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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. The New Inn at Horning yes we had lunch there the end of Feb.they tend to shut for a week or two in early Jan.Not sure about the bridge inn.
  2. Not only, is what has happened in New Zealand very very sad.Here someone is killed of badly injured. It seems for no reason.Some gang related,others are completely random .I think everyone needs to try to put a stop to this senseless crime.Far from easy,but don't think we as a country can stand by.
  3. The thing is most things such as water are not fully on until Easter.It may have been a idea to contact the boat yard prior to your visit.Welcome to the forum.You may have noticed if not ,there is a lot of info available here.
  4. Such sad news today from New Zealand. The senseless killing of so many people, many of which were young and old.Why would anyone want to commit such a random crime.These people were going about there business taking part in Friday prayers.My thoughts go out to those that were caught up in this tragic day.
  5. In the season,normally there hired boats are moored up behind SK.Making it fun for me to not to hit them.
  6. I have not moored there for a numbers of years .We carry on to Wroxham or Horning
  7. There's Marina and myself.Nicola our daughter stays now and again. We only have one shower. So think it should be okay.
  8. We visit Loddon,perhaps more times during the season then elsewhere.If I'm honest would pay to moor.But I fully understand Simon (Whitehorse).He picks up a lot of trade from boats at the BA moorings.
  9. Saw this house a few years back.Would be great at Christmas.
  10. Just arranged a loan,will get our boiler done ASAP,plus some other bits.In the hope of moving to Norfolk in a few years time.
  11. Great place to visit,not keen on going up to the top.Not good with heights, plus COPD can give me a problem.
  12. Why not email Graham ,he will be able to let you know.
  13. There are private permanent moorings,not sure where.I think close to the old topcraft base.
  14. Graham (Maffett) is in the process of Finnishing off moorings in Oulton broad,he hopes by the end of next month.If anyone is interested please phone him on 07852520206,or info@maffettmarine.co.uk. Ian
  15. I may have opened a can of worms.Apart from being a Chef,I'm not much you of anything else.Painting is about my limit. Our house was built in 1901,is far from easy to keep warm.We are unable to have cavity wall insulation because the way the house is built. We have been quoted a price for a combi boiler. Some of you suggested this was not a good idea.I want this sorted ASAP.
  16. The stores went about nine years ago.Great post.I have been boating since the sixties.Owning boats for almost ten years,and yes it gets into your soul.
  17. My thoughts to Clive and his family on such sad news.
  18. I prefer to pay three months at a time
  19. Paid for our moorings (for three months)and our tolls.Just over eight hundred pounds.Then had our boiler checked,unfortunately it's seen better days.Will need a new one,about 2.5 k.Still it's only money.The boiler is over twenty years old.On the plus side,we hope to sell in about two and a half years time.We a new boiler may help.Now all we need is six numbers now! Ian
  20. Hope its a good game.If which seems possible,Norwich go up perhaps you could see a good away game at Chelsea!Don't know about Millwall,Falham.road has some good pubs. Ian
  21. I agree about ropes,on the day we went there were boats making it all but impossible to use ropes.So I did it on the water.Not a problem part of the fun.
  22. We have been once and would like to go again It is fairly narrow takes about 10 minutes to reach the end I think.Our boat is 29 foot we turned it coming back,all be it about10 point turns.All said and done a lovely pub.We at that time did not eat there,because I had a meal ready on board. The menu looked good.What I like is the story behind the pub.As many will know the public got together to safe the pub.Give it a go it's a great pub.
  23. Don't think so ,the sea cadets have long gone and what was Thai on the river also Finnished.
  24. The boat that was Thai on the river was/is falling in apart.The restaurant that has recently gone out of business was In my opinion never going to work.It had a very small menu.I liked Thai on the river but towards the end standards slipped .
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