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Everything posted by grendel

  1. the slight places on the rear corners where the paint has crept under the masking tape will be covered with the stainless steel strip, as per the real thing.
  2. So here are some pictures, i have tested the overspray on the cabin sides and it is responding with a light application of 800 grade wet and dry, which is needed anyway before the final varnishing of the cabin sides, also getting the rudder and skeg back in place. tomorrow, as the last day of furlough i guess will be spent cleaning the paint and overspray up and getting the running gear back as it should be.
  3. Well today i was finally happy with the finish, so today the masking tape came off, then it was cleaning the sticky residue from the tape off the lovely varnished stern, this was achieved with a citrus oil cleaner that removed the sticky without affecting the varnish. next to clean up the rest of the model where the paint in the air has powdered down, sometimes a stiff brush can sort this out, but we will see.
  4. Of course working from home is still better as it does give me an extra 3 hours a day that would have been spent travelling. so i will still be doing things, especially on the model, but i wont have to fill my day with them.
  5. and cats always sit in boxes wherever you put them.
  6. After the training was cancelled i was at a bit of a loose end as i had planned my day around 6 hours training, anyway i decided to tidy up some of my clothes, an hour and a half later, a pile of old shirts and trousers with embarrassing holes went in the bin, and i now know where all my tee shirts are.
  7. Just a quick note to say that following a phone call received from work today, that tomorrow will be the last furlough diary entry, because from Wednesday i will be back at work (from home).
  8. if it wasent equally set out i would have guessed they upgraded from a single battery to multiple and just added a 's
  9. Well after 1 1/2 hours training was cancelled, as not all of the participants showed up, then there were issues with the software we were supposed to be using to train on, so this weeks training has been put on hold until next week, once the issues have been sorted out.
  10. having a beard, i have never found face masks that either fit or are effective, my face protection when doing serious angle grinding (sword making) was an old full face crash helmet, the beard in the neck opening formed a very effective dust filter, and the visor managed to stop even the most stubborn sparks from getting in my eyes unlike safety glasses that never really fit around my spectacles. interestingly when i disassembled my shed years later when my parents wanted to build a garage there, the walls in the area where grinding took place had a layer of grinding scale nearly 1/2 thick, it was even 1/4" thick on some of the glass in the windows.
  11. Day 19, Monday. all I have to look forward to today is 6 hours of training, as training is allowed under the furlough rules, my company is taking full advantage of the fact, and we have 2 sessions this week. the training last week was fun, with half the attendees able to see the presentation, but not hear the presenter, and the other half able to hear but not see. this time it will be even more complex, with the attendees needing to remotely access their work pc's at the same time, now this wouldnt normally be too bad, as they have the skype app, but if you remote in, there is no sound. so we will see how it goes.
  12. grendel


    I think Marthams topped that by moving the date of my holiday into the busy period at no extra charge, despite the fact i booked last october and paid in full at last years prices.
  13. That was a Marthams boat with one of their old hands at the helm, they do tend to gun them a bit when they go through especially if the clearance is marginal, they want to drop them that extra half inch, also the old hands know if they clip the bridge they will be the one fixing it.
  14. well yoga is done, all is at peace with the world once more, household chores (cleaning / changing cat litter trays) have been done, now sat down once again watching youtube engineering, i also have some chicken thigh being boiled on the hob, one of our boys has a dodgy tummy and the vet has recommended a bland diet, yesterday we had some mince (500g) of my daughters that was 1 day past date (she is fussy) so that was cooked up for the 4 of them yesterday, when i was shopping both lidls and asda had a deal on chicken thighs, so for £1.80 kg i bought 3kg of thighs, 16 thighs in total, so 4 of those are being boiled for the cats for tonights food (they are getting the normal cat food for breakfast, for all the additional supplements) we could just feed the one cat the bland food, but have you ever tried to give a single cat of 4 different food- almost impossible as if you feed the others first the one will try and eat that, and if you try excluding the one first all the others want to be where he is eating his food. the vet did give him special bland gastro food which did improve matters, which is why we are aiming for the bland food once a day.
  15. but MM it has always been this way, the law gives a general statement, (usually a couple of paragraphs) and then the regulations (usually a couple or more thick books) give guidance on how to comply with the law.
  16. I am doing my yoga online through zoom.
  17. Day 18, Sunday. A lazy morning so far, watching engineering on youtube. I have a 9.45 session of yoga booked for an hour, so i am unlikely to get motivated to start anything prior to that, after that i have household chores to do. this afternoon, well we will have to see what i am motivated to do.
  18. Actually i had quite a quiet day yesterday, a bit of this and a bit of that as i was passing, kept busy, but not really achieving a lot, for example, on the model, measurements were taken for the water line and boot topping, compared to photos, sketches done and workings out jotted down, another coat of white was spreayed on the sides of the model, but no real advances.
  19. you have obviously never been on lads week where drinking starts at morning coffee. to my knowledge i have never seen a carelessly discarded bottle or cap or can while on lads week, and having taken the rubbish bags to the disposal point, i can attest to the fact that all of those bottles caps and cans are disposed of properly.
  20. It was undoubtedly easier as everything was bigger
  21. surely the presence of someone so obviously struggling to breath should have raised some concern
  22. in my case disposal of stuff chucked after tidying, could be seen as essential, as it has now exceeded 1/3 of my small garden, thus restricting my exercise / working area, i guess i have at least 4 car loads, and the tip is not yet reopened here, one of our local councilors is requesting that it be re-opened, the best the council have offered is that we can put an additional 2 bags out per collection, and as we alternate collections, that will mean that if i dont generate any more extra waste i can get rid of what i have by sometime early next year. so i hope the refuse centre reopens so i can drop off some of the excess, - then maybe i can make a start on the attic, there might be twice as much rubbish up there.
  23. Griff i found that the tidying / throwing away process was strangely satisfying too.
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