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Everything posted by Victoryv

  1. Just completed no 6 as I walked to work thinking about no13
  2. Thanks for the link Robin Not often you see your own boat in action. Nice fruit bowl selection by the way !
  3. Back at work today, after a cracking weekend at Beccles, very envious ! Robin if you have any footage of our transit south over Breydon, would love to see it.
  4. Griff Keep an eye out for us on your route to Acle, will endeavour to be around to suit your timings.Provided I have plucked up the courage to tackle the bridge, would love about 6'6" but fear as its Neaps we won't be so lucky. (Judith M)
  5. Griff, looks like we shall be doing a similar timed trip to you, are you happy for Judith M to tag along ?
  6. The situation in principle has everything to do with the 3RR, if it was a hire boat that hit my boat, was it insured whilst racing, are private yachts insured whilst racing? if I asked my motorcycle insurers if my policy would cover me to race the TT, they would laugh until they wet themselves. As Doug says move it before next years race . Which got me thinking about Nippers lovely varnished hull, not so easy to repair.
  7. No not carpet laying! Whilst casting an eye over our hull which is currently out of the water, it became very obvious that we had been in contact with a bowsprit, not once , not twice, but maybe a dozen times. What a lovely mess, not the end of the world as it was easily got at due to being out, but work I could have done without. I was told the damage occurred during the 3RR by a reliable source. This got me thinking, is it acceptable under the pressure of a race not top accept any responsibility for causing damage to another boat, I know cruisers are often looked down on by yachties (quite a feat when they are so much lower) but to simply sail off into the blue thinking it doesn't matter is not really on. I know a lot of the hire yards are happy to let people hire boats for such events, are they happy to pick up the bill for damage during a race, in the same way that they would during a normal holiday hire if an accident occurred ? i doubt it.
  8. Wonder if it would be possible to do something similar to a crowdfunding type of idea, but with time, move along the restoration a pace with a few more volunteers. You could count me in for a day or so, any excuse to work on boats.
  9. Had a quick look at Tudor Rose during the week whilst taking a well earned break from getting our boat finished in time for Beccles, Tudor Rose is also on the list to be at Beccles ! looks like she needs a bit more than rear doors within the next few weeks ! Nice planking though.
  10. Head or boat ? arguably more wrong in the head, as no matter what work needed I would still have a wooden boat !
  11. I don't go in Lat-hams unless forced, I prefer to stand and wait by the back door and make up entertaining (to me) scenarios about what people buy, last time I was there, one very wet sunday, a portly lady came out with a thousand piece jigsaw and a metre long pack of jaffa cakes, well thats her wet sunday afternoon taken care of I thought!
  12. That was the plan, big boat back in the shed this week for a little (read big!) unforeseen job, will be at Beccles, hopefully . Wooden boats hey, who'd have one ?
  13. Thanks for posting the pic of Nipper, Nipper, Griff, two thirds of the way through building one of these, very handy reference pic.
  14. Would have gone through one of the outer arches, easy !
  15. There can be little more rewarding than doing your first planks and it not sinking!
  16. You would be welcome to use our mooring at Martham Boats, it will be free all weekend, let me know and I will message you which it is.
  17. Victoryv


    I knew it would be easy ! Many thanks for the detailed reply TheQ, unfortunately I can't be in Norfolk 20th May or I would certainly have taken advantage. We moor above the bridge so will take advantage of Martham Boats.
  18. Victoryv


    Now heres the thing, being a man of a certain age I am always looking for something to put me and my missus outside our comfort zone, so I read a post about the three rivers race and thought how hard can it be? So how hard can it be ? I have sailed as crew around the coast of Britain but never on a river, is it feasible to learn how to sail (self taught obviously,I am a man !) and enter this event next year. I could hire a bought, drag it to Horning behind my own and set off without hope of being competitive. I can,can't I ? by the way, she said, brilliant idea !
  19. Hello Jayfire, sorry to introduce the tupperware box, the point I was making is that the little things seem more important and annoying to some people once you get involved in the politics of syndicate ownership, than the important things like, where is all this money going ? I enjoyed the time we had on the syndicate boat, it reinforced my love for the broads, I was glad to get out, but by then I had a lovely old boat of my own. By the way I see you live close to me, we both still work full time and I don't spend enough time on my boat, but we certainly try and love every minute (and you should see the tupperware storage, everything in its place) Go for it, ignore the small minded few and when you decide its time for a change don't worry if you don't get back what you paid.
  20. Thats it rub it in.
  21. If you can make somebody smile then the day has been a success ! The point I was trying to make is that its the little things that make a big difference, if I had found a box of cheese biscuits left behind I would either feed them to the ducks, eat them, or at worst complain on the syndicate at the lack of Dairylea and a bottle of port. At least keep my gob shut and think about the lovely, new, clip top, air tight, just right size tupperware box I had just won. Let me know if I go on to much about the tupperware box but it really was a beauty !
  22. Some syndicates don't allow dogs, worth checking if you like to take a dog on holiday, I like to take cheese biscuits but in some syndicates this is frowned upon ! The syndicate we were part of didn't allow dogs, not a problem for me I prefer cats. Did see our boat a couple of days before we were due to join it, moored at Beccles with three alsatians making sure nobody looked through the windows, hope they didn't have dog biscuits aboard! What really upset me after all the cheese biscuit fuss died down, is that we never got the tupperware box back.
  23. Valid point regarding the bank account, I would suggest the boat is also managed by the syndicate. We had a two week share some years ago on a well known syndicate boat, we never intended keeping it for long but just wanted make sure we would be keen long enough to buy our own boat. The boat at the time was taken care of by a management company and it was not cheap, but my thinking was, no worries about maintenance,tolls insurance etc. We had our first trip of the year, mid May, arranged for some friends to join us for a few days and set sail on a beautiful morning for Salhouse,perfect stern on mooring on a busy quay, felt very pleased with myself all round. Sat enjoying the sunshine, chatting to neighbouring boats etc, I had spotted the broads authority sat in the middle of the broad, nothing to worry about. Did wonder why he was looking at us through his binoculars for a good long time. Eventually he made his way over and asked to come aboard, thought nothing of it, can't have done anything wrong, only been out that morning. The ranger announced in front of a full quay of onlookers and our guests etc that the boat had no tolls, no insurance and no boat safety certificate.As you can imagine we were mortified and not a little embarrassed.The ranger knew full well that it was a syndicate boat, his approach was designed to embarrass. Needless to say, that was effectively the end of the holiday. Now the above I consider serious and the syndicate as a whole should have been in uproar, but it paled into insignificance when on the next trip I left a tupperware box of cheese biscuits behind in a cupboard, the syndicate forum nearly burst a blood vessel. Think about the little things.
  24. August bank holiday monday, coming back from the excellent Beccles wooden boat do, it was like having the key to a past world of peace and calm getting under that bridge. Long may it stand. Its there for everybody to enjoy, just adjust!
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