if you have the virus or in close contact with those that have it.Think hand sanitizer are a good idea.
  23. At present there are 20 confirmed cases in the uk.One British man has sadly died although it appears he lived outside the uk.Clearly it is a concern. What is not helpful is some of the rubbish doing the rounds in the press and TV.One paper said that perhaps 4 out every 5 would get the virus.! Think we all have to take care.Clearly theres hotspots, China and Northern Italy .At work hand sanitizer machines appeared in the Restaurant on Thursday night. Working where I do many of the staff travel all over the world.
  24. As I said I was a heavy smoker,40 plus.I never thought I would give up.On a trip to Canada I could not smoke for about 15 hours.I lost the will to life and would give anything for a smoke.What changed for me was during 2005,I felt rough and money was not good.Thats when I decided to give up.I talked through all the methods and picked patches.At the time I was working at Abbey Road,we agreed I would give up on 3 November 2005.That day because I was on stand by, because Stevie Wonder was in the studio.I got home gone midnight so I smoked until the next day.I got home at 11.30.I had six cigs, smoked five before midnight.broke the last one washed the ashtray.Went to bed.Next day Before I had a wash put a patch on and have never smoked since.The important thing is you need make your own mind up to stop, which I did it was my wish to do so.Think my COPD would be worse if I carried on
  25. I'm lucky in that at present dont need oxygen or a nebulizer. At worse I can go to A&E.Often those with the most serious foams of the disease will need Oxygen and or a nebulizer.
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