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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I am also saving a copy of this thread as I go to a word document, this is now at 400 odd pages (lots of photos at 2 to a page) and over 32,000 words, this document will be the permanent record of the build at the end of the day.
  2. another rib in place, and a few more pictures just to allow me to appreciate just how far I have come to date. when I started this just a few months back I had no idea all of the ribs would be done before Christmas, and it looks like before December even. The other good news is that I have booked up my remaining holiday, and from the 21st November I have every Monday booked as holiday, so a whole lot of long weekends for the rest of the year = more time to work on the models. Once the planking is completed on this hull, it can be removed from the building board, and the second hull can be started, this will allow some work to be done on constructing the second hull, whilst also progressing this first hull in the upper works, decking and other parts.
  3. probably thought he had engaged cruise control.
  4. great minds think alike. Fools seldom differ....
  5. I was waiting for the lorry to pop out and straight into the canal.
  6. as an astronomer and being out in the cold clear nights of winter gazing at the stars, my solution is layers, thermal long johns and vest, followed by generally normal clothing, then on top a pair of lined golfing jumpers, these have a windproof lining. a thermal cap to top it off, then I generally end up feeling too hot, even down to well sub zero temperatures. if it gets cold in bed anything goes, but its usually the thermal undies for a start.
  7. good excuse to buy one though
  8. Finally a few pictures, you can see here the camera boom, the shape of the prow forming, the ribs will twist to follow the lines of the planking (I hope), and finally the workforce are back on the job.
  9. Oh Tim, how Naughty - I must bookmark this page for next year. I wont say our neighbour is gullible, but they probably wouldnt know what a dictionary was if I told them gullible had been removed from it.
  10. I also am an exponent of the bolster, but would defer to Griff's advice.
  11. As its the weekend, I get the chance to do a bit more, this time I thought I would try and catch the action from above, I set up a camera boom above the model (you will notice part way through when I head butt it) field of view wasnt good so I used the wide angle lens, anyway, here is the next rib going in. (edited as I nearly forgot to add the link.
  12. I believe you are not allowed to set off fireworks after a certain time of night except around 5th november and new year plus a couple of other religious occasions (chinese new year for one)
  13. Since Griff has requested a commentary, here is a video of another rib being fitted, complete with commentary, I might do another from a different angle, as its very difficult to get a good angle without my hands or some other part of me getting in the way.
  14. Talkies eh, I havent quite got to that stage yet, besides there was some commentry - from the small black one.
  15. ah the reek of burning cordite and paint, next door are having a bonfire, so the entire upstairs of our house now reeks of burning paint and cordite, since with a 20 foot square garden, their bonfire is less than 20 foot from the windows. how they can retire a safe distance from the fireworks - I cant understand either. Oh and now one of them thinks he can sing. still after all the cloud seeding tonight it will be raining tomorrow.
  16. spent the rest of the day doing jobs around the house, but now have had half an hour to get a few more ribs attached
  17. I thought they were served at posh restaurants
  18. Work in progress on the winch, the brass bracket is bent up, drilled out then tapped for the m4 bolt (I still need to threadlock this) a backing board was made and the parts spaced off accordingly, then came testing time:- and those little noises - my helper of course.
  19. early to rise - got a bit of time in this morning before going shopping. stuck a couple of ribs in, then got a mini lathe out to turn up an axle for the winch, axle turned and gears glued on, clamped in vice to set, later I can bend up a bracket to hold the winch drum to the motor, and insert a smaller metal axle through the centre. Possibly another set of ribs later too
  20. Todays fix, another rib fitted, 2 more sitting ready to be fixed, and the other half of the one i fitted yesterday, so another rib - hang on a minute - No, not another rib steamed, as I did all those ones forrard of the bulkhead, and the section just behind the bow wont need a steamer. I would have fitted a second forrard rib, but the clamp holding the other half of the one I fitted is in the way, I really cant believe that the ribs are this far progressed, I will be getting to planking soon, then the second hull, it just shows that doing less than half an hours work each day can progress a model quite quickly (though I am sure that the upperworks and fittings will take a while too).
  21. Actually I was thinking wow 7 eggs.
  22. someome obviously thought you deserved the callout and double time?
  23. no pictures tonight, but 1 1/2 ribs glued, and some more steamed up (the half is one of the front ribs fixed, on one side)
  24. was just 2 degrees this morning, and tomorrow morning we have an outdoor team building event - will I wear my shorts - you bet I will. (plus a warm fleece, gloves and hat)
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