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Everything posted by Chelsea14Ian

  1. Not F1,but very sad to hear of the death of a volunteer. At Brands Hatch.
  2. No problems for me,I cook on the boat all the time.Breakfast,lunch and dinner.
  3. I have but we're not American.
  4. The thing is this is England not America.
  5. We've seen them all over the broads. Yes last summer at broadsedge.Oftrn sitting on boats,ropes etc. And here's a big one spotted last summer!
  6. Sorry but I would. I'M always generous with tips,but would refuse a service charge.
  7. In London 2012, beach volleyball had the largest crowds.Dont know why?
  8. GB have not done well in the rowing,with only two medals I think.The least since 1996.
  9. What's the food like? Not been there since it changed hands.Have heard mixed reviews.
  10. Theres no doubt, that many will pay over the odds.However they can also kill the Golden Goose.That may happen when holidays overseas open up again.
  11. If they like I can cook for them,I'll only charge £200 a night
  12. I take it you was going to Loddon?Yes she needs a good clean.She having her nose fixed by Graham. We hoped to pop in to see him yesterday, but we were busy.
  13. Should fit in then,we're a bit funny too
  14. Coming back from Wroxsham to home heavyrain off and on.At times not easy to see that far in front of us.Cant be much more rain up there now.
  15. Wow what a day.So we visited the house.Fits the bill,yes a bit more money two bed not three.That said ready to move in.Chain free The owner has moved to Stalham.So it's empty. Completely redecorated, new carpets, very little work needed.Its in Martham.Sadly the house in Suffolk was not going to work.Lots of problems which would have cost lots of money, they were not straight with us.,so we pulled out ,put an offer in for Martham which has been accepted.
  16. Chelsea14Ian


    I agree go for another quoted Certainly seems way over the top.
  17. The only ones holding us up.Is the house in Suffolk. When we first spoke to the son.He said his dad would move on with them.Then they would buy a plot of land and build on it.Now it turns out,they have only just brought a house, but only at the start of the process.
  18. A quick visit up to Norfolk. Seems our sellers in Suffolk are dragging there feet.We spoke with our solicitor and our estate agents at home then agents in Suffolk .Seems the house they are looking to buy is at very early stages .As for our house we have exchange papers.So we are looking at a house in Norfolk in case.What is very annoying every time we asked how things were progressing, we were told oh it's all going well.Clearly not.Anyway a flying visit. Let's see how it goes. Health wise.I feel better, improved alot this week.Not quite ready for the Olympics yet.
  19. We are the Chelsea! ( How's that).
  20. We've had rain off and on all day,and thunder and lightning, very very frightening.
  21. My guess it may be,worth a phone call to Yarmouth YS.They could advise on times and tips on crossing.
  22. That's my understanding also.I feel for those in the business. They've been hit on all sides.
  23. Think this will be a problem, for a time.So many people getting pinged,and a lack of available staff.With this weather and coming out of lockdown the business needs to get back on there feet.My thoughts with all in the business .
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