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Everything posted by Victoryv

  1. Oh that's a lovely looking boat ! Its what happens Grendel when you don't think to hard.
  2. Memory may not serve me well here, Judith Windmill ?
  3. You were indeed, I can think of 4 with stepped decks. Happy New Year to you and yours Dave, looking forward to it.
  4. When buying a boat best not to think to much, just jump in!
  5. Don't care what day it is, as long as you keep waking up !
  6. Not the only one with a stepped deck, so has ours!
  7. Our black cat managed 26, cantankerous old bugger, still miss him.
  8. I agree, the cycling faction would appear to be day trippers, they prefer to park for free., so clog up the villages, not sure that they bring very much to the party, maybe a cup of tea and a bun at one of the cafes. We need tourism with a good spend, as do the Broads, I like the idea of promoting distance walking with overnight stays and sherpa service, a couple of years ago we walked coast to coast on the same basis, one of the most expensive holidays I have ever had ! I don't begin to understand the marketing philosophy behind our national park, we receive targeted magazines, promoting , generally, the benefits of cycling to people that live here, I understand the benefits of cycling, I also know that which ever way you go there is a big hill.Why not spend this hard earned money promoting tourism from outside the park ?
  9. Living in a National Park I actively welcome and encourage visitors, our livelihood depends upon it, but for the last 5 years the Peak Park have concentrated all there efforts on cyclists, to the point that, I am told we now have the greatest concentration in the country at weekends.Perhaps the Broads National Park will follow suit, sell it to cyclists, fill the flat, cycle friendly roads with pushbikes, blissfully they can't get in your way when on the boat!
  10. Use the kit, use the kit, use the kit ! its not much fun but can save your life. USE THE KIT
  11. Hello Barry, lovely old pictures, would be good to get them all together and publish a book. If I had the energy !
  12. We have had an envelope sat on our kitchen table for several months now, collecting bits of money from Beccles poster sales, this morning we went to Weston Park Cancer Charity and emptied it out on their reception desk, along with the balance of a yoga fundraiser Diane was involved in we left them with £1050.00. We are both very much touched by the generosity and goodwill of people,, as we are told by the charity, these amounts make a real difference to their work. Many thanks those involved, makes you right proud!
  13. Any road up you like !
  14. Thank you for the kind comments regarding the picture of Chameleon , it completes the commissions I was asked to do at the excellent Beccles Wooden Boat Show. I will be delivering the money to Weston Park Cancer Charity tomorrow morning, I will of course publish the up to now total once the charity have confirmed the amount. At present I do not have a web presence for the " Broads Style" of pictures as this is not my usual way of working, but I will put images on the forum as I go along. Thank you Griff, I would be more than happy to do Broad Ambition, every penny from my broads pictures go's to Weston Park. It was a real pleasure doing the Chameleon picture for Mike, they came to collect it yesterday and I don't know who was more pleased, me or him. ,
  15. We took delivery of our new camper last Sunday, something we always intended to buy , but not for a couple of years, but life has a strange way of upsetting your plans, so we bought forward the plan, the intention is we have a change of scene every couple of weeks, as due to my health we are stuck with the same four walls for much of the time and we don't need to travel far to change that. I think we have created the right balance of van, big enough to sleep 4 , but more than comfortable for 2, we haven't skimped on anything we think will make life easier, in the back is a garage, big enough for two motorbikes and my electric bike, my illness affects my walking so I need transport, on good days I can manage a proper bike on the bad ones its electric. For us its the chance of freedom from lifes downturn.
  16. I’m more your cauliflower
  17. I love the cute little faces of cabbages, irresistible!
  18. Sorry to hear your news Griff, we discussed your friend at Thurne a few weeks ago, didn't realise it was so imminent. Cancer changes everything usually for the worse, but in a strange way it can be very uplifting, life becomes more precious and the people in it even more so, make the effort to see those that matter to you.
  19. We ended up in the smokehouse, lovely food and very nice staff
  20. Anybody know what the Indian is like by the yacht station ? thank you in advance
  21. Well we got under ph bridge yesterday, 5ft 7 in that is a record for us, we took advantage of Martham boats getting the fleet through, we had a fair few aboard and about 1 inch of clearance, Juliette had more people aboard to get through.
  22. I didn’t ask about the passage through Yarmouth I am confident of my boat height and ability, what I would like to know is are the rivers likely to receed once we are south. As I need to get under ph first any other bridge is academic. but thank you anyway
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