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Everything posted by grendel

  1. 10 minutes of thorouh searching found the chargers, right behind where i thought they should be, they had been pushed off and dropped down the back, one safely placed in the chargers drawer, the second sitting plugged in charging those cells.
  2. I was lucky i had to take my daughter to drop off a care parcel to her gran (social distancing was observed) and it gave my car a good 40 minute run as i left it running while at grans, which has hopefully put some charge back into the battery.
  3. its silly, i want to test charge the batteries, and i have 3 chargers that will do that, i have found 1, but it has the 2 pin plug, can i find the corresponding socket to plug it in, nope, more tidying to find those then.
  4. well i thought i would start a new topic on my day to day activities whilst furloughed. so here we go Day 1, up late, 6am, downstairs and a coffee was order of the day, then its time to get doing something at 9 degrees the workshop is a little chilly, but i remembered that yesterday i had found a dead battery for one of my 18V lithium drills, a replacement battery had been installed, anyway the offending battery was disassembled and there was an obvious candidate - one cell all brown and discoloured, so the connecting strips were carefully removed and a known good set of cells was put in and soldered into place.once reassembled the battery was tested on the drill, once again it works, so jobs a goodun, battery now on charge.
  5. I agree any pictures of boats on water can only be good. what was it they used to say in Fawlty Towers - Dont mention the war.
  6. well tragedy has struck, i have been furloughed starting from tomorrow, so you lot had better beware as i will be watching even closer than before, to be fair it will give me more time to get things done round the house, by the time the tips reopen, there will be a new one in my back garden.
  7. My dad moved over to the ferries while they were still british rail, in some form of work study, working his way up through to Ports Manager (assistant to the CEO) and he relates similar tales about some of the management, even kicking one senior manager out of a borrowed office when he was doing job interviews and was treating candidates badly. he did at one stage do some time and motion work at holyhead and the dublin end of the route.
  8. if you enlarge the picture there is a dark car with a gun barrel sticking out which i would surmise is the tank.
  9. packing storage spaces started, a lot more space than i did have, i now have room here to do yoga, some bits have been moved in, some of the stored stuff was kept, that is mainly in the buckets stored floor to ceiling against the side wall, some bits have moved in from my workshop already, power tools and spray paints have gone in the cupboards, and my unimat 3 lathe has moved here so its more ready for use, next job tidy the workshop, i now have a great deal of storage space to free up the stuff just chucked down on the bench, all the little bits will now have drawers, i have probably gained nearly 100 small draw spaces in this shuffle around and quite a few big shelf spaces for tidy storage.
  10. the vertical cabinets did present an obstacle in as much as they had open bottoms, and only 3 sides, so i had to add a rail at the back to support them as they span wider than the risers they sit on.
  11. ok final installment of the cupboard build, i did have to get my willing assistant to help lift the final cupboard into place, as although i had the 19" height i needed to get it into place i also only had 19" between the front corner and the roof, so it had to go up with the top of the cupboard touching the ceiling and then be slid back berore dropping the back end into place, it went in with less than 1/4" spare, now i need to figure where to place it sideways to leave storage at one end or the other on top next to it. for now i am leaving the folding table in the middle, as i have realised i can swing the leaf up to create a bigger work space. (yes the table top needs a polish - probably a sand down and a polish realisticly.)
  12. they are jointing kits, they basically contained jointing resin and sand, to fill electrical joints with, they are then bought back to the yard where they have to be disposed of, the sand and resin mix comes in sealed bags that have a centtral divider, so theoretically you mix the two halves of the bag thoroughly and then snip the corner to pour, so the bucket isnt needed any more for mixing, but the bags do have to be protected to stop them getting the internal seal split and prematurely mixed.
