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Everything posted by grendel

  1. So already the favour of my rescuing a day boat at bramerton has come back and repaid me with the old chaps kindness.
  2. A friendly old chap stopped and gave me a tow to somerleyton, rammed full so now on the private mooring there.
  3. Ok, so that didn't go as planned, I made it half a mile upriver when the engine revved up and then stopped, upon checking the oil, it was found to have become several times it's normal level, so the diesel has managed to get into the sump (again), and only half way through my breakfast too. Mudweight is down, awaiting Dave with a pump to empty the sump.
  4. I will try and get in, after 8+ hours of cruising though, staying awake will be the challenge.
  5. An early start today, the boat moored in front left about 5.30am, but I waited a little while, taking down the canopy and brewing a coffee, so 6.30 am start, heading downstream on a falling tide, today was going to be a long cruise. Good passage down river, there was little current on the new cut, but once on the waveney it was obvious the tide was still falling, so tied up on just a centre rope at herringfleet, time for a comfort break, another coffee and some breakfast, by which time the tide will take me upriver. Arrived here just after 10.45,am so just over 4 hours cruising so far.
  6. When I went to pay my fee for overnight at the yacht station, I was informed that it will be shut tomorrow, is unmanned, no pumpouts,no toilets and no showers. This I presume is a staffing issue. The gate by the toilet block will be shut from 7 pm tonight, but the gate at the other end will remain open, the water will be left on, and the moorings will be available. Because of this I was only charged £6 for the night.
  7. So today was chedgrave moorings on the chet, to Norwich, I departed 30 minutes too soon, and hit the tide as soon as I got to the yare, this was resolved by taking a break at hardly mill moorings, where I cleaned away some flaking varnish, then I cruised up river with the tide under me, passing exsurveyor en route, until I got to bramerton. It was here I encountered a barny bishy day boat, with it's occupants thumbing for a lift and asking for a tow back to the base at thorpe. So I took the mast down after grabbing a bow line and slipping it over a cleat at the stern, then a sedate 4 mph back to Thorpe. It was a good job I had dropped the mast, as there was only 7'3". Popped in and dropped the day boat off, received thanks from the staff member and a handshake from those aboard, like Griff, you don't do this for any reward, as one day it may be you needing assistance. After that I proceeded up to Norwich YS, where I moored up quite uneventfully. Another 5 hour cruise done.
  8. Finally after breakfast and another coffee, I settled down for a day of relaxation, went for a quick swim, watching DVD's, while outside the weathe fluctuated between rain and overcast, I hadn't connected the solar panels today while cruising as it was a bit windy on Breydon, so the portable solar generator was down to about 70%,and with it being overcast wasn't charging as fast, and I was also using it to power the dvd player, thus by bedtime it was only at 82%, back down to 72% this morning, but it is a bit brighter today.
  9. Glad you have managed to get it sorted, if it's not already been done I can delete the spare account once I return home Saturday.
  10. Yes, it is usual to edit responses to posts that are edited and quote the section edited, since removing all of that would leave your post rather pointless, this it was left hidden, please folks try and remember that kids can access the forum so posts should be family friendly. We do try to contact a poster when this happens, but at the moment I am travelling the broads and don't have full admin access on my tablet.
  11. I only just missed you then as I had an hour or so on the other moorings yesterday while heading shopping.
  12. So I woke late for me at 6 am, by 7.30 I was ready to leave, a bit late to properly catch the tide across breydon, so at 7.30 I was unmoored and away, I hit the tide a couple of miles outside great Yarmouth, just as at the same time I cut too close on a corner and had to apply a bit of power to slide off, once around the corner there were yellow markers a good 15 feet into the river, once off the mud I steered well clear of the banks, got to the bridges with 7'9" clearance, and then through and round the yellow post, where at 2000 rpm, I had for a few moments 8 mph, then across breydon, up the yare, under reedham bridge, past the ferry and a left down the chet, there was a space at the chedgrave moorings, though I am disappointed that in renewing the quay headings, they have removed the old wherry mast from the grass. Now moored up, time for a proper breakfast and coffee
