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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. In such a terrible time as this.There are also so many acts of kindness. Just in Captain Tom has passed the five million mark to aid the NHS. Well done Tom.
  2. I worked with Chef who served in the RAF.He told me he was a bit of a so and so.However clearly very brave. Please sign my petition.
  3. I think in general most people have now got it and are taking it seriously. For sure some will need to be on the river,some not.People are allowed out for exercise. All of which is acceptable. Large groups ,playing football,bbq is not on. One of the wonderful things to come out of this madness, is the countless acts of kindness. People have stepped up helping others.There sadly will be some that are selfish. "I can do what I want".Thankfully they are out numbered by the good amongst us. Ian ps Please sign my petition.
  4. Very sad indeed.So far theres only one person I know who's had the virus. Thankfully she is now better.
  5. I think most of us by the end of this will have very clean and tidy houses
  6. How about that chap from Norfolk?On this day England expects every man to do his duty.
  7. It's not easy for me to comment on this.I've not been out of the house for four weeks.I do think by and large most are getting the message at last.Regarding our friends across the water.When I smoked we went over every month to get cigarettes,chocolate and wine.Never had a problem the same down south. In Paris they weren't that friendly. Rarely spoke English. In fairness most large cities are the Same, including London. I think as a nation we have a poor attitude regarding language.
  8. Carole,yes it's very much a double edged.I as I said very much looking forward to getting back on the boat when possible. Of course worried about staying well,money is a concern,and its money sat in the river doing nothing. The main thing is for us all to stay safe and get over this madness as soon as we can.
  9. I am one of those that are at high risk.I have to stay at home for at least 12 weeks. Like many missing the boat big time. Pleased to say most people are obeying the rules.What is helping me is the hope as soon as possible we can get back on the boat.
  10. I did have a look at my emoji, its is a bit unclear. Dont know if you are on Facebook, my emoji there is we the two sitting down Pretending to do a press conference. I've also got a photo of me with the European cup!Sorry to rub it in.Way back when I worked in the Hotels our team played an won our cup at Stamford bridge. I didn't play but spoke with a number of Chelsea players. Great memories.
  11. My photo is with Ron Harris and Kerry Dixon. I did a tour of the ground. Both had some great stories. Have met Ron twice.
  12. Think you forgot Sweetkingfisher from Oulton broad, sorry shes not for sale!
  13. I've now had 19 people sign my petition. Still.long way to go seventy more. Now I keep going on,but I would like to make it possible. Make a NHS day once a year. My reason is simple.We all are thankful for there careless help it this horrible time.Also all the care and key workers.All working round the clock, keeping us safe,supplied with food deliverys.The bin men and women. This will end none of us know when,but end it will.in future I think it would be lovely to set aside a day to say thanks.Perhaps it could also serve to raise money for charities linked to the care system. If you could sign and share with others that would be great.
  14. Sadly two others died.One of my legends Peter Bonetti,Chelsea and England Goalkeeper. I saw him many times playing for the blues.A great keeper.He was for many years a coach at the club.RIP Peter. Also Tim Brooke Taylor passed away.
  15. Sad to hear of his passing. Probably one of the best of his generation, yet never winning the world championship. A true great.
  16. About as close as I'll get to the river for some time.Say hello to Fred the fish.He or she is a Angel fish.He/she always come over to see me.I kid you not.Okay I dont get out much well at present dont get out at all.
  17. According to BBC Boris has left hospital. Good news indeed.
  18. I'm getting there,still a long way to go.Please sign and would be great if you could share. Ian.
  19. I third that.I agree about the Chocolate. My Birthday is close to Easter,March 23 I always get Easter eggs.Normally I get Marina Eggs.This year thanks to this horrible virus, I cant get out of the house. I've tried to go on line.No luck.Unable to share because she can only eat Dark chocolate. When I can I will get her some chocs.
  20. Thanks to those that have signed, however I still need 85 more to sign.If you could help,I would be grateful .I just want to set aside a day to Thank those that have helped us. Ian.
  21. Happy Easter.The one thing that is good is the weather.Indeed let's hope this dreadful disease goes soon.
  22. It would be the broads,that's where we hope to move to next year.It would be lovely on the river with moorings. So we could sit on the boat and take in the river.
  23. What is life like now for you now? No beach,no river.No going to the pub.long queues at the supermarket. Long days,often bored.No work.However remember the many that are helping us .Some we dont know who they are,yet they are helping us.We will overcome this madness.It will take time.Remember those that helped us in our hour of need. The NHS,the care workers.Delivery workers bin men and women.Key workers.The good neighbor asking if we want help.Dont forget these people when we most at need in our hour of need.Thank you all.
  24. I need in total 99 to sign ,still got a long way to go.
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