  13. one cupboard moved then time for a break and breakfast, this is when disaster struck, I was toasting my hot cross buns when the electric tripped, turned it back on and went to restart the toaster, tripped again - my toaster has died, I forsee a shopping trip becoming necessary today
  14. yes, i think that this has made a lot of people re-evaluate their priorities, and look at things in a different way, things that were put off because we cant afford it right now, or we dont have the time, or just because we cant be bothered right now, are suddenly being looked at with the attitude of if i dont do it now, i might never get around to it. for me i havent had time - with work and all that - to tidy up after my ex's departure and get rid of some of the stuff neither of us want or will ever use, i now have a pile in the back garden big enough to fill a skip, and i am slowly starting to recover lost space in the house (well the conservatory at the moment, but the house will follow now i have started. working from home now, and not spending 3 hours a day travelling i have suddenly found i have the energy to do an hour or two tidying after work, time that would have been spent travelling. and the bank holiday has given me 4 clear days to work on the conservatory,
  15. not until 3 weeks after boot fairs start again maybe.
  16. so the firsd draw set is in place with a riser on it, I had thought i would need to put a top lower, but looking at this i can just about put the top across at the top of this and still allow the window to be opened. tomorrow it will be clearing a space the other side of the window, put the second cupboard there then get the next sections down from the bedroom, and put it all together, then maybe another day start filling things up.
  17. so the risers are complete, pretty they are not, could i have done it better, certainly, i was doing it easy, i could have done pucker joints etc, would it have been any stronger - probably not, strength and durability were my goals, and that i have achieved, just using timber from the foot of the bed.
  18. i have come in for a sit down, i am probably sawdust coloured as i have been running my table saw hard cutting joints in nice pine, got everything cut out, and then because i used more of the bed wood without paying attention, found i had encroached on the area for the drawer units - whoops, so had to do some surgery to widen things out again.
  19. a nice quiet mooring on candle dyke
  20. looking at it i may be able to get all of the riser material from the bed frames, this will match well with both the cupboards and the draw units, so first job tomorrow will be bed disassembly. if anyone is wondering about the garden wire on the windows that is to keep houdini cats from raiding my workshop, it means i can have the windows open, but keep the cats away from sharp tools.
  21. Sorry to hear that Paul.
  22. so taking it easy today, after all morning shopping i tackled the remaining corner, 4 or 5 more garden sacks of rubbish cleared out, and i had an idea, i have two small bedside cabinets with tools in. then i have this long supposedly over bed cabinet i wondered if i could stand that across the two bedside cabinets, but no, that makes it about 8" taller than the windowsill. hmm, how about above the window, there is just room there, and upstairs i have the two old vertical cabinets it was supposed to sit on. this would give me storage above and to each side of the window - perfect. Then i have about a 13" gap to fill, so some risers need to be made, so if they are made about 12" i can lay a bench across made from the packs of laminate flooring in picture 1, under the risers i can fit the two new old stock (still wrapped in plastic but slightly rusty 11 1/2" high drawer sets for more storage (actually the bench needs to fit 4" below the top of the riser block to line up nicely with the windowsill, still no problem) i feel a plan coming together, and i have an 8 foot length of 3x2 and some other bits just ready, hmm thinking, do i have enough, the 8 foot will do the verticals, i will inspect my timber pile, now i know why i saved certain bits of wood - but hang on i hear myself yell, i cleared a real heavy duty bed head and foot out, that must have some decent timber the uprights were 4" square. i think i have just solved my timber issue, so just from the stuff i have lying around i am going to create an elegant storage solution for my conservatory. bed ends, timber on the hoof the arrangement of the cabinet in the riser section, the line just above is the 12" mark, plenty of room behind for nice thick 4" legs, some of the other pics below show some of my timber stock, first job tomorrow will be releasing the table saw from under some other stuff to cut some risers.
  23. my next batch of 30 is destined for a local care home with i suspected and one confirmed case, I was asked by my daughters partner who work there as they basically can get zero ppi (too low on the pecking order), so i have dedicated the next 30 odd to go there, only about 10 left to print to clear that order.
  24. All this work you are doing Griff, you could always come down and help me tidy my conservatory.
  25. probably, but i doubt i will be able to get one of those at present either
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