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Everything posted by grendel

  1. here you go - just for Tim, Early Saxon Spear heads (they would have been attached to a wooden shaft, which has undoubtedly rotted away.
  2. more gluing tonight, most of the rest of transom 1 and the start of transom 2. just the corner fillets to fit on no1 then it can have the curves cut out, no.2 needs top and bottom rails and the fillets.
  3. I can imagine the fun you had with some of these pieces in full size....
  4. why not have paid moorings such as you suggest, with a camera system to take the registration number, then when you get back to the hire yard at the end of your stay, you pay the mooring fees, similar to the bridge pilots fees. this avoids the need for someone to collect the fees. the only difficulty would be with private boats- how to collect from them?
  5. Well a little bit done tonight, just a few of the joints on one transom glued, and clamped, once these have set and I can take the clamps off, the next joints will be glued up. glue used - the brown foaming gorilla glue, this model should really test its claims of waterproof.
  6. I dropped it behind the sofa last time I used it. More seriously, well done to all the lifeboat and coastguard lads, Its comforting to know they are there.
  7. How do you fit a cruiser in an ambulance? (sorry I will get my coat )
  8. my vista laptop is running windows defender, (it also sits behind a firewall on the router).
  9. I might just leave one of the figures shoelaces untied, either that or give the figure a rabbit instread of a hat, then from a distance it could be mistaken for a hare... or a mechanism that pinches the back of your leg if you stand too near one of the windows.... Not all of Griffs jokes are in a book.
  10. no work done today as my ebay was hacked, nothing lost, but some chinese did sell a ps4 controller - the buyer already has been refunded as soon as I reported it - only just over an hour after the password was initially changed, have had to change my ebay and email passwords. lot of faff - my paypal was not compromised as I have to manually log into it from ebay every time I use it - and that has a unique password different to all my others.
  11. Stuart, That is very generous of you, I think I am ok with regards to tools at the moment, as the one thing I was missing was a small square for marking out, but that was solved at the boot fair sunday, with a neat little engineers square for 50p.
  12. Well today was (so far) a day off from making bits for the model - instead I got up early, hit the local boot fair at 7.30, then off across the county - headed for the southern model show. A lot of trade stands, sadly mostly for model airplanes or buggys, however I did pick up a bag of motors on a second hand stall for £8 - these are for other models or testing. 2 brand new motors with gearboxes were purchased, 2 different ratios - but metal gears. this was to try them both and install the most suitable in Charlies model (I can always change mine out at a later date). some connectors were bought, and a couple of life belts in the correct scale. one other thing I spotted on one stall was 1/12 scale figures - one was bought and will be tweaked to represent Charlie, I also bought one figure to represent Macie dog.
  13. Ok I got some more done this afternoon, the second transom is now complete, just waiting to be glued up, and lastly just to show how those pieces cut this afternoon will go on the transom, here you go. there will of course first be vertical planking on there, as with the real thing. the timber I stripped to planks is a lovely close grained piece, and should come up beautifully.
  14. Griff, you will like this next bit, I dug out two bits of wardrobe frameing and stripped it down as thin as I can cut (about 2mm) this will make the outer layer of planking on the transom. it may be mahogany or teak, or some hardwood anyway, and I think it will be perfect for the outer skin on the transom. these work out to about 12" width in scale
  15. I even test fitted one on the back of the framework, and it looks good, once I have finished this transom, I might even get the very first gluing done.
  16. Right this evenings work, I did another curved piece as I wasnt happy with one of them, then started constructing transom 2, I have decided not to stagger the joints either side on this one and its a lot easier to do the joints, all done bar the last bar thats still cooling / drying from bending, extremely happy with this one so far.
  17. I just drag my pictures into the box on the reply bit that says drag here, and lo they come out (mostly) in the orientation they were taken in.
  18. not a lot of time today so transom 2 had the last curved piece put in the steamer and bent, joints started on the second transom.
  19. I would suggest an insulated case inside which it can perform its marvels, how about a transformer from an older 'vintage' neon light, that does not have the modern safety protection (and rubber boots and HV live jointers gloves)
  20. not to mention the cinque ports, most of which cannot be accessed any more by shipping.
  21. I dont reckon the high voltage transformers I am used to will help, anything up to 132,000 volts, even 265,000 volts, the problem is they cost a bit and top out at about 20 ton plus. I am of course talking about electricity distribution transformers
  22. Well after steaming yet another curve (1 more to go) I got on with cutting joints in 3 dimensions, not at all easy, the last shoulders on the middle 2 cross members were trimmed several times to get a fit, anyway here it is one transom, just held together with clips at the moment, these bits will be used to mark out the second transom (once I have bent all the timbers) then it will be gluing up, fitting the infill pieces on the insides of the bottom corners, then trimming to shape. I am very pleased how this came out
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