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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Think it wise to take the rapid flow test often anyway.They can be picked up at chemists.Here at the Borough Council.
  2. While I was in hospital, we had a survey done on our house (kent).Before I went into hospital, I arranged for a builder to quote on some of the points raised in the survey on our new house. Got the quote today.All good.Just be glad when things move on a bit quicker. We also arranged a funeral plan today.Not that we want to go just yet,but means Nicola and Alan won't have to pay out any money
  3. Thought I was unlucky. Hope you feel better soon,and some better luck!
  4. Very well said.I make no apology for my support of Lewis.In my opinion it was 50 50,and I would suggest it was a racing incident. Red bull were to use a football term,surrounding the ref,to get a player a red card.So Lewis got a 10 second penalty worked with it and won the race.I like many hope Max is okay and look forward to the next race.
  5. From my experience (in hospital).Tests have to be repeated every five days.For this to work ,it must be paper as well as the phone and app.Even with two jabs there's no guarantee your Covid free.When I went into hospital it was assumed I had Covid until test was negative.
  6. Lots of talks with doctors and consultants. I came home this afternoon. Yesterday?Marina and I wanted to speak to doctors, none available. Marina spoke with one this morning. Then I saw him this morning, he together with Marina thought best to arrange oxygen for home.An hour later,he's consultant,checked my stats and said I could come home without oxygen. Feel alot better.If any problems, contact again.A follow up scan in 4 to 6 weeks.For sure a tough fight.A big thankyou to Doctors, nurses and support staff at Queen Elizabeth hospital Woolwich. Very pleased to be home.Been tough on Marina and the family.
  7. Despite the Football today very good.My BP and temp very good.Saw Doctors this morning, all good my scan showed a little on the l nodes,she thinks that because of the pneumonia. Today this morning on 10lt oxygen, then reduced to 8lt.Just now 4lt.The Doctors said once oxygen level improves I can go home.Going in the right direction. Marina and Alan have just gone home.Very happy with results and tomorrow Nicola our daughter is visiting.
  8. No but with needles,of which I've had many.Its a sharp scratch. The I enjoy the most(not) is the blood thiner in the evening.
  9. Thanks,looks like a nice day.As there four of us,in our bay.Perhaps we're have a two aside later
  10. Found the film,saw a clip very funny. Thanks for the heads up.A mixed night.Rough at first, then rested better.My oxygen intake is high,via a mask. Pneumonia is better,still there but improving.Have lost that hot and cold,mainly cold feeling.Its nice and sunny this morning. As there's four of us,in our bay perhaps we have a two aside later!
  11. At last just now a nurse just my meds ,and some are stopped,because my stats don't require them for now.Would have been nice if someone had told my before. Many thanks to the nurse who checked for me.
  12. Had a bit more sleep, they increased my oxygen. Despite speaking to three people about my normal meds.Showed my repeat script. This ward can't find any info.All they have to do is log into my hospital records. Anyway the pneumonia is still there but think the antibiotics are winning.
  13. We make a good pair,she can't hear and I can't breath. The was a film ,where was blind, one deaf,one with no legs.And between them they drove a car.Very funny,can't remember the films name.So bit like Marina and myself.
  14. I need to make it clear,never came off oxygen. Was wired up to the machine. I had not slept for 24 hours.They wanted my stats between 92 to 94.if they dropped between that a bleeping would ring.Not easy to keep that up.Thats I I turned off the machine. I did sleep a bit,and this machine is not as loud. They want 92 plus.Think I've made a slight improvement. Hope to sleep a bit tonight, without any dramas.Yes Marina and the family are concerned.
  15. Had my scan,sadly lost my room.Now in a bay with three others.Acted as guinea-pig to students. They asked questions, then examined me.Was asked this morning if it was okay to do so.
  16. Seen the consultant, and other senior staff.My pneumonia is on both sides, due a scan soon, not sure when to check to see if I'm still Cancer free and on the Pneumonia.
  17. Wanted to sleep last night,so the machine that I'm hooked up to monitor my oxygen and BP.I turned it off thinking it may prevent me from sleeping. Mistake about 1.00am they checked my BP and Oxygen levels,which were very low.Hocked me up again and levels have improved. Lots of IV antibiotics. For sure I've got the biggest fight on my hands,which I hope win. Marina came in yesterday and will do so today.I hope for a better day,let's hope so.No TV anyway But as I said,I have my biggest fight. Thanks for all your kind comments. X Ian
  18. Since Sunday I've been having flu like symptoms. Have phoned 111 for advice.Each day getting worse, then yesterday 111,they ordered me an ambulance. Long delay.Marina phoned 999.Got to hospital 3.00ish.lots of tests,including another Xray. Oxygen and nebuliser. Have yet again pneumonia. How lucky am I.Got to the ward about 2.10am,well my own on suite,over looking cemetery Road.Hope there not trying to tell me something! Still England won shame I didn't see the match.Think I'll be in here for a few days.
  19. We all have our moments ! It's a very good film,worth a watch.
  20. If you missed it get it on catch up.Very good film.
  21. Not long started following a world wide black out.Jack has a accident. He's the only person that knows the Beatles songs.Filmed in Norfolk and Suffolk. Just seen the Reedcutter.
  22. Mixed Results, but some very good ones. Andy Murray lost in three sets yesterday. Today Cameron Norrie Lost to Federer. Cameron played very well and think he will do well in future. Dan Evans lost also yesterday. Today a real star in the Making.Emma Raducanu.Shes through to the second week.And only a wildcard.Think she will go a long way. Tonight what a great result 4-0.Making five clean sheets.Now back to Wembley against Denmark. Can we Dare to dream?
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