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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I have done relay testing at both of those power stations, the chimney is no longer used as they use the shorter ones nowadays, Grain was rarely powered up, and when I was there one of the generating units was sold to india, Grain is the backup for Kingsnorth, when a unit is offline at kingsnorth, grain was the backup unit, ear protection is only worn there when one of the units actually fires up.
  2. no, thats where the plank steamer was cooling down
  3. well another piece bending, and more lap joints being cut - I did stop work when I started cutting the lap on the wrong side of one piece, when I start making mistakes its time to take a break.
  4. the shoulders of the two side pieces are cut different lengths to spread the joint across the width of the vertical.
  5. Ok today is another piece in the bending jig, but then now I have the bits bent for one transom, I can start to cut the joints, lets start with that tricky one at the bottom, its a mortice and tenon lap joint, ie a lap joint with a tenon running through the middle, its not as pretty as I would wish, and it could be a bit tighter, but it changes direction in several planes, so top view, side view and from the angle. this is fun, working with tiny chisels less than 1mm wide.
  6. could be ringworm, that starts out with bald patches.
  7. one of ours has chunks of fur missing on his neck, usually when he takes on the bigger cat of the house (as all of ours are indoor cats, losing about an inch circle is normal for a fight (even a playful one)
  8. I have been looking carefully at the lap joints for this, and it should be possible to arrange that the joints hold it all together by themselves, by having the top and middle lap joints opposite at each set of joints it should work, with the ends slotting into place as the locking parts. see my attached scribbles- which will give you an idea how I work these things through, now to work out a locking joint for the bottom at the centre.
  9. I think my inkjet is an officejet pro 8600 or similar.
  10. when I research printers I do two things - firstly I only look at printers designated as office printers, and secondly I look at ink usage, how many pages per cartridge and cost. inkjet do work out cheaper than laserjet (by about 2p per page) currently my inkjet costs me about 2.6p / page (its one of the HP officejets) it prints approximately 1200 pages per black cartridge (some home use printers are lucky to get 120 pages per cartridge). you do tend to pay a bit more for the printers, but the cartridges are usually about the same. the printers are designed for an office based environment, so can handle several hundred pages a day, dont fall to bits as easily, and are cheaper to run than home based printers (usually given away cheap as they get the money back on all those extra ink cartridges you use). I currently have 2 laserjets, one colour, one black and white, both of these were got for nothing, and when the toners that came with them are gone, will probably be scrapped, as I dont see myself spending a few hundred pounds to replace the colour toners, hopefully by then a new colour laserjet will end its life in the office and become available.
  11. not an apparent lot done today, but bits are being bent / cut to form the transom, this will be jointed together in best Timbo style, then notched to take the stringers / beams, and after that mounted onto the build board. The bending takes a bit of time, as once bent the part has to thoroughly dry out before it can be removed from the bending frame.
  12. I once bought a transit parcel van, its speedo only went up to 99,999 miles, but as far as we could reckon, it had seen that at least twice, so the engine was stripped and rebuilt with the next size up cutting piston rings, by the time we got rid of it it had passed 99,999 again. one ofmy volvo 340's had a warped cylinder head, I could change the head gasket in 30 minutes by the roadside, I even had a spare engine (just as bad as the first) that I could swap over in the garage in just over an hour. engine work - yes I could, but only out of necessity nowadays.
  13. sharpened like a razor, like his wit...
  14. no my problem was the assumption that when they re-sited the repeater, that a certain large church tower was between our aerial and the transmitter, when the transmitters changed we went from recieving the one channel (BBC2) badly to no signals at all, the transmitter had moved and my rough calculations placed it directly behind the church tower, later investigation shows that it misses the tower by at least 50m to get to our house (well the back anyway)
  15. when checking for freeview tv, its worth checking with the aerial vertical rather than horizontal, main antennas sent out the signal horizontal, repeaters send it out vertical (I know, we have spent years without TV, and it was only a few weeks back I found out and got a signal.
  16. perhaps Francinda is his wifes name, and he thought by putting designs after it that it would make it sound better. for that price it needs to come complete with the river and moorings.
  17. I havent been allowed to do the washing up at my parents since chipping a denby mug as a child.
  18. OK I have created a space on the sideboard behind me for some of the spare bits, then I got on with bending timber for the transom, in addition I reshaped some timber on the table saw and stocked up my timber supplies.
  19. its even cheaper at boot fairs and bike jumbles, plus you can see what you are getting.
  20. Ah you only find that out if you make remarks about huge bog rolls MM
  21. sadly beaten too, but the price is coming down
  22. chrome and brass here - http://www.sheridanmarine.com/product/lacing-hooks or this in stainless http://www.sheridanmarine.com/product/stainless-steel-hood-lacing-cleats - at £2.60 each here chromed at £1.98 http://timage.eu/site/lacing-eyes-hook/684-178hook.html getting cheaper here at £1.45 http://www.morehandles.co.uk/crofts-solid-brass-lacing-hook-roller-blind-tie-back-bc-b-3996.html still chromed brass though
  23. This morning was a nice drive to JawsOrca country - well to Chatham dockyard, to the two model shops they have there - one does boats, the other everything else, still a razor saw and blades bought in one, and the other had a couple of wooden ships wheels that looked about the right size - brasswork to be added, and a nice bright shiney brass prop (when I was looking online these were a - more expensive and b - in quite short supply (one shop had just the one) so I got this while I saw it. so here's the comparison between real and model bits - though I have just spotted the 2 extra spokes on the model ones,
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