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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. I saw the programme too, while I was cooking in the kitchen. Rather incensed, I went into the lounge to tell the other half who was half listening to it. Before I said anything he gave a big grin - he is much more laid back than me and knew I would be cross. National Park indeed!!
  2. Well, I have had no further response from the BA following my attempt to get this clarified. I guess I have been tagged as an awkward ***** and my email consigned to the trash bin! I still believe the statement that 'running engines at moorings during day or night is a byelaw offence' is incorrect and misleading. If the words 'causing annoyance to others' had been included, I think we would all be much happier and in complete agreement.
  3. We have used carpet tiles and they are not secured in any way. No problems with that. A couple of years back, some oil was spilt on a couple of them and it was very easy to just replace the offending tiles. (It is nice to have something a bit more comfortable to walk around on in bare feet too!) There are a couple of inspection hatches which are virtually the same size as the tiles as luck would have it. We started by covering those with a single tile each and worked outwards to cover the rest of the floor, it worked a treat and we've been very pleased with the result. I must admit though, I do also use a number of washable mats. Having dogs, they can get mucky quite quickly and to be able to take them home and put them in the washing machine is a boon (the mats, not the dogs!!)
  4. Carpet tiles could be another option. Can be easily lifted for inspection underneath and replaced if necessary. Just need to buy a few extra at the outset.
  5. And there was me thinking those guys work late hours! I don't think it would hurt for others to question this Newsletter statement, eventually the BA might confirm there is a new byelaw (or will be one) or admit their wording is incorrect.
  6. Earlier today I emailed the Authority for clarification on this. I have had a reply referring me to byelaw 84 which has been mentioned above. I have replied saying that I believe the wording in the Newsletter to be incorrect and misleading although I am in favour of a harder line being taken with regard to inconsiderate boaters and the running of engines between 8pm and 8am in particular. I await further contact. (I was impressed to receive the BA's reply at almost 9 pm, they must be busy.)
  7. I remember the first boat we hired back in the early 80s. When you had a shower, the waste water had to be pumped out by hand which was no easy job. By the time you finished pumping, you felt like you needed another shower!
  8. Little drops of whiskey and little sips of gin Make life a little rosy and little Rosie sin................
  9. Many thanks, it would be the bar area. Sounds as if we shall just have to pay them a visit as I do like the look of that menu.
  10. HA - do you know if the WB Inn is dog-friendly? Looks like a terrific menu.
  11. Do you think she might try a long weekend - ie Friday pm to Monday am? If you have a large enough boat on the upper reaches of the Bure for example, there would not be too much movement unless it was very windy.
  12. I notice from the Broadsheet Newsletter that came with the toll demand that 2 leccy points have been installed at Somerleyton. Yet I'm sure I saw a little while ago that the BA weren't planning on any more for sometime. The tolls are still a good deal IMO for access to a magic playground.
  13. I also meant to add that if new people like Hakuna Matata contact the authority with their concerns, it might help. Polly has provided more contact details as well so it is time to start bombarding the appropriate quarters. (ps - welcome to the Broads and the forum HM, rather belated. You have chosen a fab place to explore notwithstanding our rubbish problems!)
  14. My apologies for the length of the following item, I thought it might be useful to print in full the response I had from the BA following my email to them. 1 February 2016 from the Broads Authority (Angie Leeper) Thank you and we note your comments. The Broads Authority are doing all we can to help with the issue of rubbish although it does not fall within our responsibilities. I have attached a link http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0017/663110/Review-of-Waste-Facilities-nc101215.pdf to a report that was put before committee which details the current position.. As you can see we have undertaken a consultation on ascertaining the current status and how this is affecting any of the areas within the Broads. Navigation committee members have suggested that we to continue to monitor the situation over the coming season. A similar report will go to the Broads Authority meeting and the Broads Forum this month. As you can see from the report it has been suggested by members of the Navigation Committee that we hold an internal workshop later this season. I have added some background information below on the issue of waste that may help explain. Many thanks and Kind regards Angie Leeper Asset Officer angie.leeper@broads-authority.gov.uk Background Information regarding the waste situation throughout the Broads area Changes in the Controlled Waste Regulations that were introduced on 1 April 2012 now specify that boat waste, where the boat is used for self-catering accommodation, is now classified as commercial waste rather than before when it was classified as household waste The local authorities also confirm that waste from other vessels which do not come under this definition, although not specifically stated in the regulations, will be treated by them as commercial waste. This change in the regulations is what has brought the issue of waste to the forefront. Under the new regulations it is designated that “the polluter” has to pay for the cost of both the collection and disposal of the waste and Norfolk County Council has confirmed that they will be charging the local authorities for the services backdated to 1 April 2012. This has resulted in the local authorities reviewing their provision of waste facilities over the Broads area as they are not able to clearly define who the “polluter” is when looking at their provision at the various locations. Although they are often called “boat waste bins” they are used by walkers, visitors, boaters, anglers, local residents and businesses. Both North Norfolk District Council and Broadland District Council consulted with Broads Authority officers, outlining their position and proposals in regard to the future provision of waste facilities in their areas but no other local authorities. The Broads Authority, although having no remit for waste facilities, requested to be included in all discussions on this important issue. A position paper regarding the provision of waste facilities was produced in conjunction with the Norfolk Waste Partnership and the local authority officer liaison group but unfortunately the Broads Authority was not initially consulted or included in the preparation of the document. The paper sets out policy in regard to future provision and concludes with the following key points: (a)The Broads Authority, Environment Agency, National Trust and Norfolk County Council will be expected to make arrangements for provision of services on their land. (b)Owners of private moorings or where mooring charges are made will not be provided with free