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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. As I said COPD affects those with Asthma, bronchitis, ex smoking, miners etc.. Indeed Coronavirus is a problem to those of us that have COPD and or breathing problems .I dont unduly worry about it but try to stay as fit as I can. As I've said many times before we hope to move to Norfolk next year,which hopefully less pollution.
  2. I too avoid the boat when it's to cold and damp. I understand about smoking until I gave up I smoked 40 plus a day,and enjoyed it.I was lucky. Never thought I would give up,but used with the nurse at our medical centre patches did the job. I'm pleased my post as enlighted people.
  3. Send my regards to your dad. I'm okay thanks
  4. What is COPD? Its Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Can I catch it? No. Can it kill me? Yes. Can I manage it? To a degree yes. How did I get it? Late November 2015 after a number of heavy colds ,I went to hospital and was admitted and had pneumonia .I was on oxygen 24/7,only coming off oxygen to go to the loo.After which it would take me about ten minutes to recover. After a series of tests and treatment I went home five days later.For the next week I was also on oxygen, at first constantly then reducing my dependency. COPD in my case was due to the fact that a I was a heavy smoker. I gave up in 2015.COPD affects those with severe Asthma or Bronchitis. Also miners can also suffer. How do I manage it? Day to day I have three puffers,one take twice a day,one once a day and one up to four days a day if required. I get my breathing checked once a year.Thankfully it seems to be fair not getting any worse.I also have with me Antibiotics and steroids .I am aware of the signs of chest infections so can self medicate. Last year was good only had one mild chest infection. How does it affect my life?Not that I would, but wouldn't be able to run the marathon. Even walking fast can make me breathless.Can and di work in quite a hard trade as a Chef often working harder then those half my age.Each year I have the flu jab, at present am okay. This is a serious disease, there are four stages to COPD.1 being the mild stage through to 4 which can lead to death. To make it clear I did not do the post to make people feel sorry for me,but there is a lack of understanding of the disease. People often say to me your okay aren't you?Yes but I can't run or even walk quickly.Just imagine running as fast as you can for example 100 yards then taking ten minutes to get your breath back. I am okay as I said not out for anyone to feel sorry for me.Just a understanding of the disease. So if anyone says what's COPD?hopefully this post may help. Ian.
  5. Get perhaps about six odd of those.Shame these people cant use there knowledge properly on getting a real job.Instead of trying to rip us off.
  6. Marina had one the other day. From they said TV licence saying they could not collect payment.Could she give her sort code.Thats where the mistake was.Of course she didn't. I hate these low lifes.
  7. Now I know he's a bit like Marmite,and not everyone likes or approves of Boxing.I have always like boxing,growing up watch some of the best fighters.My favourite being Mohamed Ali. Tyson's win over Wilder must rate as one of the best wins ever. I in recent times have changed my opinion of Fury.Was never a great fan of him.What did change for me is the very fact he turned he's life around. On his own admission, he took drugs ,drinking to much and was very depressed. At one time he was going to smash he's car into a bridge and kill himself. From that point he turned things around. To go from such a low dark place to become World champion is a great achievement. The Boxing aside,it sends a powerful message to those in a dark place that there is hope and you can turn things around. Well done Tyson.
  8. Some heart warming stories today.This morning on BBC breakfast. Dan Walker was walking he's dog when he met Tony Foulds who was tending a Memorial. Dan asked him what it was.Tony had created it in memory of a American bomber crew that died close to the spot. They were returning from a bombing raid in Germany when they crashed. It was hes hope that a flight past could take place. Dan together with the BBC spoke to a American air base and on the 22 February last year the fly past took place and 15 thousand people turned up. The second story was that of Speedo Mick.He has walked from John o Grots to lands end in just he's speedos boots and a hat.He is a long standing Everton fan,they have supported him al the way.He's as mad as a bag of frogs.A great character he's raised over 250 thousand pounds. And a update Quaden the young Australian lad bullied because of his height, lead out his favourite football team.
  9. I had hope things have got better,but hearing your story it seems theres a long why to go.Some years back I too had mental health problems. At that time I was involved in the community doing voluntary work in Thamesmead and Chair of the IMB at Belmarsh prison. Also lots of hours doing event catering. Resulting in one way or another unable to cope.Often I felt no one understood, it took me a number of years to turn things around. So I fully understand your story and that of others in a dark place.The treatment of Mental health affects so many ,what is encouraging is high profile people are thankfully highlighting it. Please pass on my regards to your son,and hope he is making a good recovery..
