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Everything posted by Victoryv

  1. Morning Doug Looks like you had plenty of space under the bridge ? Still out and about you lucky people.
  2. I was never a big fan of british bikes when I was growing up, they were things you rode around the fields on. We used to look in neighbours back gardens for the telltale tarpaulin covering something motorbike shape, then knock on the door and ask if they had any old motorbikes they wanted rid of.Looking back we were given some nice bikes, but usually in poor condition, from memory we had a square four, a G50 Matchless, numerous BSA and Triumphs and my present old bike a 500 AJS, imagine about a dozen 10 year olds trying to bump start a G50 down a field track! I bought this AJS before christmas from a photograph, it is a complete joy to ride, 40 is the new 80 (mph that is)
  3. The beauty of owning an old Triumph is, they keep you fit, pushing them home !
  4. Quick update on the charity poster, we sold these at the Beccles boat show over the weekend, to say the response was overwhelming would be an understatement, along with the poster sales we also auctioned the original painting and sold last years painting . And a couple of kind souls also commissioned pictures of their own boats . so this morning we went to Weston Park cancer charity and gave them £2102.00 once I have completed the commissions and collected payment for extra sales there will be an extra £700 or so. we still have few posters left if anybody is interested £15 inc post etc so thank you everybody, we were very humbled by your generosity.
  5. Use a ferret, bigger surface area, then apply varnish with a good sable brush, nothing easier than the rivulet finish, lovely! Do hammerite do varnish? save a lot of hard work.
  6. Saw a picture of Jayne yesterday, hot from the yard, looking really nice.
  7. Hope we have 6ft6 on wednesday, could leave the screens up ! Think there is something happening south, with old boats made of sticks and tar.
  8. I am registered disabled, I have blue badge, but I still feel guilty parking in the disabled bays, I try and park to give me as far as I can manage to walk, on the day in question, I figure its good for me, I resent the illness that makes me this way and not the selfish lazy people that don't want to walk far for their next fix of sugar, they will reap the rewards!
  9. Nicky, 135 mph, lot more 3D on a bike
  10. Worth the ferry fair to the Isle of Man to drive the TT circuit, how often do you get the chance to drive a road without speed limits ? Also astonishing scenery , nice people and Manx Pale Ale. Whats not to like ? Best done by motorcycle !
  11. I will be down on Sunday, if you haven't made it before, hoping to get through myself later that day.
  12. Hope you didn't scratch that varnish under the bridge !
  13. Not all they're cracked up to be, usually poorly organised and attended, just a load of old firewood !
  14. I have tried to keep the style of painting in keeping with the average age of the boats and back to a simpler age !
  15. As part of last years Beccles Wooden Boat show, we produced a poster to celebrate the occasion, these we sold at the show to raise funds for charity (we raised £340.00 for a stroke charity) . This years poster is now available at £15.00 each inc p&p or available at the Beccles show for £10.00 each, poster size is 600x400. The original artwork is to be auctioned at the show by our very own forum auctioneer, Griff (thank you Griff) As the original artwork and the prints are donated to the cause, all the proceeds are to be donated to charity, this year it is MacMillan Cancer and Weston Park Cancer charities.
  16. Hope your wrong about Mercedes vans, I took delivery of a Sprinter on saturday, just waiting for the conversion people to turn it into a camper.
  17. Little bit of trivia, the cap and sails apparently weigh 17 tons !
  18. Griff You would get up Catfield, its the problem of turning once you get to the end, we have been up there loads of times but turning around always seems to present a different challenge. Your boat is longer than ours but if you had a few people fending off you should be ok. Feels very wild and remote on the way up.
  19. It will be Ross. A finer man you would struggle to meet.
  20. Awful, nothing up there worth bothering with, best not to bother ! That bridge is doing all those boats that can't get under a huge favour, just old crappy wooden things up there generally, crappy pubs, run down moorings and very built up, makes Yarmouth look scenic. What you doing on one of those wooden things Peter, you could be on a nice blingy thing for that money.
  21. Not sure you have time for all this free advice Doug, Soon be August you know !
  22. He looks a fair bit younger than me !
  23. I think we are all annoying at some time or another. My wife is always trying to get on her high horse!, and Im reluctant to get off it.
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