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Everything posted by grendel

  1. John, if you take it in and ask for a propane it should be no problem, I have used several different suppliers down here and nobody has refused to change (unless they didnt have the propane available)
  2. gonna take a bit more than welding to patch that hole.
  3. I have mostly changed all my small butane bottles either for bigger propane bottles or the same size, as the propane doesnt freeze and stop working when the temperature drops. but I have always found them happy to swap for different size / gas bottles when changing.
  4. I prefer dark blue touch paper - far safer.....
  5. another bit of progress, only 1 more rib and I will be up to the second bulkhead from the back - only about another month and a half of this rate (at 1 rib per day). its slow progress but I am happy with a little bit of progress each day, as that way it will eventually get done.
  6. Well clamping it worked, the bulge has gone, another rib has been fitted, and another one bent up, the grain split out a little so some glue was introduced and a wedge added to hold it in place. a very thin offcut was found, held in the steam, then clamped inside at the point I may have to thin a rib down, and then just to see what it lookes like I put a couple of short plank lengths next to the keel, I like the look.
  7. well good morning one and all, I have a complaint for felicity, the mail order bride I ordered arrived with no problem, however due to the size and despite being covered almost completely with stamps, the post office charged me a fortune in excesspostage. and another thing , did you have to stick the stamps on with copydex? this has caused two problems, one is that certain parts are still unacessible, due to the persistance of the glue, and secondly, it has left a distinct fishy taste, which has rather spoilt my fun as i am allergic to fish. Could you ask felicity what she intends to do about this. I have regularly been sending complaints by homing parrot, but it seems that she doesnt listen to her voice mail. I did try sending via snail mail, over 3 months ago, but the tracker shows that it has only travelled to the end of the street so far.
  8. Lulling myself to sleep tonight with a soothing selection from Iron Maiden, I may catch you later. I sort of like the medieval sleep pattern, of early to bed then a short awake interval, followed by more sleep.
  9. Its hard when we have to part with our friends, be comforted that you will meet once again on the rainbow bridge.
  10. Well another rib glued and another steamed, after it was glued and cramped up, I noticed a problem, there was a kink in the piece I had just glued, I have added a splint either side and cramped it up, hopefully it will straighten, otherwise it may have to be cut out and replaced as it has now pushed out a fraction elsewhere, if it has it may need another piece laminated into place and shaped down to fit, or be replaced. It just shows that not everything goes perfect first time.
  11. up and at them, good morning folks
  12. I am tempted to answer as I do the phone calls "we hear you have been involved in an accident" "how did you know? - how soon can you get the clean underwear to me" usually gets them off the line
  13. with careful plumbing you may be able to fit a collector into Uncle Alberts cabin too.
  14. awake - me- at this hour - you must be kidding. (but the bladder calls now I am awake) anyway Jethro Tull complete discography lulling me to sleep in the background (cant sleep with no noise in the background, it keeps the tinnitus away. I have to be awake in just over 3 hours and fit to work, so just a fleeting visit.
  15. I cant drink coffee that late in the evening, I would never sleep...
  16. but once you have trained them to avoid the top 10 mistakes, a new top ten mistakes will appear.
  17. if I dont put the cloth over it, the steam shoots out several feet.
  18. well the steamer is working well, another rib steamed, and another fixed in place.
  19. you will need new cables to move the battery, buy the bigger size, and tell the wife that was what they had on offer, running 2.5m of cables should be easier than 2.5m waste pipe, tell her its a medium difficulty job, then get kudos when you finish quicker than the estimated time (I always double the time estimate when telling the wife - just to be on the safe side.
  20. stand? I usually park up in the car, there is a couple of good spots right on the top (overspill) car park, that you can sit and see everything. and yes it can be windy.
  21. not realising if you slow down and use less throttle - you also have less control.
  22. finding out there is no brake pedal to slow down.
  23. the channel ferries often need bow and stern thrusters, considering up to 3 can be manouvering / berthing / unberthing simultaneously inside the breakwaters at dover and they often need at least a 180 degree turn (sometimes a 270 for the end berth) and only have 2 boat lengths to manouver, I would say they are pretty essential there, especially to hold position when coming into a berth with the wind off the berth.
  24. ah so If you don't look, it may (or may not ) have dropped off
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