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Everything posted by grendel

  1. As you say, the devil is in the detail, I took careful measurements of the deck shape (this to the inside of the top rubbing strake, ) to get the bow shape correct, as if that is wrong the model will look wrong, this was drawn up to the correct scale in CAD. I did say I might have to modify the frames slightly, this will make a former for the stringer to follow, now I need to get a steamer set up as the stringers wont follow the bend at the bow without.I might need to alter the frames to get a good fit, this is why I am doing it this way, rather than building 2 at once (at least at this stage).
  2. OK last bit today, frames attached to uprights and fixed to building board, ready to mark up stringers and hog, then they will come off and have all the cutouts done, ready for assembly.
  3. Well that went better, I attached a wide fence to the existing fence on the router, and I now have 2 hogs roughed out, just got to cut them from the rough now. While I was out making sawdust I got the table saw out and tried its new blade 2.5mm is about as thin as I can cut a plank. 6mm square though is a lot easier, I got a whole lot cut out for the main stringers on the frame. next job to mount the frames onto the pillars on the building board, then I can mark the cuts for the hog and stringers.
  4. I have a better idea how to do this now, a wider support on the fence for the timber, sometimes you need to make mistakes to find the best way to do something.
  5. Yesterday was not a good day, I was trying to shape the hog / keel, using a router, the problem was supporting the work against the fence when doing the second side, and starting off using the wrong router bit, still there is enough meat left in the the timber for two more goes on the other edge of the timber.
  6. I was thinking that on Robins Belmore boat review, when he was recommending running the engine while using this or that appliance - the microwave springs to mind.
  7. my condolances, my heart aches in sympathy with yours.
  8. Thank you one and all fir your kind thoughts and comments.
  9. Well its a sad day today, we had been worried by little Ingrid, our little Golden Girl, we had thought we might need to take her to the vets for that final visit today, she had gone blind and was going downhill, not eating for the last day, so we were worried. This morning she has been on my lap all morning, while we waited for the vets to open. A short while ago she peacefully passed while in her most favorite place in the world - my lap, she is still there as I type, Ingrid, I will miss the morning sock dance as you sat on my lap whilst I tried to put my socks on round you. I will see you again with all the others on the Rainbow bridge. RIP dear one.
  10. some thin ply and a drawing pen should do the trick
  11. That would be a better option, wind turbines on moorings - you could even use all those old wind pumps.
  12. for those that complained of the lack of electricity posts, and why could they not install more along a mooring. At the rates we are charged for trenchwork and cost of cable installation, I worked it out at approximately £2000 per boat length along a mooring, now, the landowner can probably dig a trench cheaper, but this is to the depths and safety constraints of a proper electrical feeder installation. No wonder the posts are not run the whole length of a mooring.
  13. No - but Asda is -http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2659551/Print-perfect-3D-mini-60-Asda-Scanning-booths-open-supermarket-offering-eight-inch-models-based-thousands-photos.html at £60 a pop (or mom)
  14. Only if you want them ending up looking like Morph and Chas
  15. 3D scan for a party of 5 - between £500 and £1000 (depending upon what models you want printed). http://my3dtwin.com/
  16. -Nowadays you can get a 3d scan of a person (for a price), then have that 3d printed. As for Blue fenders, its going to be tricky enough finding blue and white ones.
  17. Just squeezed in about an hour tonight, including a hunt for the fretsaw blades, 3 broken, but all of the frames cut out, still to cut out the inner openings. more small tools dug out, the small plane is perfect for cleaning up the frames. plenty of small offcuts, these will be saved for making small detail parts.
  18. I hear Aluminium is best welded using Tig or MIg or one of the gassed welding systems to keep the oxidisation down while welding.
  19. We once lived in a grade 2 listed council house (I am not kidding you) and I had to box in the electricity meter there as it was at floor level next to the front door, right at toddler height. the gas meter was outside in a box sunk into the garden (so it wasnt touching the house) and we were not allowed new double glazed windows to replace the draughty wooden sash windows (we did get secondary glazing eventually). before we moved in the council had to inject a new damp course, and the first time we lit the fire (after they had lined the chimney as the smoke leaked into the bedrooms from the chimney) the concrete base of the fireplace exploded from the damp in the concrete. Eventually we got gas central heating, but only after a great controversy as to the location of the exhaust vent (due to the grade 2 listing) it was eventually bought out inside the side hedge that started from the corner of the house - so it could not be seen (the gas man who fitted it did point out it should be clear around the exhaust, but was overruled by the grade 2 listing people).
  20. lots of good stock in a pigs trotter, makes soup stretch a lot more days.
  21. And surely as a fuel burning apparatus, a carbon monoxide detector should be a must with one of these too.
  22. There are a number of foods that as a child I was forced to eat, and never liked, things like cabbage, spinach and other greens, all full of vitamin K. well since having had some small blood clots and now on warfarin, it would seem I was right not to eat them, as all they did was make my blood clot better. I used to have the ability to stop bleeding almost instantly, I now realise this was not a good thing. in fact the very worst thing I can possibly eat (other than cranberry juice) is spinach or dark kale, so I can now walk up to my Mum and safely say, I told you greens were bad for me....
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