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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Have been up that way many years ago.Will certainly go again when we move.
  2. If it helps I admire others with skills such as carpenters, builders,restorers etc.Think we all share a common thing.Thats care and passion in our job.I've seen many Chefs that have that passion. And many others in other trades that have care and passion.Thats to key.
  3. So okay we're still in the middle of covid,and earning a few Bob,is hard.This is taking the mick.
  4. So thankfully I started working for Baxterstory.we had many varied contracts ,from schools and colleges. Advertising, Transport,sport and much of our work in the city.For most of my ten years with the company I enjoyed the work.Even though I was on the relief team,I was a head Chef,and often would be in charge of the Kitchen.We had about 350 contracts in London and the South East, I worked in about 90 units,I think lost count. Food wise we provided from very simple to very high end food. In 2012,of course London Olympics.I was part of a team that looked after the Brazilian Olympic team,at Crystal Palace. The menu and part of the team,were Brazilian.Roberta and a team of four of her Chefs.She is a Michelin star Chef.With a Restaurant in Rio.She was very demanding ,it was her way or the byway.She got rid of a number of our staff.There was also 4 to 6 of us from Baxters.I got on well with her and her team.So much so that I was the only one from baxters she trusted to run a service,when she wanted her team to time off.She gave a few of us tickets to see the boxing,which was good.We looked after the team for four weeks,hard work,enjoyable earning me a few Bob. Next time,some problems with health and happier moments. Marina wins a trip to Ireland Tips on pickles and Cook books.
  5. Spent a few Bob this morning. The other day we saw some furniture, which made us think.So this morning, we brought a glass cabinet, side board and a two nest set of tables. I asked if they deliver to Belvedere yes,then I asked if they deliver to Norfolk a slight delay in answering, yes we can.So for three items and delivery just under 18 hundred pounds. It's good quality not flat pac.Very pleased,should look good in the new house. Just need smelling salts and a lay down now.
  6. I like you Griff,would wait a time.Allowing lady clipboard to contact you.Then see what add ons you can receive due to your lost flight.
  7. Silly me Flight not fight.Will tell you, I once went three rounds with Action man,close run thing he won on points.
  8. I feel your pain.Some years back Alan treated me to a fight on a DC3.What a great experience. The following year I wanted to do it again.The day came,and rain stopped play fight cancelled. So rearranged it.In the meantime the EU brought out a rule baning grenral public due to health and safety. However I could fly in a Rapid,a bi-plane 8 seats.Very enjoyable flying over Cambridge and Suffolk. So hopefully from your disappointment some good may come from it. Fet on the phone,get them to rearrange a fight, and reach for the sky. Best wishes Ian.
  9. Well well done Emma.A true champion.So grounded,which is so refreshing. Even winning the US open its early days,but Think she's got the making of one of the best champions yet.Time of course will decide if she is the best.lets hope that encourages others to take up Tennis and hopefully produces other champions men and women.
  10. Okay not so much summer more Autumn. Still not been a bad summer of sport. England almost won the Euros,just missing out by the lottery of penalties. GB did very well in the Olympics then the para Olympics.I very much enjoyed the Cricket last week,sadly we didn't win that one.Due to Covid the fifth test planned for yesterday was cancelled. It was said that many of the back room staff of India came down with the virus. Do think two hours before play to cancel the match was unfair to those turning up. Tonight a ture raising star will attempt to win the US open in America. Emma Raducanu.This is only her second Grand Slam tournament. She played Wimbledon and pulled out with breathing problems. That's created a lot of criticism if her,which I thought unfair.She is only Eighteen.Whatever the result she has been outstanding, and will go on to be truly great. Good luck for tonight Emma. Oh and did I mention Chelsea are champions of Europe? Let's hope the rest of the year brings success in sport (and Chelsea). Ian.
  11. Watch tonight on Channel 5 at 8.00 o'clock. They are on the broads.Stating at Gorleston-on-sea.
  12. Ray jion the club,bridges bite back
  13. Never used one and wouldn't consider one.I often cooked casseroles or bolognese. Then reheat on the boat.Then any length of time,buy along the way.Yes easy for me as a Chef.However with planning easy for everyone.
  14. Some of my last jobs before covid,was making pizza .Believe me that's tough. I used to make about 60 in a evening.
  15. South,The Ferry House and Whitehorse Chegrave (there tomorrow).North used to be the New Inn.Not been there since it changed hands.Whitehorse Neatishead, Lion.
  16. Don't think that's the case. What is clear is Norwich's spending or more to the point, lack of spending. The prem is very expensive and often teams will yo yo from the Premier to the championship. I wish them well and hope they remain.Of course its early days let's see.
  17. Lewis my scooter enjoying the Cricket.
  18. On the way back from the Oval.Very enjoyable day.Could be a close match.Some photos.
  19. I'll have the fillet steak at 15 Bob please.
  20. Think that was ruled out,because Friday in Holland. Plus they said 85% chance of rain today.
  21. Fully agree.To only race,not really the right word. I could have taken place in my mobility scooter! And have a result was stupid. Think Lewis was right ,those that went to the race should get there money back.
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