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Everything posted by Victoryv

  1. Well done Doug ! Look forward to seeing it on the water, good time to get it under the bridge at the moment. Hopefully our new boat will also be attending.
  2. Any further progress ? will it be ready for Beccles ?
  3. We invariably arrive back at our home mooring to find it populated by fishermen, I always approach in the same manner. Stop mid river, turn the engine off, and politely ask if they will move whilst we go up river and turn around.Very rarely do they move without protesting, "why can't you put it further down ? ", "why can't you fish further down, you lazy b------ ?" is what I would like to say, but usually have to explain that unlike them, we pay a lot of money every year for that bit of river bank. I imagine that a percentage of my mooring fee,also pays to clear up the rubbish they invariably leave behind ! Sorry, that nearly turned into a rant.
  4. And Horsey and horseying ?
  5. We went through Sunday 5pm, about 6'7", reckon we could have got through one of the smaller arches either side.
  6. So, sat on my lovely wooden boat looking at a glass of malt whisky about the age that I learnt to drive, I know how wonderfully fortunate I am. The fact is ,to get RT to Beccles needs a fair bit of graft. I for one am up for another go, and feel sure that one or two that experienced the first weekend are feeling the same. So Doug , What’s the chance ? Cant believe as a self employed old grump, I am offering my somewhat restricted talents for free. must be something in the Norfolk water ( read beer )
  7. Sorry, thought this was a forum about the Norfolk Broads! Just one of the reasons I dislike football, it insinuates itself into most aspects of life. No offences intended, by the way.
  8. I hate to wish my life away, but I will make an exception for football! Be on the boat later today, searching out pubs without at TV.
  9. You can always tell a yorkshire man. You just can't tell him much !
  10. The thing is with motorcycles, the older you get the smaller they need to be, I built this over the winter for my wife to ride, I had one when I was 17, so for me its a joy.
  11. Apart from having no lid, very little clue as to what it is?
  12. You could argue that your waiting for the tide, and not pay !
  13. Sorry, no pictures of the interior, there were to many people working onboard trying to finish it. I have long been of the opinion that there is a hire market for wooden boats, or traditional looking boats with plastic hulls, fitted out to a high standard.
  14. Cheers Paul You and your Dad were brilliant, next time you are out let me know where, I may just follow you just in case!
  15. Just want to make public the brilliant service we received from Martham boats last week. We broke down on wednesday with a failed alternator, rang the yard and within an hour they were out to us with a new one, problem was once fitted the batteries were so low it would not charge them for love or money, we managed until next day without power but managed to start the engine, later that day they delivered 4 new batteries on loan. All this despite the fact they were working flat out to finish their stunning new yacht ready for its first hire today and entry in the 3 rivers race (hope the crew do justice to the boat). As its our own boat, we appreciate service when its beyond the expected. Many thanks also to Mick (owner of Nice One) and his son Paul who both gave up a lovely afternoon to help. Warms your heart1 Look out for the new yacht, I think its called Jacander, check out the interior if you can, a class of its own.
  16. Morning Griff Give Judith M a wave as she passes going the other way, sadly not with me on it. Crap weather for it !
  17. Would still be there if it wasn't for work.
  18. Been there, seen it, done it, couldn't afford the T shirt afterwards! You're more than welcome to look over our Judith.
  19. Whats wrong with the present building ? its part of broads history, why not spend a fraction of the budget on making it fit for use (whatever that may be) and let it to somebody that will create a viable broads friendly business, at a modest workable rent. I live and work in the Peak District, and have had many dealings with the present authority on planning decisions , not a chance in hell would they lose a building that is part of our history and culture. It is, as it stands a landmark building!
  20. Reckon there might be enough people to just pick it up.
  21. Is there a plan Doug ? Do you need any tools bringing /
  22. Gunton Arms, Good food, lovely location, bit mad !
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