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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Even though its close to us in Brundall, we have never been there.
  2. Marina and I got home from the hospital just over an hour ago.The hospital were very good,the vet explained what would happen.After some paper work he brought Cici in.At first she was stressed, thankfully soon she relaxed and sat with us from some time.She was clearly happy we was there with her.As agreed when the time was right the vet slowly put her to sleep.We asked about Cici cancer if he knew how long she had it.He said it was hard to tell it may of started small,then grown fast.All we were aware of that she was not like herself in the last two,three weeks.Overall not a nice experience, but we were glad we spent time with her before she went.It was clear she was happy to be with us. Life is sometimes unfair, Poppy went on the 22 December She was 19 years old,and had health problems. Not nice losing her,but partly expected. Cici during her life suffered few health problems until this.Both were in there own way big characters .They are sadly missed,always remembered. We said some time ago, we wouldn't get a dog until we retire, let's see and a car.We both need time to adjust. Marina and I are very thankful for all your kind thoughts and wishes. Regards Ian.
  3. As I said this seemed to come out of nowhere .
  4. I spoke to Marina earlier ,sorry to say Cici has got Cancer of the throat and it's fairly advanced. What surprised me it was only noticeable recently,and she went down hill fast.We are going up tomorrow to say goodbye. We are heartbroken, losing both cats within two months is almost unbearable. Poppy had a long life and was partly expected but Cici being younger, appeared in good health. I dont know what else to say.
  5. According to Marina they are a specialist Hospital. What's worrying no one seems to know what wrong with her.Yet shes gone through most of her life with very little illness. It came on fairly quickly. At first we thought she was missing Poppy.She was not herself, normally she likes to talk and enjoys company. Both of which were lacking.
  6. On the 22 December last year,sadly Poppy our eldest cat passed from our life.We are still coming to terms with her passing. Last week Cici our other cat became unwell.She like all our animals was treated by our local vet.They have always been very good with all our pets,however then are unsure exactly what's wrong with her.She was referred to a hospital in Potters Bar.They still are not sure what's wrong with her.Marina phoned me earlier, they will do more tests,but it does not look good. On a personal note I feel bad for Marina, because at the moment I'm working from 14.00 to 22.00.So Marina is dealing with all this on her own.We really hope that Cici pulls through this,but it doesn't look good. Some may say it's only a cat.Pets for us are family and improve our life.Cici and Poppy both loving cats.We just want Cici home.
  7. Well my forum name is Chelsea14Ian,my team,name and year I joined. Most people know I'm a Chef now and again I mention where I work.I do take your point .
  8. Are you talking about Greenway marine Chedgrave?If so we moored there some years back for a few months. I dont remember them having any boats of there own.
  9. I was surprised that he went to the ********. Yet it seemed he used to be there years ago before he was at the New Inn.I wait and see what happens at the New Inn.Have never been a fan of the Ferry or the Swan.I hope the staff are treated well at the New Inn.
  10. The good thing about the forum, theres always someone who can offer help and or advice.
  11. I agree with what your saying,think part of the problem is lack of respect, role models. And perhaps the speed of reporting. The very thing we are all using now social media. To often now some will pick up a knife, attacking others,with no remorse on there actions. To return on the whole scale murder.When we went to the Holocaust museum in Berlin.One story that stack in my mind.It was the account of a German Policeman,not army,SS. He was giving his account of a day to he's wife about killing children. He said that at first it was slow,but as the day went on he got quicker. How he could relate this to he's wife, passing it of as normal was unbelievable. What to do think is very important is days like yesterday, reminding people of horrors of war.Not sure we hold back the tide of hate but let's hope we can slow the tide.
  12. So I guess you dont pass the Port!
  13. Not if you can or not,why not ring them to ask. Ian
  14. It is a lovely village, the New Inn has been said is one of the best pubs on the broads
  15. I did not intend to make this political What I make no excuses is we must learn from our mistakes from the past.We must not turn a blind eye
  16. Perhaps not on such a large scale, but hatred still exists. The most recent form of large scale murder in the middle east .Today some shops in Greenwich were dorbed with anti Jewish slogans .So many young people killed for little or no reason, other then belonging to a different group. We need to learn from the past.Otherwise the madness will continue.
  17. I'm surprised and not surprised, have had a feeling that things were going to change. Also one of our favourite pubs.I too hope ot goes to good hands. Gus left the New Inn in October. Think he moved to the Ferry Inn Horning.
  18. Today Mark's the 75 Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.Some story's were told on BBC breakfast this morning.,in which some of the survivors gave account of there time in the death camps.There accounts was very moving and brought the horror to life. Last summer Marina and I visited Berlin we visited the Holocaust museum. That too was very moving. There was story boards from the 30s to the end of the war.What was striking was our the business of killing speeded up.Early on people were shot,over time mass murder speeded up.Peoples lives were charted whole family wiped out.We lift after a few hours drained very very moving. We walked into the sunshine,sadly in the course of the war almost six million people never saw another day. What ever your beliefs ,faith just spare a thought for those that died or suffered in the horrific time.
  19. I may be wrong, but think morrisons are from the North of England.
  20. Morrisons always have Haggis, got ours yesterday at Aldi.
  21. Wow what's the address?Great price. Have a lovely evening.
  22. That's a shame,we really like the Haggis. I too will also have some wine and chocolate. Good choice always enjoy going to the ferry house,sure you wont go hungry. Well there is a little bit of Scotch in my ( besides the single malt).My great Grandmother was Scottish. Have a Happy Burns night& Happy Chinese New Year. Ps For those that are not keen on Haggis, theres some great Chinese food.
  23. Today is Burns night.For those that have never tried Haggis give it a go.Marina and I often have the Haggis with Nepps and Tatties .A Scottish friend liked it with bacon and Gravy,something we also serve with the Haggis.A surprising good and filling meal.Wash down with a wee drum. For a number of years we had trips to Scotland, when Alan and Nicola were kids.I would say to them when we were close to Scotland, keep an eye out for the Haggis.They have three legs with very big ears and lots of hair.Kept them quite for a time. Enjoy Burns night
  24. Try Brain Ward, they sell lots of things + they give a discount to members of NBN.If they don't stock it,sure they may get it for you,or give you details of those that can help
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