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Everything posted by grendel

  1. my last INR test was the tuesday before we were sent to work from home, fortunately mine is pretty stable and i have been on the same dose for the last year or more, tests for me are 8 weekly, but they would only give 4 weeks of tablets. I have my tests done at the local pharmacy that can prescribe warfarin (many cant) so they do the test and check the dosage on the spot. this last time they gave me 8 weeks of tablets and i asked what the procedure would be next time, and how the pharmacy would manage their home visit test patients, jokingly the pharmacy nurse said she would just get the patients to stick their hand out through the letter box and do the test from outside the door. I am not sure how they will handle the retest in two and a bit weeks, but she did say they may well assume that the long term stable patients are unchanged and just reissue the next 8 weeks prescription, fortunately they will also deliver them as part of the service.
  2. 5 miles to work on your boat doesnt either.
  3. OK so its the weekend, and i have had a lazy day, while shopping i picked up a dvd of the latest star wars film the rise of skywalker, so this afternoon has been lazily spent watching it.
  4. I think the issue is that if you see it as ok to do a 5 mile drive to your boat, someone will notice and take your example to do the 10 mile trip to their boat, and pretty soon someone is seeing it as ok to do the 400 mile trip to their boat to work on it, which is exactly the scenario that the government are trying to stop.
  5. Day 10, Saturday, - shopping the day dawned a bit chilly and dark, but otherwise fine, so 9am, off to the shops, once again lidls straight in, and to add to the fun they had bread flour and eggs (the flour is still sadly absent in all other supermarkets) I got the bulk of my shopping in lidls, then it was asda for my daughters shopping, 3 times up and down the car park queuing to get in, maybe 25 minutes, amazingly asda had everything my daughter wanted, then finally sainsburys, where i had a 10 minute queue to get the cat litter (asda only has the very expensive stuff think £13 a bag rather than £1.75 and we use 3 bags a week) 2 1/2 hours and the shopping was complete.
  6. thank you Polly, that made for interesting reading, my daughter being an asthmatic hypochondriac, already has one of these oximeters, and will now be testing regularly to ensure she notices any drops in oxygen levels, she did warn me that for best results from these cheap meters, that the same finger be used each time, as she says when she first tests a different finger the result can be widely different to her regular finger, but that a repeat test brings the level back to correct readings, so folks if you do get one and start regularly testing, just be careful that a sudden drop isnt just a poor result, by repeating the test.
  7. from what he was saying i think you need to write it as thirty six inches not 36" then he might just understand.
  8. I think the operative word here is Working
  9. So phone consultation done, no need to take him in, we have probiotic paste, worming treatment, special food and a container to take samples - which i drove to the vets, phoned in, paid and then they left them just outside the door so i could go over and pick up. then as i was already out on an essential journey i swung by the post office on the way back to post a packet. the stupid thing is although we live just a few hundred yards from the sorting office, there are no post offices within walking distance, no problem as i was at the vets i went to a village one, my great claim today i drove nearly 15 miles.
  10. oops i should have posted that one about 2 1/2 hours ago. anyway next update i have done some house tidying basically a couple of hours cleaning and clearing in the bathroom. what next, well plans for the afternoon are on hold, we have noticed one of our cats isnt well and after checking the vets website its on the list of vet visits, so we have a video consultation booked for about half an hours time, depending upon the outcome will decide if he needs to go into the vets itself for a proper consultation, or not, if he needs medication it will mean a trip out there anyway, so having decided what i was going to do on the model, we shall have to see if thats going to happen today or later on in the weekend.
  11. Drill bits very approximately sorted into type and anything shorter than 5" sorted into a small drawer cabinet using generally 1mm steps between sizes made sorting quick and easy, bigger drills were sorted by type and stored away, sets with missing drill sizes were made up to strength and stowed away handy, i just have to find a new home for this cabinet.
  12. MM, my dash cam was just a plug into lighter socket, lick and stick to windscreen, the only difference is that to hide the wiring, the 12 v power plug ends up in the glove compartment, so i had to run another adaptor from the lighter socket to the glove box with a 3 way socket on the end, this gave me a spare socket for the ancient tom tom sat nav. if you want a rear one the wiring should just reach from the rear screen of a v70 to the arm rest / console lighter socket in the rear.
