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Everything posted by grendel

  1. So finally got round to some woodwork, some more noggins on the transom, another rib on model #2 glued in place, and another steamed and put in the former, I may well put some more noggins in place later.
  2. Ok, old plug found and disassembled, yes my memory was correct the hole to connect the cable is 3mm, after a bit of shaping, and addition of some holes, I have a rudder activation arm, once I know the orientation of the actuator arm, I will file a flat onto the shaft, for the screw to bear onto, this will stop the arm coming loose and loss of steering control. and I haven't even started any woodwork yet today
  3. another picture that I didnt post last night, the glue has set and the 4mm hole for the rudder has been drilled, the rudder tube needs to be shortened and the shaft shortened and rethreaded for the actuating arm - ah, but does it? I tried extending the 3mm thread on the rudder, but broke the cheap die that I was using. maybe I can file a flat and attach an arm using a grub screw - I have an idea - just need to find an old plug and take some measurements.
  4. not at any great speed fortunately, but in almost stationary traffic, I saw an accident build up, car pulling from one lane out in front of the lorry that was in front of me to get off the slip road, carried straight on through almost side on to the traffic just as a motorcyclist was going down the slip road, car just pulled straight through no thought to any traffic, bang, motorcyclist straight into the side of the car, poor sod didnt stand a chance. nobody seriously injured though as all were moving quite slowly. Bike was written off though. on a side note my BMW R80RS managed a respectable 130mph, but I was getting near the red band (having blasted through the first red line) and I only had half a mile left to slow down for my exit. (there is a red line about 1000 rpm lower than the red band on a bmw, this is the frequency of the engines harmonic resonation, so you dont hold it on those revs or it will shake itself to bits, you are ok blasting through though.)
  5. it also does not shrink as it sets.
  6. Ok, I have cut slots into a 10mm x 25mm block to go over the ribs in the stern, this is a block of linden (the bottom rail from a wooden blind) this is glued in place and clamped tight with expanding gorrilla glue, which will fill all the gaps, a block was required to transfer the clamp pressure to the rudder block. this isnt going to leave a great clearance between the block and the transom floor for the rudder actuating arm, I am thinking the servo will be hidden in the Galley area out of sight behind the interior features (under the sink). I have some miniature servos that I think will be powerful enough for steering, modern technology has really made these small, these are about 32mm long, 30mm high and 12mm deep (1 1/4" x 1 1/4" x 1/2"). If I make a stern locker these might even fit inside there.
  7. Gluing the next rib was a little trickier, as there is a bulkhead in the way near the keel, so yesterdays shaped rib was carefully thinned to suit and fixed in place. the next rib has been shaped, and work is started on the deck noggins, first the wider section at the stern needs to be formed, I am still deciding at the moment whether to make the stern lockers openable? this would mean cutting the long stringer that runs through this section. maybe the stern lockers dont need to be openable. I will consider this. Thinking about it, I might need to do some work in this area before installing the deck, as I need to make a block to fit over the ribs to drill the rudder tube through, actually I need to clean off excess glue first, then some careful measuring.
  8. Early start this morning, I took the clamps off the transom and just had to tidy it up a bit, so here is the first layer of transom planking done, all ready for the second decorative layer of planking to be laid horizontally.
  9. Tonight the last two planks are fitted into the transom, a rib is glued in place and tomorrows rib steamed and put in the former.
  10. Regulo, In my case my mum fell down the front steps of the house 2 weeks before I was due, a good thing too as I was 9 lbs 2 weeks early and came out black and blue, by the time I was due I had tipped the scales at North of 12lb. Since that time I have received considerable cracks on the noggin, including a pair of scissors point first thrown by my sister, the corner of a school stage block that I landed on, a full tilt run around the corner of the house to head butt the corner of the brick coal bunker, and a cricket ball that I managed to hit and could not see where it had gone until it came down on top of my head, there have been instances in my adult life too, a van windscreen that broke and was held together by the sun visor- this resulted in bits of glass working their way out of my forehead for the next 6 months. And yes before anyone comes back with it, all of this has knocked a little sense into my head
  11. Ah that explains it you have been left all this time.
  12. Tim, if you see a white horse tied up outside with the name of Binky, I would advise not keeping the appointment. Just remember - to an ordered mind, death is just the next great adventure.(A. Dumbledore).
  13. just one pair of planks left to finish the transom, these will be the most difficult to shape.todays contingent of work done, rib fitted next rib steamed and put in the next former up, progress, slow but sure.
  14. I do believe he said it was the electric heater while on shore power.
  15. or who was the spy? alternatively, who picked the wrong pocket?
  16. in general the property value in the area has risen .
  17. this evening another 2 transom planks, though I am having to get creative with the clamping, another rib fixed in place and another steamed up an put in the bending formers.
  18. Tonight I have fitted the rib that I didnt last night, steamed up tomorrows rib and another 2 planks fitted to the transom of model #1. back into the old working evenings routine now as back to work today.
  19. or how to make a Prop(er) sundial
  20. now as the ribs hadn't really had a chance to dry out and set, I just unclamped the one and fitted it to the model, another 2 transom planks in place, the other rib will be ready tomorrow night.
  21. I wasnt happy with the rib that just came out of the bending jig, it had cracked right on the bend, so I decided not to use it, and set up to steam 2 at once (this gives me one rib a fraction larger that will go in nearer the next (bigger) bulkhead, as well as getting me back on track. another pair of transom planks fitted to model #1. once I have the transom done I will start fitting the side deck supports on model #1
  22. So after dropping the daughter to work this morning (7am start - trains sunday service first train 7.40am) and being treated to a mcdonalds breakfast, this morning I have added 2 more transom planks to #1, and another rib steamed and bent and another fitted to model #2
  23. Funny you should mention that Tim, many years ago now I used to fly model airplanes, and to get them to the flying field I had a tandem, this had a wooden box on the back, where the planes travelled in place of the back seat. some of my gliders had 12 foot wingspans so the box had slots for the wings to extend back over the back wheel.
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