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Everything posted by grendel

  1. so a quick spray of anti rust paint, and rewiring complete the beast of a spotlight was reassembled and tested, just the glass to be cleaned now and refitted
  2. basically if it has a bunk, it counts as a second residence i guess, you dont sleep for sport or exercise, you could visit your boat, but if you sleep on it you are using it for a holiday, so its not allowed.
  3. taken from that guidance seems to cover it, your boat classing as a second home no doubt.
  4. yes it specifically says travel to a public open space, unless your boat is a public open space, that means you cant travel to it.
  5. I think this is the telling paragraph I have highlighted the two phrases that to my mind say we probably cannot take our boats out yet, Its down to whether the Broads Authority say they are prepared for visitors or not
  6. well I have found this- is this the new guidance they have been telling us about? https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/staying-alert-and-safe-social-distancing/staying-alert-and-safe-social-distancing If so, there is not one word about boats or boating. its not a 50 page publication though, unless it is in very large print.
  7. I saw one person on facebook saying this allowed them to travel anywhere they wanted, the next comment put them in their place by saying they had to return home the same day. people are just interpreting this whichever way gives them the ability to do what they want. people need to remember that travel is still essential travel only. I would have been on Jayne tomorrow, its been postponed to the last week in July and I am still net certain that will happen yet.
  8. yes, there are too many already jumping on the bandwagon of one person or organisations interpretation, lets face it, the hire yards wont be opening this week for sure unless there is a clear indication from the government and from the Broads Authority that this will be allowed.
  9. I think going to your boat for maintenance will become allowed, but I am also sure that travel restrictions will then be the issue, using the boat however if it doesnt involve exercise will be a different matter, so a day out sailing, pulling on ropes may be considered exercise as would rowing or paddling, but i cant see anyone being allowed to travel any distance - ie you can take your kayak to your local river or lake, but i cant see them accepting driving past several other places to a remote location. i look forward to clarification of what constitutes allowed travel, i see above that there and home in the same day mentioned, this would allow a quick safety check on a boat. all of my above though is just my musings on the topic, I would wish for clearer examples from the government, otherwise we will get the same chaotic interpretation by the police as to what is acceptable as we had at the start of lockdown, with some areas being too lax and others over zealous.
  10. As is everyone interpreting it to mean they can do what they want to do. i would still say any distance to travel more than locally will be prohibited. but you broads inhabitants may at least be able to visit your boats (if the marinas will let you)
  11. I would think if you need to travel more than a few miles to get to your boat, then it is not acceptable, if you are 5 minutes from the boat and are prepared to argue the fact that working on your boat is a form of exercise, then it will be down to you, but dont blame anyone else if it cops you a fine. if you want to go rowing or kyaking from your garden then maybe, but i for one would wait until we get an official interpretation from the Broads Authority. going out cruising for enjoyment? probably not just yet.
  12. Nigel, those are fine but would rattle in the bulb holder, the ones i have (and checking against the edison screw thread chart) are i believe E40's which are apparently available still for hydroponics systems (ooh err missus, that harks back to a different topic) but the bulbs are still about £13 each, lucky i have spares.
  13. well it seems i fib, i have just checked my two spare bulbs and the packaging says they are the economy 300W versions (i bet you cant get them any more either).
  14. sunday, a quiet day, this mornin 1 hour of yoga, followed by household chores, then a relaxed afternoon watching a dvd, then i decided to get an old spotlight i have cleaned up and working, last time i tried using it it was unreliable and kept cutting out, so i reckon apart from a lick of paint it just needs some new wiring, when disassembled the bulb holder is in fine condition, so no worries there, i do have spare bulbs, as i guess you cant get these 600W bulbs any more.
  15. I remember the tale of some strange plants growing in the flower bed outside one of the local constabulary buildings.
  16. its easier than that, tinned fray bentos pie and a sachet of instant mash, pudding a sachet of instant custard, all that is needed is an oven and a kettle.
  17. Well it looks good for solo hirers at least, i wonder if more boatyards will once again entertain the idea that solo boaters are acceptable, as a solo boater (or a couple) can easily maintain social distance, and is liable to be allowed to hire earlier than a larger mixed family group.
  18. new tools unpacked and tried out, the cordless planer is a nice piece of kit, and i can see it being a useful for working on a wooden boat, its only a small narrow one, but does what it says on the box. today will be started with a nice yoga session.
  19. aww, cute, wants kittenness. No I mustnt, I already have 4 boisterous cats, they would stand no chance against a lion cub.
  20. its better than having to pay the full cost I guess, maybe talk to them and see if you can get a discount due to the fact it was the repair man made it worse, though i guess they have a clause somewhere that will let them out, its always worth asking. you never know, they may knock some off as a goodwill gesture.
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