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Everything posted by grendel

  1. no, thats not the correct approach, you start out with, I hear the hotel has a lovely spa, I will treat you to a luxurious morning at the spa, since the spa can do nothing to make me look better, i will just have to console myself with a mornings shooting at a little shooting club i spotted next to the runway
  2. they look and sound just as good, and are an excellent snack while travelling.
  3. if you are still having issues try this link https://forum.norfolkbroadsnetwork.com/
  4. well it should all be fixed now, just make sure the link you take is to the https version
  5. ah apple, i do know we have issues with some apple file formats.
  6. some browsers are reporting the site as unsecure it is not, it is as secure as it ever was, its just that as of 13.00 the digital piece of paper saying the site is secure has expired, dont worry the team are on it and hope to get the certificate renewed as soon as possible.
  7. probably the file extension, a lot of the tablet cameras have weird file extensions that are not recognised by the forum software. of course that all gets fixed when you download them normally.
  8. I supposed just because they are allowed, doesnt necessary mean they have to, there may be other measures necessary to be put in place before they can open up indoor service.
  9. technically this discussion should not be in this section as speakers corner is for and its not really a topic for the broadscot lounge. might I suggest we let this topic die quietly, while I am sure it is a lamentable state of affairs, really its more of a topic for the press to sensationalise and other social media pages to discuss. Thanks
  10. What thick and sticky? I think you mean vicious
  11. all part of the fun of the quiz
  12. strangely enough, many years ago now, the viking group i used to belong to was banned from a pub for not drinking enough beer, as most of us had to drive home we mostly had soft drinks and quite often food too, the soft drinks were the same price as the beer, so we reckon 10 people on soft drinks with food was quite a sizeable chunk of profitable custom to chuck away on a wednesday night.
  13. and if the cat is alive when you open the box
  14. I dont know, was it something biblical, like the heavens opening and a bolt of lightning?
  15. its difficult on some boats unless you are running a speed app, to know your exact speed, on Water rail there is a line on the rev counter marked 5mph, now depending on tide conditions that can be anything from 4 mph to 6 mph (or more if heading down south through great yarmouth, I was doing 6.3 mph on little more than tickover last week.) If you ever hire a Marthams boat, you dont even get the help of a rev counter. but I have noticed on water rail, that there is no appreciable wash until you are doing 0ver 2400 rpm, ie 6mph through the water, and then maybe 4" of wash at the bank. at 1600rpm (supposedly around 4 mph) the wash is barely noticable, when I was going through horning i was making rpm for 4mph, and travelling (by gps) at 4.6 going with the tide. its really tricky because water rail has a harmonic frequency between 1200rpm and 1600 rpm that means the whole boat shudders and things come crashing off the worktops, so its back off until the shudder starts then nudge forward until it stops, and thats as slow as you can go without dropping back to tickover. Strangely most of the Martham boats I have used have a similar issue at low revs just above tickover, the engines seem not to have a happy spot wher ethey can do 4 mph, its 2.8 mph or 4.2 mph, with not an option between thats not going to shake the boat apart.
  16. so this new (to me - it dates back to the 1930's) metal shaper will give at least my arm exercise, and doesnt wear my knees out.
  17. maybe his supervisor was sitting next to him
  18. when the alternative is roads full of potholes, and damaged cars, i know which i would choose. at this time of year, wherever road works are, they will be inconvenient.
  19. excellent gifts for christmases and birthdays, with the added bonus that the cost to you is less, and the gift value of a hand made unique gift is immensley more than you would be able to sell them for
  20. Well back 3 days and only 2 days of walks, i will be missing today too as it is tipping it down outside, and I have also found that my knees are just not up to daily walks, I get home and the next morning can barely hobble downstairs. I suppose i could look at swimming, but from what I understand thats strictly lanes, and my swimming style requires a good few minutes to catch my breath between lanes, why is this you ask, well natural negative buoyancy for one, and the fact i tend to do lanes in the uncrowded part of the pool, ie along the bottom. that and the fact the swimming pool is too close to drive, so I would be doing about half of my normal walk just to get there. I do have a plan though.
  21. I was heading through horning at a edate 4.6, when I passed the rangers and not a word, mind you at that speed water rail is still barely making ripple.
  22. bearing in mind that you will never recover the true cost of your time with these things, i would price out about 3-4x cost for the clocks (eg-£35-£45) and maybe just 3x for the coasters, eg £20 for a set of 4, of course they are worth far more than that, but its that balance between worth and what you can get. again price will also depend on where you are selling, a higher price in a craft village where there are a lot of other handmade crafts on display, probably lower at a stall in the local christmas bazaar at a school.
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