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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. As we are told by the medical experts. Soap and water and wash for 20 seconds is the most effective. Now that supermarkets are becoming more normal. Hand sanitizer will be easier to find.What is good to have is service sanitizer sprays.We use them in work,I have one at home.Regarding hand sanitizer, since I've been at home I rarely use it,just often washing hands.
  2. Me also,three steps on a ladder is enough for me.One of the truly amazing places we've ever been to.Was the Grand Canyon. We did the helicopter over the cannon. It takes your breath away.After that we were allowed to have a walk around. Marina and others got close to the edge and said have a look.No way even though it was about -5.I broke out into a sweat and felt worried for them.Yet I love flying.
  3. Hardley mill is one of the few that still works.In all the time ar Brundall never been there when it's working.
  4. Hardley mill is one of the few that still works.In all the time ar Brundall never been there when it's working.
  5. So no doubt you will have a go on your bike when you can.Also trips on the boat.What are you all looking forward to when this madness ends? I will just be glad to do simple things go for a coffee, drink.Perhaps visit the beach and of course the boat without the worry of this horrible disease.
  6. Should of guessed very close to us.
  7. Marina and I, did she tidying up in the garden today.Now I'm knackered.
  8. I'm 65 most people I work with treat me the same as anyone else. Okay theres a fair bit of Mickey taking.I give as good as I get.
  9. I think the last few weeks has shown how quickly life can change. Two weeks ago I was very busy at work looking forward to getting back on the broads and doing lots of some really nice things in the summer. All of which is put on hold. I think it shows very clearly life is precious and must be treated as so.We are all at risk.Sadly we dont have a magic bullet. On a lighter note.I was wondering. Many boys and girls on Friday and Saturday nights go out drinking often in -4 temp,snowing rain,in very little cloths.Boys short sleeve shirts . Girls,mini skirt,short sleeve top high heels and hand bag.What do they do now?Wear said cloths and stay indoors,or just watch tv? One of the girls at work left the start of the month. Her farewell drinks was at a club close to work.My god made me feel old(I am).Certainly the eldest, drinks need a bank loan for a round. Try and have a good,all be it a different weekend. Stay safe.
  10. How has life changed for you in the last week? For me having to stay at home and not going out.Still doing things around the house,that dont normally get round to.
  11. Depends if you one of those in the high risk.I unable to leave the house at most go into the garden ,as long as no ones around.
  12. I'm so pleased, I've just been accepted as a NHS volunteer. I'm unable to go out but can be on the end of the phone to listen and help others.Very much looking forward to do what I can.
  13. Like many I will be showing my support tonight at 8 o'clock. For all those in the NHS and all the key workers,Police, emergency services, workers in the supermarkets, delivery workers.In fact all those that are working to help us all.I won't be outside, because I'm at high risk,but I will show my support from indoors.Again well done one and all,thank you.
  14. It is indeed very real.I think theres still a problem with transport and shops.They seem to be the hot sports.
  15. Day four on stay put.Having a tidy up seeing what we can keep,throw or sell in the kitchen. Perhaps we will all have now very tidy houses.
  16. In my job,we always wash fruit and veg and have done so for years not just now. It is very important not to wash meat however. Chicken in particular is a no no.To do so will spread germs.
  17. Good luck Griff,good to keep busy.Yesterday we had an unwelcome thing happen.Our kitchen drain overflowed. We tried to unblock it,without much luck.Luckerly we have insurance. Someone's coming round tomorrow. I will probably have to go upstairs while it gets fixed.
  18. I've just tried to volunteer for the NHS service as someone would help out on the phone. Something I can do even though I'm at home.Went through the whole process, but because I'm not very tech clever the bit about documents put a stop to that.Shame really think I would have liked to of helped .
  19. So have you had a series of texts?.I got texts on Monday then a letter yesterday.
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