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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. Welcome to the forum from me too. If you are picking up from Richardson's, I guess you mean you will be north from the Friday to the Monday then travelling south? Have you been able to check tide times for your crossing? I think April is a great time to be on the Broads, everything coming to life for the season. Plenty of knowledgeable people on this forum if there is anything you need to know or ideas for places (and pubs of course!) to visit. Enjoy!
  2. Not the BA saying this imtamping2, it is the local authorities which I read as being the district councils. I will try and copy the document on here in full for clarification. There is a bin at Potter of which the lid has been secured so it does not open fully, presumably to stop boaters from filling it with their rubbish. I suppose now if we use that bin with rubbish from our boats, we could be charged with fly-tipping as we will be depositing commercial waste! As Polly says, ridiculous.
  3. Having received a response from the BA following my email to them concerning waste disposal, I thought some of you may be interested in a piece of information included in the reply. This comes from a document providing 'Background information regarding the waste situation throughout the Broads area' and states: 'where the boat is used for self-catering accommodation, waste is now classified as commercial rather than before when it was classified as household waste. The local authorities also confirm that waste from other vessels which do not come under this definition, although not specifically stated in the regulations, will be treated by them as commercial waste. So it seems now that private boats will have more difficulty in disposing of waste as I'm not sure hire boat yards will welcome the extra refuse!
  4. vanessan


    Sorry about the above heading, I can't seem to get rid of it! Mowjo - Drab is asking about overnight moorings and places to see as he is hiring. Mind you, after the enthusiastic responses to his enquiry, he might be tempted to buy his own boat one day!
  5. vanessan


    I did say 'many of the bling boats', I wonder if there are very many little and low ones. Maybe I could afford one if it was little enough!
  6. vanessan


    They would be the moorings/pub that many of the bling boats can't get to then? Shame! It's called.............................umm, something to do with a keyhole isn't it?
  7. vanessan


    One of the places I like to stop is Burgh Castle. Certainly not because of the moorings as they leave an awful lot to be desired. The walk around Burgh Castle (Gariannonum) itself is a favourite of mine. Great views across the marshes towards Berney Arms and many walks, one of which takes in the local church which is worth a look. With the Fisherman's pub (check opening hours) not far from the 24 hour moorings, sustenance is not far away as well!
  8. Salhouse is one of my favourites too, particularly on a mudweight. Langley Dyke and Hardley Mill down south. I guess your holiday dates are chosen for school hols, have you ever been real low season? The Broads make a wonderful holiday destination for children, so much to see and learn about and having great fun at the same time.
  9. Welcome from me too. With 2 trips for this year, you are obviously hooked! Do you have a favourite place/area?
  10. I'm with JawsOrca on this one, with money no object it has to be one of each! However, if it was a choice then for me it would be a reasonable sized river boat for the Broads every time and preferably one that could go under all the bridges on the navigable system. I'm sure it must be coming up to my turn to win Lotto !!
  11. Thank you JillR, they are useful links.
  12. Following on from what marshman has said, maybe we could organise some sort of 'pro-forma' we can follow? ie the appropriate email addresses. Not being local, I would not know which council to contact depending upon where on the rivers I am. (Or should it be the County Council each time?) I think it would be helpful.
  13. Head and brick wall come to mind! At least NNC responded, at the moment (apart from an automated response) I have not yet had the courtesy of a reply from the Broads Authority following my email to them on the subject. I think it is going to take this year, and probably next, for the result of these cuts to become clear. When/if the fly-tipping starts for real, it will most probably be the BA who will end up clearing rubbish from moorings. Maybe then they will feel differently. If Bramerton PC have reinstated the refuse compound as believed, they must have done it for a reason. Fly-tipping, complaints, kindness or an ulterior motive? It would be nice to know. It is going to take a lot more than just a few of us voicing our concerns to the 'powers that be'. Whilst I accept that cost-cutting exercises have to take place in this day and age, I think this is a very short-sighted way forward.
  14. The 'reinstated' remark in respect of the Bramerton bins was from the BA Navigation Committee meeting minutes for December 2015. If they are correct, the bins would have been put back fairly recently I would think. I really hope they are back as Bramerton must be one of the most visited moorings on the southern rivers, not just by boaters but by people in cars too.
  15. The BA's 2015 list seems to indicate that the Bramerton bins have been reinstated. Can anyone confirm that is the case having visited recently?
  16. A very useful list, particularly for hire boats. However, I thought the 'General Waste Bins' bins at Potter and Thurne had been removed?
  17. 16.5m going up/down the Chet could be interesting.................!
  18. Norfolk Nog - that was the link, thank you. As that was from the BA's December meeting, it surely must be the most up to date one? From the other links, we know that the Thurne Dyke and Potter bins have gone so maybe the first link is rather historical. If Bramerton is reinstated, that has to be good news. The hint is there, if the BA don't get any complaints there is no problem. Well, there is and it will get worse so let's tell them.
  19. Earlier in this thread I mentioned the BA meeting minutes from 10 December 2015 for the Navigation Committee, a review and list of waste facilities is there. I am sorry but I have not been able to copy them, if someone is able to help out I think they may be useful for this topic.
  20. There is more information contained in the Broads Authority Navigation Committee minutes for the meeting held on 10 December, available on the BA website. Agenda item 11 - Review of Waste Facilities. I am currently unable to copy these to these pages, perhaps someone could help out?
  21. I wonder if the boat is new to the Broads, I can't see any sign of a toll plaque - or registration mark for that matter. Thank heavens for the lifeboat crew, getting into bother at 16.24hrs at this time of year would be scary I would think - especially if your engine has fallen off!
  22. We can continue to debate who is responsible for boat waste and keep going round in circles or we can start lobbying (as Hylander has already done) for someone to actually take responsibility for sorting the problem out. To my mind the BA is the 'guardian of the Broads' and that might be a good place to begin. The Broads Society also need to show some interest, as do the NSBA. Local councils and MPs have been mentioned but, unless we pick up the baton, nothing will be done. I have no doubt this will be a long battle and I am going to start with the first three on my list. Come on folks, pen to paper, fingers to keyboards or whatever, we MUST do something!
  23. I see some suggestions have been made as points of contact, it's a start. Nothing ventured nothing gained. I hope others will also take up the fight.
  24. This is a subject that has been around for the last couple of years, only the situation is now getting ridiculous. As a private boater who spends a few weeks at a time on the rivers, refuse disposal is becoming a nightmare. With the amount of packaging now on goods, it does not take very long to fill a bin bag which has to be stored somewhere on the boat - maybe for days until a bin can be found. Hire yards do not take kindly to private craft depositing rubbish in their bins, quite understandably. But then ours is not classed as 'trade waste' so shouldn't go in hire yard bins anyway! It is certainly not fair on the holidaymaker on any boat to have to cart smelly rubbish around for days, what about young families with a baby or large families who will naturally create more waste? And dog owners who do the decent thing and clear up after their animals? (It's no wonder we now see poo bags left hanging in bushes although that is something that really makes me angry.) We can talk about this ad infinitum or we can try and do something about it. I'm not sure where or who one should write to and start the ball rolling - local councils, MPs, BA? Start a petition? Anybody any ideas?
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