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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I seem to recall in Coot Club, Teasel used a gang plank to access the bank on a wild mooring, is this not a possibility anymore for those profiled banks?
  2. A couple of good purchases at the boot fair this morning, a bundle of oak strips and a bundle of softwood strips for £6. plus a whole bundle of construction brass rod and tube for just £10 - bargains, 10 strips of oak strip would be more expensive than all that timber, and those brass bits are about £1 a strip for the cheapest. this has advanced the build somewhat as it saves me some timber preparation.
  3. just like the fairy in the film scrooged.
  4. I think they duck because they heard there was a toll on passing through doorways based upon height, so instinct makes them duck to appear shorter and thus pay a smaller toll.
  5. sunk up to their knees in the bogs on the moors
  6. as they say, one good turn deserves another.....
  7. my only experience with Yorkshiremen until I met Griff was my uncle and he was a miner, these figures would have needed chopping down to be his size. Actually having had one of the springs come out of one, and seeing how they are built, it should be possible to turn up some new parts and make them taller.
  8. ah yes, now to model a pair of clogs onto these:-
  9. for the moment my new team will be assisting with the build, I have cut the rib formers out, and the first is being set up for bending.
  10. I dont think my dressmaking skills are up to pins (I might get my mum to do the dressmaking bit - she used to teach it (I suppose at least 60 years ago)) - if her arthritis will allow..
  11. while out shopping for small pegs (to clamp the ribs to the stringers) I was in the range and found some of the poseable wooden mannequins (for sketching) that could be dressed to make decent crew members (at the equivalent of 5 foot tall they are very close to scale)
  12. Not too much today, cut out the bulkheads for no2, then marked out the formers for the ribs onto some of the remaining ply, these are going to be cut so the ribs pass inside the keel, then outside the stringers
  13. my android tablet did an update yesterday, and turned stuff that had been turned off back on without asking, then had to be rebooted again to finish urdating. I may have to reboot my win 10 laptop so it can update in that case, though last time immediately after hitting the reboot button, I did the same for my linux laptop, that downloaded, updated rebooted and was back online, all before the win10 machine had managed to shut down.
  14. Yes Tim, Look what happens when you get caught- last week Griff got caught peeking at the forum, and we have barely heard anything from him since.
  15. Just remember, you are not allowed to give the little darlings a clip round the ear, or wildfuzz may be coming round to give you a caution. I had this happen once, when reprimanding a local yob for throwing stones at my daughter, he then started throwing them at me- I responded as my dad would have when I was young, and he stopped doing it. He then ran home to his parents and told them, who promptly called the police. I was given a warning by an older constable, who afterwards then told me it was about time somebody had done it. we never did have any more trouble from that boy. All I know is that if I had come home complaining of being clipped round the ear, my dad would have given me another for good measure. So be warned never to clip them round the ear. I am sorry the girl was hurt, and your car damaged, but hopefully with the combinaton of events you may be able to get the offending articles banned from being taken to that school. (more especially if they were wearing a school uniform when the events occurred)
  16. They are not leased from the farm, I have seen the title deeds, but to preserve the data confidentiality, I will not post on here as to who does appear on that document. You can find out for yourself by ordering a copy of the deeds at a modest charge from the land registry.
  17. Last stringer in place, time for a tidy up (alas not to wildfuzz's standard - I don't have the space) started cutting out the frames for model 2, some of these will be used as patterns for the formers for bending the ribs. At least the ribs only need 24" max timber lengths. I need to clear half of my conservatory, to use it as my workshop.
  18. Unregistered does not necessarily mean not owned- just not recorded with the land registry - for example it could be crown land- owned by the queen (I am not saying that this unregistered land is though)
  19. from looking at the land registry, the whole of the moorings and the yard and basin are owned by the same land owner, apart from about 1 boats length at the far end of the moorings that is shown on the land registry mapsearch as unregistered land (the white is unregistered land pink with red boundaries indicates the registry entry)
  20. just looking at it and wondering if I can up the size of the prop from 30mm to 35mm? it will be tight if I can, and the prop shaft will have to be spot on in the right place to get clearance. this may wait a little until more work is done.
  21. Tonight work, was just gluing a couple more stringers into place, that and lining up some of the drive components.
  22. mine doesnt get tidied as much as it should, but once I have applied the glue, I tend to keep away so it doesnt get knocked or disturbed, all but 1 cat knows to keep away, and I have a water mister bottle I use for wetting one side of the joint when using the gorilla glue, this can also be used to keep the cats back.
  23. Well finished the one side today, and fitted the top rail of the other side, its tricky doing more as the clamps from one stringer get in the way for positioning the next. doing a trial for the alignment of the prop shaft I will add some meat to the hog where it goes through to give it a good chance for fixing the prop shaft. I will be making a drill bit from some 6mm steel rod to bore the prop shaft, I was doing some research earlier and found a nice website showing how to make a drill to bore out bagpipes.
  24. or maybe he left his grapes too long and they wrinkled up - thus discovering a new preserved food- so he was the raisin king.
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