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Everything posted by grendel

  1. video 3 is the next stage of the process, i think this may be the other end video, i may edit this text after watchin the videos
  2. so the first video started after i had faced off the part, this is where it was turned down to 20mm, the second video is after turning the part round, the end was faced off and the other end turned down to 20mm too.
  3. ok finally got the video i took uploaded, so this afternoon i had an idea and went and got some brass stock just over 30mm diameter, this needed to be sized down to about 20mm. I decided for your edification i would video it all (well most of it) some sound may be removed as youtube decided there might be a copyright claim (i had the radio on gold in the background.)
  4. Ok own up, who stole the afternoon, i went out to do a little job on the lathe, and here it is nearly 5.30pm, i am sure i wasnt out there that long, anyway, i was taking some video, and some bits went well, others not so well, even taking little bites i was getting the tools digging in and snagging on the part. anyway that tale is for the other thread.
  5. Poppy that was my initial thoughts when i was advised i was being furloughed, later finding that i was in fact one of the last few in my department to have achieved that status soon made me rethink that idea, and that is when i started my thread diaries of a furloughed Grendel, this has kept me focused and away from the temptation to just sit and mope, as there are countless things i could be doing, its now just a matter of doing the ones i know either must be done, or, doing the ones i will enjoy doing, the good part is that i can invest several hours into a project that i didnt really have time for before, and instead of rushing my model making i can invest the time to do things right.
  6. So in the end modelling came to the fore and i have been slowly pottering on with the boats all morning (see the model thread for progress). at 12.15 i took a break as my yoga tutor was offering a free half hour meditation session at that time, this is easy, its basically just being able to sit still and breath, and i find it does relax me quite nicely, that has been followed by a leisurely lunch and a coffee. now my thoughts travel to what to do next for the model, ie what i am going to do this afternoon, after i have found the heart to evict the cat that has just settled on my lap.
  7. concentrating on this one for the moment. though i will probably hop to the older one to try anything new.
  8. Front cabin roof fittings reassembled
  9. hardly lads week boats though, very compact below decks
  10. Palace is 1 foot shorter and is a 7 berth, built in 1995
  11. Both Lapwing and America from Marthams are classed as 8 berth, both of these are 36 footers and quite modern builds being less than 30 years old.
  12. Charlie, in all probability i will varnish them, and the handrails are pretty easy to remove, they will probably come off for the wooden rails to be varnished and trimmed to length anyway. but really the paint should have a real chance to cure off hard before it is sanded off anyway, otherwise its just going to be a problem. (it was easier to paint and sand off than it would have been to try and mask it off anyway).
  13. well 12 hours to cure anyway, slow start today, checked out the cracle spots on the hull, repeated coats of the resin based paint is slowly filling the crackle areas, i think ts going to be a case of build up a reasonable thickness , allow it to cure properly then sand back and recoat. in the mean time, i have been cleaning up the paint that got past the masking on the rear cabin roof, and refitting the roof fittings, the mast and handrails. now i know that the cover strips that cross the roof are actually varnished timber, but at present they can stay white, if i decide to make them varnished timber it will be just a few seconds work to sand the paint off and varnish them.
  14. well its like this i accidentally hit the accelerator rather than the brake.
  15. Day 6, Monday. Awake at 6am, stayed upstairs online until 7am when i dressed and headed downstairs to feed the catwalk models (cats). Now almost an hour later and i am still here online, i have now had my coffee, but thats it, so its a slow start to the day. toast next i think, then i will decide what to do today.
  16. Vaughan, that is probably down to the years it normally takes for legislation to be put through, those years are used to get the wording clear and unambiguous, and to find those loopholes and plug them. any new legislation rushed through in days will be full of ambiguities and loopholes. as we have indeed seen.
  17. To be fair there are a lot of Authorities, councils, Agencies and other organisations who have all been put into the same spot as the BA which is to promote the stay at home message from the government, i dont think the BA is the only one put into that position of trying to implement actions they have no authority to implement, yet it is the governments wish that this be so. That so many of those organisations have different interpretations is not surprising considering that each has to interpret they to relate to their specific roles, sure this means some may well be over zealous and exceed their authority, sure this means mixed messages are going out, thats just normal for such an unprecedented situation. I am certain some will try and turn it to their advantage, just as I am sure there are those out there that will try and use any perceived loopholes they can to their own advantage - that too is a natural consequence of such emergency legislation, it will be full of loopholes. I just hope that after all this is over those people and organisations that have tried to turn things to their advantage will be investigated and if necessary brought to book over their actions. Meanwhile, the rest of us should concentrate on trying to do the right thing, by following the spirit of the government guidelines, by staying at home and avoiding unnecessary travel. during this we will have plenty of time to amass the data of the actions we see / perceive ready to report it so anyone or any organisation that took advantage can be brought to book. if that is to be successful will will need the evidence.
  18. The cabin roofs however have behaved themselves when painting, so they are done, ready to have fittings put back once the paint has had 24 hours to cure.
  19. the stuff that reacted was an acrylic water base primer, the other stuff i have is a resin based paint
  20. more like cat trip in this house with 4 cats.
  21. looking at the crackle, i have sanded it back and over coated it with another couple of light dustings of paint, hmm the problem is still there, i will give it overnight to dry off properly then try once again to flat it back and build a decent coating of paint to seal over the problem areas. worst case will be hitting it with acetone to remove the paint thats on there and start again.
  22. well i have now done all the sunday jobs, so modelling it is
  23. a slight problem has been observed this morning, between getting up and yoga i flashed a new coat of paint over the areas that had been sanded back, and while the original coat went on perfectly, this time a few areas have reacted and crinkled, so i am now looking at whether sanding back the crinkle and overspraying is the answer or whether i will need to take it right back to the resin coat, i have an inkling that the paint is reacting to the freshly exposed by sanding resin surface, lets see if we can pull this back, now to do my sunday tasks before going back to model work
  24. its been a warm month which will have encouraged their growth
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