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Everything posted by grendel

  1. probably like me you donate 10 books to charity, and come home with 12 more you havent read yet
  2. ok I typed it and forgot to hit submit
  3. I answered the Van (ok well I thought I did, maybe I forgot to hit submit)
  4. yes no matter how you rephrase a question, if there is only 1 answer known, then you wont get anything other than that answer.
  5. Ok try it now, i think i have found the problem and fixed it
  6. not that I know of, as far as I know nothing has changed, I am about to take a break from work, so I will have a look under the hood. (then hit it with a big hammer)
  7. by the way the main point of the letter (apart from washing hands) was "STAY AT HOME" so for anyone who says how are you getting accurate information- not from the news or the media, the government sent me a letter. and the advice it gives could not be any clearer.
  8. I just received a letter from the government, it was on headed paper - 10 downing street, I just went and washed my hands - well you never know if Boris touched it - do you? Besides it said wash your hands in the letter
  9. only 10 books Jay, you are slacking I have over 250 on audible alone, similar on kindle, and probably a few thousand in real paper on bookshelves
  10. Just think of all the boat time you are building up by getting these jobs done.
  11. since when have newspapers suddenly become reliable sources for news, I stopped reading them donkeys years ago because of the distortions in their reporting, the news media are the worst ones fro spreading disinformation out there, many years ago I developed the theory that news sources on a daily basis had to find a more sensational or something that was worse than the previous days submissions just to keep on an even keel readership wise. Until I hear otherwise from the government or a reliable source such as the RSPCA or WHO, then I will remain sceptical (but still thankful that my cats are indoors cats).
  12. well its after the morning rum with a dash of coffee if thats what you mean.
  13. no matter what the BA advice is, the government advice is clear, and that states no unnecessary travelling eg to caravans or holiday homes, so while it may not state boats the intent is crystal clear. do you think caravan owners are getting free storage, or holiday home owners a break from paying fees - no.
  14. ok lets get on with painting tiny details, to make any figure realistic there is a minimum level of detail that works, part of this of course is the question of putting the eyes in, this is a trick i learned painting 25mm figures, so with the very tip of a small brush, you just dot the whites of the eyes in, on 25mm figures this would be a 0000 brush (about 10 hairs) then once we have the whites of the eyes we need a pupil, on a 25mm figure i would pluck a single hair for this and just barely dip it in the paint, for this figure its a bit bigger, so i chose a bamboo skewer for this job, just barely dipped into the brown paint, and bingo, you do have to get these positioned right, theres nothing worse than giving the figure a squint
  15. I did move all the posts out f the corona virus thread, to the coronavirus and the broads as i thought that was a better fit, i would be happy if we could keep the original corona virus thread clear for specific discussions of the virus, then this thread could be more about specific corona virus and the impact on the broads topics.
  16. I have just returned from delivering the first 31 masks to canterbury hospital, i just delivered the box to the A&E entrance and handed them in, one of the nurses came out and said thank you, and that they could put them to good use.
  17. I like the boarding plank, a shame more boats dont have those nowadays.
  18. not mine as they are indoor cats, unless the virus makes its way past the doors, and as I am only going out to do shopping and am maintaining strict separation and hand cleansing that is hopefully unlikely.
  19. cant you see the white rose on the white tee shirt, though at that scale the yellow centre parts look just like egg stains from his breakfast
  20. it doesnt quite look right under flash lighting does it, it looks like a seagull has left a deposit, hmm i will try another picture tomorrow
  21. Well a bit more painting has been done
  22. my booking with marthams has been moved to the last week in july - really have my fingers crossed now.
  23. there is also the pale roofed shed behind the arched wetshed, that also appears in the 2nd of the original photos.
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