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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Long may good chippy carry on.Many years ago we had a good Indian takeaway, which I liked.Sadly it shut,a few years later it was replaced by a fish and chip shop. Good I thought, early on I tried it,what a disappointment. Went in and asked for Place and chips.He got fish from the freezer defrosted it in water.Needless to say never been back About the most have seen in the shop is three.
  2. We go through Long Statton on the way to the boat,often there is a large queue at the chippy,always a good sign.
  3. I dont do new year resolutions,but my Hope's are as follows:Health this year has been my best year for health in over five years.Only one day off sick.Hope it continues next year.Boating:to enjoy many trips over the season good weather would be nice. The house,Marina and I are getting close to retirement 2021.we have slow but sure giving the house a lick and a promise ,aiming to sell in '21 and move to Norfolk. Hope to continue getting the house ready to sell.Work have always enjoyed cooking,not so keen of some of the stuff that goes with it.Ie some of the internal politics.I just what to enjoy my trade.Family we only have a small family, but hope we all have a peaceful and happy year.Infact would be nice if we all have a happy and peaceful year,everyone has a better understanding of others and be respectful of people. Hope you all have a very happy 2020. Ian.
  4. Question? How many have you lot be at the fulling down stuff,because this thread is barmy
  5. Years ago on a works evening out We all went to a quite posh Restaurant and one of our party was well known as a joker drove the waiter mad.He said how come the dry white wine is wet.The waiter who was not English,did not know what to make of it,scratched he's head and said I dont know and carried on serving. We said to him,dont worry he's a bit crazy!.
  6. Other problem,you may lose the piece of paper.
  7. No not really it depends how many you are cooking for.If you are cooking for small numbers do so by hand.If you are cooking for hundreds best use a machine if possible. In the early part of my career all vegetables and potatoes were prepared by hand.Now lots of veg and spuds are pre peeled and ready to use.It saves on time and labour.
  8. Disagree if done correctly, and that's my job, are lovely. If you had triple cooked chips that were greasy they were wrongly cooked.
  9. I agree best park boiled,allow to cool.Fry at low temp.Finnish off at high temp.fluffly on the inside,crispy outside. Add a little sea salt lovely, but do so on the day. From a chefs point of view it makes life easier. Therefore part boil early in the day,close to service fry at low temp.High temp to order.
  10. All joking aside,I have been off since 21 December, back to work next Monday. Very pleasant too,but these days seem mixed up. Yesterday up to the boat,lunch at Potter, the cafe was packed, and seemed like a Saturday. I know next week when things get back to "Normal" it will be strange. I will say as far as I can remember never turned up for work when I shouldn't have.Have on more then one occasion jumped out of bad,start to get dressed ,only for Marina to say its Sunday,no work today. May I wish you all happy New Year,Christmas, Easter,August bank Holiday, what ever it is.
  11. Very sad to see this.Looking at the boat I doubt its seen much love for some time.Where was it moored do you know? You make a good point.Will double check our contact details. At cove there are a few of us on NBN,and do let one another know if problems arise.
  12. What day is it,Christmas eve, New years day,Easter.
  13. I'm not very good a tech stuff. Dont know how to do screen shots.just to repeat myself. I post three posts under my day.When I checked my emails, those three posts were there.I'm not saying that others can or can not see it,but clearly its came back to me.
  14. If that's the case,how come my posts today under My Day on the forum appeared on Facebook NBN?
  15. More of a discount card which they used to do.They would give a 10% discount in the shop,which they stopped last year..During the year we would call in 3 or 4 times at least. As I said they are considering bringing it back year.Which I hope they do.Also missed the news letter,always helpful.
  16. We called in last Christmas, they were just starting the shop Which was rubbish, also was not impressed with the food.Even though we did not eat today.The menu seems better.Thought the shop looked better today.
  17. Just called into Woodfordes. The menu appears better then the last time we called in.Decided not to eat this time,got some beer for New year.Good news they may bring back the loyalty card next year.
  18. On our way up to Brundall, just to check the boat.Will put covers on the boat.Then pop to Wroxham and Potter.Spot of lunch somewhere. Then home.Christmas was nice,a little sad without Poppy (Pops) our cat.Alan and Dave came over for lunch Christmas day.Had lunch with our daughter and son in law yesterday at a pub.Very nice.What ever you are doing have a good day and best wishes for the New Year.
  19. On a Oyster +plus since I was sixty. Saved me a good few Bob
  20. Happiness is a cat in a box at Christmas. Have a merry Christmas from CC
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