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Everything posted by grendel

  1. as long as yo dont change the signs like a local wag did to the village of Wormshill, by converting the L's into T's
  2. I suppose you could have a 3 part mould, front middle and back, then with just a different middle you could produce a different length. cheaper than building a new front and a new back.
  3. Another plank shaped and steamed another plank glued up and clamped, day by day a little progress and we will get there.
  4. I worked for a company that went through 3 rebrandings in as many years, each time the PPE had to be disposed of and replaced, as well as signs in offices, we are talking hundreds of thousands of pounds each time, at one rebranding we had just got in the stock of fleece jackets from the previous, so they all had to go, at that time I picked up about 5 fleece jackets with the old logo - for gardening etc, I have since managed to shave the embroidered logo from several of them and can use them for everyday use, when those wear out I will have to remove the logos from a couple more to use, they should keep me in fleece jackets at least until I retire. (at least 10 years unless the government change the rules again)
  5. Tonight was a bit same again as I shaped and steamed another plank, plus fixed the one I did yesterday. I have 9 planks fixed and one shaping, so about 1/3 done.
  6. Another treat tonight, a video showing the making and fitting of a plank (also a couple of photos) to save you 15 minutes of watching a pipe steam, I split the video into 2 parts.
  7. Straight from the sterilizer woule be worse
  8. So, thats Thunder- guts and Dylan then?
  9. well a bit more work, another plank shaped and steamed, and another glued in place, I finally have a plan for the wayward planks, now I have a few more planks in place I can use those to clamp one end of a stiff strip of wood, which can be clamped to the keel at the other end to pull those planks in, they will be damped to help them bend.
  10. caulking in this case will probably be a pva/sawdust mix
  11. I have a cat that will sit next to me and mew, until I turn around to see what she wants, when I do I suddenly find my nose being cleaned.
  12. Making the most of my long weekend, earlyish start, so thats one plank steamed and bent, another glued into place, hopefully I will be able to do another the same this evening. as I get further up the hull the bends at the bow get easier.though I still need to work out what to do with the ones that are a little off.
  13. perhaps I should carve a picture of BA onto the pin head, it has been suggested elsewhere that using a knife blade and a sharp tap with a hammer will leave a suitable crease for the slot, I have some right fine dremel discs, but I dont think they are fine enough. anyway, the first rib I steamed was fitted this evening, I now have an extra day every weekend up to christmas.
  14. a second plank has been steamed and clamped, once again that curve was easier I have even had a go at pulling one of those other planks into line. This plank was trimmed to shape before I steamed it.
  15. on facebook -save the Berney arms https://www.facebook.com/search/top/?q=save the berney arms
  16. I saw on facebook I believe - or was it elsewhere in here the local community are looking to buy it.
  17. look good to me too, I wood be happy receiving a hand made gift. and that wine and glasses thing is a great idea. your woodwork is a high enough standard for gifts, the real trick is a great finish, get that right and even simple woodwork looks good.
  18. Also shown is how I know my plank lines are straight, a laser line does the job.
  19. I have been working hard so far this morning, now I know the plank widths, I can get on with them, this one had been started already, so its getting steamed and dry fitted before it is shaped to width. As you can see with the new clamping system at the front, plus the steam, the plank is taking the bend a lot better, now I am wondering how to steam that plank above, maybe steam fed into a plastic bag? - I have seen that done on the real thing.
  20. I am with o2 and I get free texts, but dont 'have' to top up each month, once the free month expires I pay for my texts - sometimes I dont top up for several months just to use up my credit, as long as I am in credit I dont have to top up. (other than the £6 a month they deduct because its a blackberry.
  21. whilst thinking (as you do) in the middle of the night, I was wondering how I would represent the screw hears on things like the deck fittings. I quickly dismissed any available miniature screws as too big, so the decision is how best to represent a slot in the head of a pin, for the meagre sum of £4 I have 500 stainless steel pointless pins on order as all I need is about 1/4" (6mm) of the pin from the head, a tiny hole will be drilled and the pin pushed in, with a representation of a slot scratched or ground onto the head. I guess this is how they get rid of the rejects in the factory, but then they are perfect for what I want.
  22. I am sure they would be the first to complain about rounded over nuts......
  23. right that's 2 hours with a pencil and ruler and the lines are all on, though as my eyes were tiring towards the end there are a few spurious lines. these will be removed and redone later, I also calculated a running total for the lines, then marked them on a scrap piece that I could roll around the ribs marking as I went. I am now ready to carry on with planking.
  24. no, there is an easy drawing way, you take a measuring stick, put it at an angle, and the parallel lines sub divide the measurement into 12 equal parts, its the way I would have marked it up full size.
  25. this is where things get technical, working out the plank widths at each rib for every rib down one side, so they have been measured, and a spreadsheet created to calculate the plank widths - there will be 11 15mm wide planks and 2 10mm planks in total, this means at each frame each of the wide planks is 15/185 of the total, and the 10 mm planks are 10/185 of the total - now I have to mark them onto the ribs. see below for a sample of the spreadsheet. Now to mark up the ribs and make sure the lines are smooth.
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