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Everything posted by grendel

  1. its in the hidden secret members area, visible only to the select few, which reminds me it must be about time I went through the members list to see who is now eligible for access (I check every 3 months - or when i remember. though access is reliant on making sensible posts (remind me , how did we grant Jayfire access) ok mostly sensible posts.
  2. dont forget, its vulnerable adults too, so an age declaration would not cover that, much easier to assume members could be of any age and base the forum around that, and everyone just mind their p's and q's
  3. that is something we are still trying to ascertain.
  4. groan, does that mean we will be subjected to all the corny jokes yet again. so at least we have a feeling amongst the members that it would be good to start the jokes section again from scratch.
  5. unfortunately the forum software doesnt contain any way of checking age when the user signs up, or of restricting access via age as an option, otherwise that would be a viable option. removing the jokes section is an option, but not a step we will take without input from the membership, ok yes its in the members area, so restricted to some extent anyway, but we cant guarantee, they youngsters and vulnerable adults do not already have access to that area, or will not gain access in future. certainly both here and in our facebook group we will have to be vigilant
  6. well its less than 24 hours since we moderators were initially informed, so at the moment options are under discussion, the Chairman will be making an announcement at some point (once we have had a chance to dissect his proposed statement and check for speeling mistooks) that will explain things in far greater detail than i possibly could, a lot of the measures we have already been slowly implementing into the forum over the past few years anyway. it has also influenced a lot of the responses by the moderation team over recent times too as we come to terms with its limits and implications. we dont foresee any drastic changes, more minor tweaks.
  7. well I guess if you see something that might fall under the remit of the online harms bill when browsing old posts, hit the report button to let the team know that there is something that needs looking at, I wont suggest going looking for content, but if you spot it while browsing the forum, let us know.
  8. Within the Queen's speech, some may have noticed that Oliver Dowden the Culture Secretary has unveiled the new laws contained within the Online Harms Bill. The bill will come into law within this parliament. This means that the team are considering the impact this will have on the forum. As we have no means of identifying the age of any current members or potential new members, we must assume that anyone of any age could join or already be a forum member. therefore we have instigated on the most contentious area of the forum, the jokes section, where the content in the past has been maybe not as family safe as it could have been, the process that from now onward that section will require moderators to approve future posts. We ask that members respect the spirit of the online harms bill when posting, as although it may not be law yet, it is coming and its on us to be prepared for the day it is law. Though this is undoubtedly aimed at the large social media organisations, its a historical fact that smaller organisations are quite often the earlier targets to establish the legal precedent, and we just dont have any funding to be able to fight a litigation case, unlike the big social media organisations. We will post updates as and when we find out more and can refine our process. Please dont feel that we are singling anyone out on the jokes thread, we are still trying to find out if we need to go back to the first post and check all of the sites content (and there are 4000 posts in the joke section alone, many hundreds of thousands of posts in the whole forum) We will try and implement any new procedures required with as few changes as possible to the way we do things, however it will possibly mean any reported posts will automatically get hidden while the moderator team discuss them, and then either be released to the forum, or remain hidden depending upon the outcome. its early days and we are still working out what is needed so bear with us.
  9. the shape of the propellor is designed to maximise power thrust in one direction, as such in reverse it may not be as powerful, also the front of a boat is generally pointy, so splits the water ahead, and the back of the boat flat, so trying to push the water behind the boat, which reduces the amout of reverse speed.
  10. grendel

    Cats Aboard.

    I would think on the harness and lead she would be fine, while she may like water, full immersion might be a different matter, they always look so helpless when they come out after getting entirely wet, does she use a litter tray? we used to join 2 cat carriers using the doors and some sections of the 2" mesh plastic fence, and have a bed in one end and small litter tray in the other when introducing new cats to the brood, or if one needed isolating, we even used this arrangement to bring a rescue cat home from ipswich way, with no issues, you will want a litter tray aboard in case she is caught short.
  11. the wooden boat show is in August at Beccles
  12. kent water is so hard, have boiled a brand new kettle once and got limescale.
  13. 6 ' 10" is possible, but rarely, you would usually rely on a few weeks of good weather and a lot of luck, to be honest you will get a good view of the shenannigans at the bridge at herbert woods yard, as well as avoid all of the flappy things that will be filling the rivers.
  14. here in kent we often have different pronunciation between town and country, for example castle, canterbury has a cast-tle, but castle road in barham is pronounced cassle road in the northern style, then there are chim-neys and chimbleys. and as for village names, forget how its spelt, trottiscliffe is pronounced trosley now a while back there was a great debate amongst locals in the village kingston, there were some that thought it was missing an e - ie kingstone, they were correct, but not in where the e went as properly it should have been kingeston (the hunting lodge or tun, of the king)
  15. i know of a certain ferry firm that did a full refurb of one of their fleet, the interior designers decided to use the high wear axminster product to redo all of the carpeting, as in those days this was considered the hardest wearing, unfortunately when the inspectors came on board they rejected it as it didnt have the correct fire rating for marine use, so they had to redo the job using the correct marine stuff.
  16. a spindle whorl should have a tapered hole for the stick going through, and really doesnt need to be that heavy unless spinning linen, as it wont support the untwisted thread, spindle whorls will be ounces, loom weights pounds. and before you ask, yes i have used a drop spindle, as well as a spinning wheel too.
  17. having used a warp weighted loom (probably one of a handful of people in this day and age who has), i can testify that you do need a fair weight for these, we made my weights from clay and had to supplement the weights with leather bags of pebbles, of course one would expect to find several in a line if they were still on the loom, but then who would leave an unfinished piece of cloth on the loom, it would represent a considerable amount of work, so how did they store loom weights between jobs? i worked 10 threads to a weight, and they just get tied on in a chain knot with the spare thread hanging from the weight, as you wind the cloth onto the top beam you lower the weights again for a longer warp, this way you can weave several yards at a time.
  18. i believe that may have been thunder, certainly they were one of the 4 i passed on Breydon
  19. Londonlad 1985 waving as he passes on Evening Shadow
  20. just started going through my photos from my weeks holiday, thought you might be interested in just how big those waves were Tuesday when I crossed Breydon while it was closed to hire boats, luckily i was going with the waves not against them.
  21. like any boat, you will be better off not bringing suitcases, use soft bags that can be squashed down for storage, or unpack your bags and leave then in the car, stowage for suitcases on most boats is just not there and you will find yourself tripping over them all the time.
  22. yes, though I have never seen a metal one. do you have a date for it? I have Viking connections that would be interested if it dates to then.
  23. one doesnt hire her, she belongs to Dave (Janet Anne), we do have a buddy scheme going, but you would need to talk to him.
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