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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Many thanks to all those that posted.She was a lovely cat,well loved and sadly missed.
  2. Don't forget you've gotter be good tonight .The big mans on he's way.He's knows who's been naughty and nice. Wishing you all a great peaceful and happy Christmas and all the best for 2020. Ian
  3. A quick trip to Bexleyheath for me to get some bits and Bob's. Just washed the car,been meaning to do so in the last few weeks.
  4. I like many miss Iain,always friendly helpful and a steady hand .Sure he would have enjoyed the Cricket in the summer. RIP Iain.
  5. Very sadly Poppy passed this morning, after a number of years with arthritis and other problems. We took the decision to have her put to sleep. In early October she passed nineteen.She lived a very happy life,and was a large part of our life. She entered our life on November 2000.I saw a item in the News of the World. Every year for some unexplained reason people abandon black cats.We phoned the RSPCA, they confirmed indeed they had over 100 black cats.Poppy picked us,coming down to see us.At home she soon made her self at home.She is sadly missed beyond belief and her loss will take along time to get over.We both felt her time had come,we both stayed to say bye and she soon slipped away. Poppy RIP,you will always be a part of our life in thoughts and Love.
  6. A good mix of afloat and the Caravan. Have a great Christmas and 2020.
  7. Well almost Christmas and the New year ,What a year.Health:This has been my best year for health in about five years. Bit of a scare in January. I was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate, thankfully not Cancerous. So far only one day sick,due to my COPD .Marina has had problems with her sinuses,which has affected her hearing.All in all as far as health concerned not bad.Sadly my Aunt passed away,she lived to a good age in her nineties. A good year for boating many trips and the boat behaved well.She is going to have some work on her next year.We returned to Berlin in June,a lovely long weekend in really good weather Next year a trip planned to Cornwall and Devon in June.Our daughter married in August, something Marina and I thought would not happen. As for Christmas, Alan and Dave are coming round for lunch. My Hope's for the following year: The hope of a more peaceful and understanding World.Think of those that are lonely and may just appreciate a friendly smile and the odd word.When we are in Norfolk/Suffolk people talk,not always the case here in London .There are so many bad things happening ,nice however theres more good things then bad. Wishing you all a great Christmas and Happy boating New year. A few pics
  8. Very merry Christmas Peter and a happy boating New Year
  9. Snap welcome back hope all turns out well for the New year.
  10. This year,perhaps more often lots of criticism of the results shown on Sunday.Think they need to see if possible to do all on Saturday. I too thinks it's one of the best show on a Saturday night Long may it continue and let's have more of it's kind.
  11. Kelvin and Otti are the winners.Think it's been one of the best series yet.Think they should do the whole show in one evening. Ps my vote went to Karim and Amy. First time in five years I picked the wrong couple.
  12. It's the final of strictly. Be a very good run this year.Whos going to win. Keep dancing!
  13. Congratulations from me also.I hit 65 in March.
  14. I am like other sorry to hear such sad news my thoughts with you Griff.
  15. I too wish them all the very best for the future. Also agree as a private owner given the chance to moor there. Like Potter spaces are tight if your boat is to high to get under the bridge.In the past we have moored at Herbert Woods.
  16. Most trips we get in there,now and again moor at Richardsons.
  17. It appears sadly that two members of the public have died.Members of the public restrained this man until police arrived, they did so very bravely in the knowledge that he had attacked other with a knife. These cowardly terrorists who think they can win are mistaken. Thoughts go out to the family and friends of those that died and injured in this dreadful attack.
  18. Here we go again,stabbing on the northern side of the bridge.Police shot the man and arrested him.Not sure of all the details. First heard about an hour ago.A number of people have been hurt.I'm on the train going home now.No trains stopping at London bridge.Police everywhere even on the river .Hope those hurt are not seriously injured .
  19. Yes indeed a sad loss.He had been I'll for many years.Aslo sad to hear of the passing of Gary Rhodes. As a Chef myself I greatly admired he's cooking.I never met him,however have worked with George his son.We both work for the same company. My thoughts with him and the family
  20. Before we owned boats,always used Silverline. Good well maintained boats,even at the end of season,boats look good.
  21. Peter we have seen one Bittern,a number of years back.On the way to Oulton he fly past us.At home even though we are on the edge of London/kent in Frank's park.A large wooded area,with have both kinds of Woodpeckers owls and many other birds.Lots of foxes too.
  22. Tolls are now paper less like cars.Therefore not on display, have been so for think three years now.
  23. Sorry but I dislike Aldi,only go there at Christmas for German biscuits. We have lots of there shops near by.much prefer morrisons, Sainsburys and Waitrose bluewater .
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