  13. It's now the watch all the boats hurrying past to find a mooring time.
  14. It so I headed to potter heigham, just in time to see Judith M preparing to transit the bridge ( they made it just) at 6'2.5", I was 1/2 " too tall (and with the river height still rising I wasn't going to risk not getting back.) Anyway I missed their transit as all the moorings were full, and I was mooring up in HW's, only to find it was a turnaround day. (Every day is except for Wednesday and Thursday apparently) anyway I needed fuel, so i filled up 32 litres £59 odd. Then popped across the road to Latham's to see if they did radio's, no, nor alarm clocks apparently. Back aboard and set sail for wroxham (Roy's would have radio's - and they did not disappoint). Up to wroxham, fairly uneventful journey, except for being overtaken every time I slowed to the speed limit. I had the canopy down anyway, so dropped the mast down as I passed wroxham broad. Into wroxham and straight through the bridge (6'9" no problem). Then into Roy's for the radio, Roy's DIY for some other bits, and sausage and chips from the chippy. Back to the boat to eat my chips, and it started spitting, as I was going to be headed back through the bridge I didn't bother with the roof, so got wet. Through the bridge again and got wet again then it was just a chug down the bure to the pumping station, where I have just arrived and moored up, a lot of traveling, Rain has started up again, so roof up, time for tea.
  15. It was interesting last night that the man who came to collect the mooring fee was happy to see Water Rail, he said he hadn't seen her since he worked at the museum of the broads, so was happy she was still afloat, and still in use.
  16. Slow start to this morning, a cup of coffee to wake me up, and a couple of croissant and 2 Portuguese custard tarts from the bakery ( I followed their suggestion of a couple of minutes under the grill to warm them) which were absolutely great for breakfast. It's not looking too hopeful for transiting potter heigham today, just an inch or so shy of the 6'3" needed according to project troll. Note I have contacted them to ask where their measurement is taken as I know that both potter heigham and wroxham, the gauges are set to the height at a certain width on the arch, so it would be interesting to know if they have allowed for this too.
  17. When I arrived at womak yesterday I slotted straight in, free moorings fluctuated all afternoon and when it finally filled the 2 day boats left, leaving room for Broad Ambition, so even womak has been relatively quiet.
  18. Moored up at womak water, after a while Broad Ambition joins me, we took the opportunity to take the model out on the water, first Charlie made a kids day by handing over the controller while I got some pictures, then Charlie took over for a while. We launched from the side dyke, with me on the bow of Water Rail and Charlie shouting directions, the return was accomplished the same way, with the model ending at Charlie's feet. We had a nice meal at the king's head and chatting into the evening until we got tired of the whine of the mosquito, after which I set up the mosquito net and went to bed.
  19. I got some pictures of Broad Ambition at the same time, but they are on the camera, and will need to wait until I get home. Long day today, underway about 7.45 am, tide turned about half way across so I was punching into it. Revolutions for 6 mph, speed 3.5mph, then turned at the post and revolutions for 4 mph, and speed of 6.5mph, spotted a mooring so went past and turned in a gap, then moored up, setting long springs. As we crossed breydon, Griff did some fast runs alongside me, then we spotted the stranded cruiser, just drifting. Griff hared off to check they were ok, they managed to restart the engine and we're cruising on tickover to goodchilds. I did my shopping and then departed GY at 11am, headed upriver at a leisurely 2000 rpm 6mph with tide assist, past BA at the acle bridge inn, and proceeded to womak water, where I have been keeping an eye on spaces awaiting Griff's arrival.
  20. They certainly made their presents felt.
  21. I had spotted the cruiser stationary in the water too but Griff was in a better position to perform a rescue, at one point I had revs for 6 mph, and was just making 3.5mph.
  22. Although it supposed to be a fairly early crossing, there is still some mist about here at burgh castle, so I am leaving it until a bit later, meanwhile breakfast, alone frying pan meal, fried bread, egg, bacon, tomato, and a tin of beans and sausages, that should set me up for the day ahead.
  23. Well done Griff, I would imagine they had just about given up any hope of a passing boat, then you turn up.
  24. It was spring tides yesterday with the highest rise and fall Looking on project troll, in the last 6 days we have seen the low tide clearance reduce from 6'8" to 6'4" so I have my fingers crossed https://broads.bridgeheight.com/
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