  13. somehow i have already invited the young lady her hubby and doggies (from the earlier thread), for a long weekend on the broads on water rail after lockdown ceases (actually i invited all of my work colleagues, but most cant take me up on the offer as they have families), just for the opportunity to have a quiet weekend on the broads, cruising, peaceful locations etc.
  14. As far as painting goes i am giving the model a week to settle the paint having sanded the crackle flush, i need to allow the revealed surface a chance to properly harden. other work on the model, well without the hull to work on (because its sitting hull up for the paint) its difficult to do anything on that side, so its a case of fittings. for these i need to decide what to do next. i will go study my photo book and see if i can decide what features to work on next. of course when i do post it, you will have to guess which feature i am making.
  15. Day 9, Friday now its decision time, do i spend the day sorting drill bits (with maybe some sharpening) or do i do tidying around the house (boring) so i have a choice of boring jobs (pun intended) maybe do some and some, last night i made a start on the drill bits, trying to sort the spade bits and masonry bits to start with, i can also sort the specialised drills with the taper that can go straight into my big pillar drill instead of the chuck? maybe i will just do a type sort rather than a size sort, and leave the sizing to another day, i think i need a drawer set for smaller drills up to about 5" length for sizing the smaller drills. lots to think about while drinking my coffee and munching breakfast.
  16. now you have no excuse not to do the garage
  17. do you think i have a full range of drill sizes here? tomorrows task?
  18. well that was a good idea, i thought i would go through the drawers full of taps and see what i had available and maybe merge them into the tap and die cabinet, to my surprise not many were duplicates, there were some whole 3 tap sets of bsf taps, and some unf taps. I suppose the next thing to go through will be drill bits, of which i must have a few thousand, they all get sharpened when i get them, and i have sizes up to in excess of an inch, some that mount directly in the drill in place of the chuck. in case you are worried, the model making hasnt stopped entirely, i am allowing the paint to dry a bit more before going on to the next paint coats.
  19. dont worry i have plenty more unsorted taps and dies in drawers, i have a full metric set 140 odd pieces 3 taps per size, i have 2 more cheap metric sets, a whitworth set probably bought before the boot fair ones arrived. drills get bought by the container load (its easier to say how much for this lot than dig out one or two and pay a quid each, whereas i can get the whole pot of 30+ for a tenner, and i have to say the older hss drills are much better quality.
  20. Well that wasnt quick, it seems that not only do i have a full set of whitworth taps up to 1" I also have the full set of BSW dies, BA sized taps and dies, and a set of 26tpi (bicycle thread pitch) and 40tpi dies, but i have a full set of 1/64" drills from 3/64" up to 9/16", plus some odds including a 3/8 x18 BSA tap and some gas thread dies
  21. Well i am happy that the part i have reproduced is a good representation of the original, so that has been packed up ready for posting. Coffee and breakfast are done so its time to head out to the labeling machine.
  22. I will say that the vast majority of this lot has been obtained via the local boot fairs, we have some good house clearance stalls at the local boot fair. anyway Day 8 Thursday awake at 05.00 am and about to head for my first coffee, after which the labelling process will continue, I am on my third reel of the tape for my dymo rhino labeler, its an industrial polyester tape and as long as the surfaces are reasonably clean sticks far better than similar non commercial labels Yesterday I also received a part that I had been sent that someone needed reproducing, so I had spendt a quick hour drawing it up in CAD, before printing it out in ABS plastic overnight. along with coffee I will be comparing the 3d print to the original to make sure I have it dimensionally correct, then it will need to be packaged up and put in the post.
  23. now off to check the rest of the forum and see if anythings broken.
  24. well i didnt finish labeling, i still have 2 sides of the taps and dies drawer unit to do. the rest of the occupied drawers are labelled, and i have less than a dozen unlabeled ready for some more junk useful bits to fill them.
  25. Charlie, you may be off the hook, i think the nearest to you is york (maybe you need to go buy the paint using the tiger?
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