services (c)Provision of facilities on other land such as Parish Council land will be determined locally. Facilities are more likely to be retained where they serve a mix of visitor uses; both boat and land transport and are associated with other service provision such as public conveniences. (d)Implementation will be at the end of October 2014 to allow time for alternative arrangements to be implemented by those concerned. (Update as of 16 January 2016 - Broadland have already reduced their provision from 6 to 3 sites and North Norfolk have reduced by one site and intend to withdraw all of their facilities with the exception of, Irstead, Neatishead and Riverside Road, Wroxham by the beginning of the summer season) A meeting was held on 8 September 2014 at the request of the Broads Authority where representatives from all of the local authorities, Norfolk County Council and the Broads Hire Boat Federation were in attendance. The local authorities have all now confirmed what facilities will be provided and those that will be withdrawn, and so together with facilities provided by Boatyards/marinas a map and list of waste provision sites has been produced The Broads Authority freehold sites where provision is currently provided by the relevant local authority and are to be withdrawn are Wayford Bridge, Dilham Staithe and Ranworth Staithe. Given the fly tipping issues at Ranworth Staithe when the compactor skip was removed last winter, it is has been agreed that the Broads Authority as landowner should continue to provide this service. Quotes have been sought, and the annual costs for an equivalent service to that being discontinued by Broadland District Council is approximately £ 5,000. However, the 24hr moorings at both Dilham Staithe and Wayford Bridge are limited moorings and it is suggested that the local rangers monitor the sites after the bins are removed to determine whether any future facilities are likely to be required. The replacement service to be provided by the Broads Authority is already in place for the Ranworth site. The Authority has also noticed an increase in volume of refuse disposal at Great Yarmouth Yacht Station and Norwich Yacht Station over the last season, at an additional £1,000 p.a. and it is expected that this trend will continue. In order to avoid fly tipping as a result of boaters being ignorant of the location of facilities, the information has been produced for inclusion in the skippers manual which is placed on each hire boat, published on the Broads Authority websites, and included in relevant Broads Authority publications to ensure that the boating public are aware of the locations for waste facility provision. Information signs will also be placed at Broads Authority moorings to provide information on the location of nearest sites both upstream and downstream of each mooring to aid boaters. The Navigation Committee were consulted on this issue at their meeting on 23rd October 2014. They supported replacement rubbish facilities at Ranworth, on the basis that the Broads Authority as landowner was liable. However, they advised against taking on liability for facilities on third party land. It was proposed that the Broads Authority to continue to monitor the situation over the coming period, to see whether further issues arose at other sites, and that consideration be given to a further project in future for a more comprehensive waste facility provision in future years should the need be determined. ................................................................................................................................... I think if more people contacted the BA about this matter, eventually someone, somewhere, might take notice but I won't hold my breath!
  15. Meant to say, lovely pictures. What a difference a day makes!
  16. That reminds me of the beach and dunes at Winterton, great walking.
  17. A couple of years back, I bought a Thetford oven - 4 burner hob and separate grill and oven, from Norfolk Marine in Wroxham. Being on the boat for weeks at a time, I tend to cook very similarly to what I do at home so the cooker gets a lot of use. We have 2 12kg gas canisters on board and I reckon 1 lasts between 40 and 50 days. I think that's probably good going. I have certainly been pleased with the cooker.
  18. 'it was a bit look at what I've got, you haven't!' And how many helmsman do we see like that out on the rivers !
  19. Look forward to seeing any pictures, all sounds a bit serious.
  20. What is a D game and what is an A+ game please? I support Norwich City from afar so don't know these things. I could make more comment on the way things are currently going for the team but that could start a whole new debate!!
  21. Mowjo - I think it's a case of 'horses for courses'. There will be many with deep pockets who will have all the mod cons and gadgets just because they can and there will be those who have them because they are useful for one reason or another. Then there are those who can't see what all the fuss is about!
  22. SteveO - maybe you will use the boat more once you retire? When we bought ours we intended to have a few days on it here and there, now retired we come up for 3/4 weeks at a time. Like you we travel a few hundred miles up from Kent to get to the boat so a longer spell makes it worthwhile. Apart from which, we love the Broads life! Being able to cruise at any time, we can make the most of quieter times so, at the moment anyway, are not too worried about some of the mooring losses. Waste disposal, well that's a problem that will get worse. I think this season, and maybe next, it will become clear what effect the cuts will have.
  23. I think a lot depends on the age and mobility of the boater. You might have been boating for 30+ years but, as time goes on, one's ageing body responds to a bit more comfort and gadgets that make life easier. There are many boaters that spend weeks at a time out on the rivers, why continually rough it when you can have more mod cons? Plugging in allows use of a microwave, kettle and toaster, that saves the gas for other times. If you don't want to move too far one day, plugging in will keep the batteries charged without running the engine and, if you have an immersion, will heat the water and run heaters. I have no problem with boiling kettles for washing etc and can't understand why people have to run engines at moorings for water for washing up and showers. I don't think you can slot people into set categories, we all want and enjoy different things from our boating.
  24. Another one hooked then, well done! Looks like your crossing time for the Saturday will be around lunchtime, if you are intending to cross back again on the Monday it won't give you much time down south. Have you got a route planned?
  25. I think HA's figure of £3000pa is not far off the mark, for us anyway. We are able to use the boat at any time we want, all year round if we so desired. So £3k is not bad. If that figure was to rise, how much more would we be prepared to shell out to carry on? That's a difficult one. Costs are inevitably going to go up, they have to with things as they are. I think I would be prepared to pay out more for better facilities - extra moorings, waste disposal, leccy points or anything that would add value or enjoyment to boating in general. (It's a pity we can't pay for more settled weather throughout the year, I bet there's not too many who would not subscribe to that!)
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