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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. If you cook them long enough, with lots of wine there not bad
  2. Today thanks to Marina I went clay pigeon shooting. I've been a few times before and many years ago used to go shooting with a friend of mine.Today and in recent years went to JJs near Bluewater. Very enjoyable I'm not to bad hit about 65/70%.Perhaps if we didn't have a boat,I perhaps would take up shooting as a hobby. A few pics,including a cup I won few years back.Okay not very big,and not the FA cup.
  3. When we was in Beccles in September we saw the Rangers.I ask them if any of there boats were coming up for sale as I may be interested in buying one in a few years time.They said some may be for sale in the near future. They also said SOB would be with drawn from sale.
  4. Very sad,always liked , last of the summer wine.
  5. We had some crocheted ones which we sold for £3.Sadly like many the some are sold via the internet and may not be the real thing. However if there brought from the RBL,and or the poppy shop.Then they are the real thing.
  6. This year they had Rugby ones and golf.
  7. Not quite correct as a poppy Appeal collector papar poppies are sold up until 11 November, pins are sold on behalf of the appeal and generate lots of money each year.Just check on the poppy shop.com.
  8. As you have said.I started this thread to honor those that died,serving there country and those that served.I do so out of respect. I'm not interested in the politics.
  9. A few mistakes sorry,it the phone deciding .
  10. In Flanders fields the poppies blow between the crosses,row on row.That mark our place,and In the sky the parks,still bravely singing fly scarce heard amid the guns below we are the dead short days ago we lived,felt dawn,saw sunset glow,loved and were loved,and now we lie. In Flanders fields take up our quarrel with the foe;To you from failing hands we throw the torch:be yours to hold it high.If ye break faith with us who due.We shall not sleep,though poppies grow in Flanders fields.
  11. A piece of the Berlin wall, a tradant,a east German mark.
  12. As I said we did the bus as you did,but also visited Marinas mums old boss in the East travelling on our own.Passport checks etc conducted in German or Russian, not in any other language. That said glad we made the trip before the wall came down.
  13. The Trabant,was the Rolls canhardly of East Germany. They rolled down the hill and could hardly get up the hill.
  14. Peter we also have pieces of the wall.Its still on sale in Berlin.I just wonder how much of it is the original wall now.
  15. Its thirty years today marking the fall of the Berlin wall.As some of you may know,Marina is half German mum in law was from Berlin.Came to England as part of the Berlin air lift.We spent our honeymoon in West berlin in 1977.We returned two years ago on our 40th anniversary and in June this year.Berlin now is a very different place,with lots of investment taking place.We intend going back again in 2021.Back in 1977 moving around the city was not easy.We did visit East Berlin,firstly on a bus tour going through Checkpoint Charlie then by train which was far from easy almost an hour,having the border guards checking us over.Now its seem less.There are some very good museums charting a dictator and the war.We have been to a few,and very moving in deed.Not easy at times to take in,and almost unbelievable in the business of mass murder.If you are watching seens of the wall falling spare a thought for those that suffered during the war and indeed the time the wall was up.
  16. I think Paul.you have hit the nail on the head.I just wonder how long the powers that be hold off on Knighting Lewis.There is every chance he will get one or two more World championships. In my opinion he has done enough to gain a Knighthood .
  17. I always use Brian ward at Brundall, give them a ring.You will get a discount as a member of NBN.
  18. I believe Lewis will go on to win Seven.Paul you are correct he does not the credit he deserves. All said and done it is one of the greatest achievements in sport. Some will say it's the car in an age of high tech.Thats true yes,but theres been many races where he beat better cars when he's car was not performing as well.If you turn the clock back MS,help start the development of the car then Lewis went to the team and carried on to continue development. Like many I was very sad to see England lose to South Africa in the World Cup, but was cheered to see Lewis get the Sixth WC.
  19. Think it's long overdue, when you consider, he's on the edge of becoming the greatest F1 driver in history.
  20. Lewis Hamilton has won he's sixth World Championship.Second only to Michael Schumacher. Well done Lewis a great result indeed.
  21. For me could have been worse if Chelsea lost,thankfully the blues won today
  22. No words really,they overpowered us,poor passing .South Africa were the better team
  23. Today is of course the final of the world cup.Its been a great event,not only for England but many other teams involved Like many I will be glued to the TV,in the hope we can win the cup again.It would be something to gain the second World cup this year.Winning the Cricket world cup against New Zealand this summer. Good luck boys .
  24. It's not only calendars.I still have a polo shirt and a fleece NBN,my name and our boats name.They stopped a few years back.Whats on offer now?All I can see are pendants, member stickers and little else.
  25. Just got on the train at Cannon street, to the sounds of a pipe band.All part of the Poppy Appeal. Lots of Army boys and girls collecting in the city.Tomorrow and Saturday ,I'm doing my bit collecting, Friday and Saturday next week also.
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