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Everything posted by grendel

  1. I have brushes, but not black enamel, I can probably source some, so I can do it if you wish. (unless you want the fun)
  2. Add another job to the list Griff, though this is a quick one that just involves a few seconds and a couple of screws, fixing builders badge on bulkhead.
  3. I suppose here is a better place to put this rather than carry on drifting the Broadsman thread Today I cut a test in Brass (thin brass because I have a ton of that), so both parts were tested side by side, the test was successful, so the real thing is whirring away in the background now.
  4. i will go for the pemmican, ginger beer and cat any day
  5. most of that was below water action
  6. I have been asked to post the following quote from a report in the press.
  7. Had a moment's panic when I thought it had missed the middles of the o's and other letters, but it went round and cleaned those out at the end, I will have to run it as 2 separate operations as the bit I used for the lettering was too short to go through the work readily, and if it catches in brass it will certainly break the bit. But quite pleased overall, even in MDF.
  8. just running a test in mdf, I have a bit of 3mm brass that will do for the final bit, but just enough to make 2 so I am running the test in mdf.
  9. https://www.908ltd.co.uk/shop/external-engraving-laminate/gloss-black-gold not quite as bad as you think, this black gold black is £22 for a 2' x 2' sheet (610x610)@ 1.5mm thick but I do have a small cnc router system, and I think I may be able to get close, (i havent found how to hatch the background yet and the font isnt quite perfect) but I have a design in the software now
  10. my daily commute (if I were doing it at the moment) rose by £5.50 due to the increase in fuel costs, if you subtract the whole 5p, I will be 70p better off than before they did that, but still paying an extra £4.80 a day over what I was paying a few months back.
  11. I know I could do a close match in wood or acrylic, theoretically I can do brass and aluminium, so not promising, but I can have a try for you Griff.
  12. Groove done, now working on the other face, just about ready to take out one set of bolts to do the next section.
  13. Griff, a quick google search indicates that it will, the website I found even states that it doesnt matter whether its dyed red or not (as it is being used for heating its a perfectly legitimate use for red diesel) though it does mention that cotton wicks work better with diesel than fibreglass ones https://www.primalsurvivor.net/diesel-kerosene-heater/
  14. usually found framed behind the bar from where somebody has bought a round. I reckon our MD must hail from up north , at our christmas do this year he made a big point of buying the first round, there were only 3 of us including him at that point, (one of the perks of arriving earlier than others)
  15. must be a yorkshire thing, but in that bottom picture you look just like my uncle who was a yorkshire miner and came down to work the kent collieries.
  16. discussions are in progress, while we discuss, certain posts and those that quote them have been hidden. the problem is that certain topics generate widely different viewpoints that can be firmly felt by their supporters, and if care isnt taken, things can get out of hand, tempers fray and then we do have problems as Wussername has so succinctly pointed out. please be patient with us, these things take time, I have literally only just managed to find the time to read the forum, and really I should be sleeping ready for a 5am start.
  17. maybe they have moved, this place was in Chartham
  18. I have had a busy couple of days, I found that I was running my 100 year old lathe way to fast (aout 4 1/2 times too fast, so needed to replace the current 6" pulley on the countershaft with a bigger 12" pulley, unfortunately 12" pulleys with 1/2" bores are not so easy to find, and are not cheap, but I struck lucky, i found someone selling 12" circles of aluminium toolplate 30mm thick on ebay, better still was the fact he was only 4 miles from me. the worst part was he was selling 10 of these chunks of aluminium, with a start price at £100 and a buy it now at £200, ouch. i stuck a cheecky bit for £100 and waited the 18 hours left, nobody else bid, so I got them. friday I arranged to pick them up, - turns out its a local fabrication company, they make roulette tables, and these bits are the sections cut out where the wheel goes, anyway, I got chatting as we walked through the factory, lots of lovely toys, CNC routers that were just eating up 30mm aluminium like it was butter, anyhow, a short while later i came away from there with 11 - yes he threw in an extra one. (he had a bin full of the bits, some were up to 24" diameter). anyway, i weighed one when I got home, 13 lbs 4 oz each, I have got about 145 Lbs of aluminium (at under scrap price), so it was going on the lathe to make a nice 12" pulley, the biggest chuck I have is 8", so it was bolted to the 10" backplate, and the bits i could safely turn were taken down to thickness, then I drilled some new holes in the bit that was the correct thickness and bolted it to the faceplate with these new holes, after which I could remove the original bolts and turn down the surface to finished thickness, I still have to put in the V groove, and face the other side, but thats what I have been up to today (oh yes, and clearing up a ton of aluminium swarf.
  19. as there are not many new ferries out there John, I would suggest that this wasnt the reason, the pride of kent and the pride of bergundy are over 30 years old now, so any VAT paid at launch has long been recovered.
  20. just a guess mind you, but rust coloured?
  21. does anyone know the situation regarding the requirement for pilots, I seem to recall that ferry captains also are required to hold a pilots licence for the ports they travel (as a commercial vessel)., i wonder if the 'replacement crews' will hold the necessary paperwork
  22. I wonder if you were suckered into buying it?
  23. having seen the video in a local news report the way they were told was that they were being made redundant via a video link , if that is so, they have not followed the procedures and consultations they should have for redundancy, so the employees may have a case aganst their former employers.
  24. you can bypass the majority of the shop, if you know how, its just those bypass routes are well hidden.
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