  10. In the last few weeks there have been examples of both.The social media which we along with millions are taking part in,has a responsibility to all of us. Sadly Caroline Flack took her own life.It appears she had her demons.She was a big celebrity and would expect her life would be looked at in great detail.The other day a mad mad killed nine people for what reason?Then killing himself and he's Mother.Only the other day the knitting of the poor man in The London centrol Mosgue.The story of the young lad in Australia picked on because of he's size.He's Mum posted the story about the bullying he received. The good that came out of this very sad story was the fact that Celebs highlighted his story. I believe social media has a responsibility to all of us.I admit at time I've typed something that later I thought perhaps I shouldn't have done.However some of the things appearing on net and press and TV is just not on. Mental health is a large problem offen over looked or not even understood by some.We need a open debate that is a good that.We all have a responsibility for our actions. Its had work being nasty, it may be throwaway comments or actions,planning to hurt others.Its easy to be nice to others.Thankfully theres more good then bad.So many floods in the last few weeks,many have rallied round helping others.That should be highlighted and not the hatred that grabs the headlines.
  11. We do stop at Wroxham, mainly to do some washing on our two week holiday. Always a bit nervous being there.At times it's busy always some idiots who've had to much to drink,then going all over the place in a boot,have been hit a few times.
  12. Like Gracie, we used to love Berney Arms.We would go there from Brundall, moor for the night, and catch the tide the next morning. For us the start of ours hols.So sad it's gone now.If I was 20 years younger with a few Bob,I would be tempted to have the pub.Sadly I'm not.Now one of our favourites is Loddon, love the Whitehorse. In fact we retire next year and intend to move to Norfolk. Loddon/Chegrave is on our list of places to live. Also The Ferry House Surlingham is great for weekend.Must ho there 5 or 6 times a year if not more.That said there are many places we love.
  13. Had one this morning, automated telling me about my PayPal account. That's all I needed put the phone down.
  14. Sorry but dont think tv is the problem. What I do think is the problem is as said here dambing down of standards. People of my age were taught respect of parents , and all adults, be they teachers, Police etc.Too much freedom now.Freedom is great and should be embraced. Sadly that seems not to be the case now.Thats why so many young people are involved in knife crime. Thick society needs to re balance before it's too late.
  15. Agree,theres a whole range of unacceptable behaviour. Many want things straight away,that may be high end goods,as I've said before many I work with now want to be Heads Chefs but dont have the skills to be so.I do think bad and unacceptable behaviour is growing.In my opinion I think this is s problem that needs to be dealt with. There are many many good people doing some great things,in all ages.Sadly there work is overshadowed by those who just dont care what they do.
  16. After a not very nice day coming home.What happened I think was unacceptable. Coming home from Cannon street a young girl spent 20 odd minutes on her mobile taking to someone,saying how she would like to beat someone up in no uncertain terms. She was very drunk .Just to make matters worse some idiot pulled the alarm, which had to be reset by the driver.Was this young girl quite bo ever one heard.Then she light a cigarette, by then I heard enough ,and of course had her abuse aimed at me.Sorry but dont accept rubbish from a low life like her.I know I am getting old,but wont accept acceptable behaviour from low lifes. In my view some people have none or little respect for others,but I will not accept bad behaviour.
  17. We are moored at cove Brundall, a great place to moor.It has loos showers,and a friendly bunch that run the marina.It unlike some places very secure. Our boat is 29 foot.We are charged 30 foot. If you are interested, send me a pm and I can give you contact details.
  18. Give us a rough idea what your prepared to pay for moorings .
  19. Yes a sad loss,still he had a long life.Must of done something right to life to such a good age.Just recently a few of the few(ww) Fighter aces and bomber crew have too passed away.
  20. Think if this is to happen, the powers that be need to speed up charging points. There are only a small amount anywhere at present. All in all very few on the broads.
  21. Skill,or lack of it.When I learnt to cook I was taught the basics and did jobs from start to finish well. Something that has stayed with me all my working life.Sadly many chefs now dont know the basics, yet think they are Gordon Ramsay (There not).Not even close. Not only Chefs,many waiting staff,front of house,Managers dont have a clue .
  22. I agree,was going there some years back.Booked dinner but something came up,cant remember what so we cancelled in the end.All last year did not look inviting at all.As we are close by often just passing to go elsewhere.If it improves,we may call in one day.
  23. Being able to play outside,for as long as you wanted, without fear.
  24. I agree now there are so many positives,where life has improved. Health for instance .Many illness that were life threatening are now treatable. Choices are far greater also.Food,food available from every corner of the world. What I think is lacking is : There seems to be a lack of respect by some.Manners sadly often not present .
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