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Everything posted by grendel

  1. other gunwale glued in place - now waiting for glue to properly set.
  2. Oh dear, my condolences to Iains family, 2016 and this Christmas in particular has been a particularly sad one for such occurrences.
  3. Jonathan, you are right, its still a work in progress, but its attention to the detail that brings the final model to life. CAD is my living, so at the moment I am just playing to work out how to do the design, the other error is that the back radius is a right angle to the taper to the front, where the bottom (narrow) detail is less than 90 degrees by the angle of the front, so this is just the current interpretation, I have plenty of time to tweak the design to get it right.
  4. cheating really, I just scaled it width-ways to make it narrower, and here s the original.
  5. still a bit wide, but getting there now.
  6. This morning I have been playing in CAD, trying to design the glass for the interior lighting, so that it can be 3d printed in a translucent material and a small led inserted behind to get the lighting, I have worked out how to get the shape, and done a test export as an STL model (the sort of file used to create the data for a 3D printer) now to get the length right and add the side details. (image rotated to show inset hole for LED)
  7. Polly are you inferring that Timbo is rational at the moment? I fear we may be too late for Tim
  8. one gunwale added now, cant take the clamps off the stringer for the other side until tomorrow, having to get inventive with the clamping, using clamps as anchor points for other clamps
  9. Some of the stringers were able to be glued in place without steaming, just the gunwales to glue in place now, the clamps holding the last stringers glued are in the way at the moment.
  10. well later has arrived and I glued up 2 stringers (see post above where I said I would do it twice )
  11. Well this morning I went to do some work, and apparently though I thought I had steamed and bent another plank, this morning I found it in the steam box which was still plugged in - it got low on water and shut itself down, and I didnt notice (maybe one too many baileys or rums ) still it was still damp and flexible enough, so was put in place this morning, and I got on and steamed another this morning (worked fine again once the water was topped up).I will glue these later.I will glue these later.
  12. another glued, another bent this evening.
  13. This morning I glued in the stringer bent up yesterday, and bent up the next one.
  14. Tim, chrome stopped even supporting silverlight ages back, there isnt a workaround, (I know as just as we went to chrome at work, one of the industry companies transferred their cable maps software to run on silverlight, we have to use ie. I have the same questions asked by windows users of my linux pc, exceot the difference is the OS and software are all free. but the only drawback - linux doesnt have a good CAD.
  15. So that stringer I steamed to shape earlier has been glued into place, and another stringer is being steamed and shaped ready for fixing tomorrow.
  16. part 2 steaming the stringer. just so you dont think my cats have been left out, they had their treats earlier. the treats are in mouse shaped containers that need to be batted about to get the treats out.
  17. there is also the ae symbol missing as in the names of the old kings aethelread, etc, of course i can type ae, but in olden times the letters were spaced closer
  18. so the stringer nearest the keel is bent up, on the other model I stopped this at bulkhead 1, by steaming I am hoping this will form to the correct shape (making the ribs easier) if it all goes horribly wrong I can cut them back.
  19. the keel glued up nicely, so at the moment I am steaming the first of the stringers so they form properly at the bow. may not get much more done as driving done for the day I am sampling the Captain Morgans I got from work.
  20. It would be good to get the ground rules set early on.
  21. grendel


    Jaws you really should keep the crew off the bottle, look he cant even stand up.
  22. today, slots finished, first glue in place - the keel. as estimated hull #2 started before Christmas. one big problem, how to clamp down the keel to the front former - easy, a couple of extra clamps fitted to clamp to.
  23. grendel


    I can answer for the jan 2018 picture, that was taken just outside Great Yarmouth from the deck of MTB102, on that memorable occasion Griff achieved one of his ambitions.(and well chuffed we all were for him)
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