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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. I can't see where new moorings are going to come from. It seems that land owners want silly money to lease river banks and there isn't the money to purchase new land. The situation at Thurne Mouth/Boundary Farm still has to be resolved and I have my doubts as to those moorings ever coming back into the system. The closing of those must have put extra pressure on the Acle moorings and if they are lost it will be a ridiculous situation for boats travelling from Great Yarmouth up the Bure. There will be precious few before St Benet's or Womack once past Stokesby.
  2. We were wild moored for a couple of nights last week, on the bank just below where the river splits for the Locks Inn or Geldeston. Absolutely fabulous as it was two of the hottest days we have had this year and the trees gave us some welcome shade. Much quieter down south although I think there are more hire boats making the journey across these days.
  3. I spent yesterday in Norwich enjoying some retail therapy. A trip to the south has to include a stopover at the yacht station and a walk to the city centre. Actually, to be honest, I got the bus in and back so I didn't have to struggle walking back with my bags! I love Norwich and find it usually has everything I set out to get - and a lot more besides. It is 'a fine city' but I can imagine more appreciated by visitors than locals. Most places are like that. It was a lovely evening too, quite still, and the lights at Pull's Ferry and Bishop Bridge made it very atmospheric. The 16 swans gliding around helped as well. We have never had a problem overnight although, like others, we avoid Fridays and Saturdays.
  4. I'm pretty sure Betsie Jane was moored at Hipperson's earlier this year, don't know if that's her permanent base though.
  5. There have been warnings about blue-green algae in some areas of the Broads, the toxins from the algae can be fatal to animals apparently. Having said that, I constantly see dogs having a wonderful time swimming in the rivers. Ours don't even like getting their feet wet!
  6. I would think the OP, Mondeoman, must be sitting scratching his head wondering how his post became what it has! Having said that, it is an interesting debate and one that needs following closely by anyone considering one of the Alphacraft boats. I remember when we bought our boat, it wasn't in a very good state but we were able to have it surveyed prior to purchase so we knew pretty well what we were going to have to shell out to get it serviceable. (And whatever you think you're going to have to pay out - double it and then some probably!!) I hope that a lot of the would-be purchasers will be forum members or at least people who take an interest in the forums, all I can add is my advice to keep reading and take very careful note of all that has been said.
  7. Many, many years ago, we hired a boat from Ripplecraft at Somerleyton. It had 2 singles in the bow cabin which joined to make a double using a V shaped 'infill'. For the first night we suffered the infill continually falling out and the only thing we could find to wedge it in was the colander from the galley! I'm sure Richardson's boats will be equipped with more modern mechanisms.
  8. Can't be Jeremy Corbyn, the gentleman is sitting on a seat!
  9. Boats that come out on Fridays often return on Mondays having had the 'weekend break', they then become 'weekday breaks' and are out again on Monday afternoons. Simples. Spend a Friday or Saturday afternoon moored on Barton Broad enjoying the sun and watch the fleets coming down from Richardson's. They come down in packs of about 8 or 10 boats, probably where they have finished their tuition and been let free so the yard guys can do the next batch. Quite right about the food and booze stacked up too, on the return trip it's bin sacks on the back deck! I hope the Horizon move to Stalham doesn't have too much impact, only time will tell.
  10. It might not be 'beautiful' but I think there is something rather stylish about it.
  11. Welcome CaptainPugRush. If you slightly double-back from Richardson's, you could go to the Sutton Staithe Hotel/Inn. Very dog friendly and the food is good too. Also a nice bit of grass by the moorings for Murphy to bounce around on. Fingers crossed the weather is good for your long weekend, I believe you could be lucky...............!
  12. Andy, thank you for explaining about M733, it is good of you to do so especially after my criticism. Having seen some of the crews on board and the way they treat the boat, I am not surprised it is in need of some tlc. On this forum we have discussed at some length the trials and tribulations of a hire yard and I think most of us are supportive of the yards, particularly the independents. I still recommend the book 'A Broad Experience' by Robin Godber, it's a fascinating insight into hire yard ownership and I know quite a few forum members have read it.
  13. You're right, they do still seem to be going. I thought they had ceased hiring holiday cruisers at the end of last year - obviously not. M733 was one of Freedom's but I don't think it is now as it is no longer in Freedom's livery and is certainly not as well cared for as their boats usually are. We have seen it a number of times this year, always with a different crew so I assume it is still being hired out.
  14. I have just looked at Barnes webcam and I see at least 3 boats having their decks and hulls wiped down by the staff. I don't think I have ever seen a mucky Barnes boat, or Faircraft or Ferry Marina for that matter. Probably because those boatyards have mainly newer boats and are therefore easier to keep pristine. I have moored many times at Loddon and seen the staff at Pacific cleaning down their boats on a Friday or Saturday, they have older boats but really look after them. Does anyone know what happened to the boats from City Boats when they ceased last year? I have seen some of them recently, particularly M733 which has no name, and they still seem to be out for hire.
  15. And a lot of them were stuffed in a little cubby hole beneath the helmseat, you ended up with a stiff neck and a squint!
  16. What jokers we have on this forum! I'm quite surprised nobody has warned me of sharp knitting needles.
  17. Having read all these posts, I have decided that boating is an extremely dangerous pastime and I am now going to take up knitting!
  18. I think we should go back to oil lamps and coal fires! (And Lady Grantham said electricity would never catch on - in a very early episode.) Nothing to do with electricity but when I was very young (aeons ago) I got hit by a golf ball. It wasn't landing, had only just been hit. I remember it hurt dreadfully and although it knocked me down, it didn't knock me out much to the amazement of the folk with me. Could have been nasty but probably explains my lack of sanity sometimes!!
  19. "We maybe have 20 people on the forum who object to it and another 9,980 boats owners/users who may not have an issue. I can see it being a pain very late or very early, but it has never bothered me. I try not to do it unless its necessary and then for a short period of time." I think that sums it up rather nicely............
  20. When on the boat, I love listening to Wally just after the 6am news on Radio Norfolk. He gives high and low water times for the local areas and sometimes (not often) gets himself in a bit of a pickle with low water at GYYS. He does try and give the right times for boats to cross Breydon although I have a suspicion one or two newbies might be a tad confused after listening to him. He is always a pleasure to listen to however and being a keen boater makes any Broads news interesting. To me he is the sound of being in my favourite place!
  21. I think that's the problem, from what I gather the hire companies actually advise their clients to make sure they run the engine for at least 3 hours each day. It also seems that many of the older hire boat batteries are not quite up to scratch so don't hold the charge too well. As private boat owners, we know what the state of our engines and batteries is (well, hopefully we do!) but hirers of course have little idea and have to rely on the advice they are given.
  22. We have a 12v cool box that I sometimes use to supplement the fridge. It can run from the mains as well and we have found it doesn't seem to use much juice at all. It has been used a number of times on BA electric posts and is very efficient so I am rather surprised at the comments on high consumption.
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