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Everything posted by vanessan

  1. We have pulpit and pushpit rails on our bathtub and, contrary to others, I wouldn't be without them. I guess it does depend a lot on what type of vessel you are trying to manoeuvre around but as I get older I need all the help I can get to stay upright! Useful for flags too.
  2. No, jut say sorry and grovel to the BA ranger! I guess we'll probably never know until it happens.
  3. Hirers are apparently told to run their engines for 3/4 hours each day, that means some are bound to run engines at moorings particularly if the batteries are not up to scratch anyway. I think the only way Byelaw 84 would be enforced is if someone complained to the BA that the noise was a nuisance. IMO a BA ranger would probably have a word with the miscreants before coming down heavily on them. I think most private boaters and probably the majority of hirers are considerate towards others where the running of engines is concerned.
  4. This was badly written in the February edition of BroadSheet. It is only an offence if it causes disturbance to others. This was clarified by the BA at that time and they agreed the wording was misleading.
  5. Maybe I would too thinking about it!
  6. "I'm still keeping my eye out for the pervert who scoops up dog poop into a polythene bag and then hangs and leaves the bag on trees and bushes!" I was thinking earlier today that I would love to find those morons too. I would collect a number of their bags, find out where they lived and decorate their own tree (assuming they had one) so it looked like it was festooned with black christmas baubles!!
  7. We have been with Plusnet for about 5 years. Until around 2/3 months ago, everything was fine but lately it has been steadily getting worse. Our internet (we're in the sticks so can only get basic broadband) has been very slow at times but webmail over the last few weeks has been dire. If it is by chance available, it is desperately slow and from the reviews it,would appear this is quite common. Speaking to 'customer service' (and that title is a joke), no one seems the slightest bit bothered and almost seem keen for you to leave Plusnet! If we hadn't only recently paid 12 months line rental up front, we would be off but where to I really don't know. I wouldn't recommend Plusnet to my worst enemy now.
  8. Only the other day I was trying to remember the dog's name so I could show someone that clip. For the life of me I couldn't remember it so thank you Hylander for the timely reminder . It really is no joke when something like that happens to you. As the owner of 2 dogs, I have had many a 'heart in mouth' moment and the sheer relief when all turns out well is unbelievable. A 'prime example of an irresponsible dog owner'? Possibly, but accidents do happen and for all we know Fenton may have slipped his lead in his excitement. He probably thought his master was egging him on and joining in rather than calling him back! It does make for a good video clip though.
  9. The Broads Authority didn't come into being until 1989, many would probably say that's when things started going downhill!
  10. Well done in getting that letter printed JM . I bet it won't be long before a response is printed!
  11. We know about the tolls increases through the forums, EDP and various other local outlets. But I wonder how many toll payers won't find out until the toll demands land on their doormat next March? There will be a few more disgruntled punters then methinks.
  12. I find that rather strange. It seems to me nowadays that Richardson's Horizon and Gem bathtubs remain extremely popular, particularly with the fishing fraternity.
  13. oceandawn - what Broad Scot has said is right, banter never did hurt anyone. What I have tried to get across is that not everyone sees it as banter, seems I failed! I have looked at Broads forums for many years and got quite uptight in the past at some of the things that were said. Knowing now the folk who banter and being able to distinguish them from those who deliberately set out to cause offence makes a world of difference. I have always thought that there must be people out there who have steered clear of forums because of some of the chat that goes on. Not everyone is thick-skinned! Try and take what is said lightly, add your bit and enjoy the camaraderie. We all have something to offer, if there weren't people with plastic boats or rags and sticks or stuck together planks on here, there wouldn't be the expertise that is so happily shared.
  14. To whom (or what) is the BA itself ultimately accountable to? I think that's the question that needs answering. Anybody know?
  15. Something I must just add. In all the blogs LondonRascal has done, I don't think I have ever heard him be disparaging and I reckon that is part of the appeal for many of his 'fans'. He just 'tells it how it is' and gives us oldies a modern view of the Broads. Long may it continue.
  16. And what is wrong with a bathtub?? As has been said, different boats for different people for different reasons. Why poke fun (indirectly admittedly) at any design/construction of vessel? I can see why folk do get upset at some comments made however light-hearted those comments may be. We can't always have what we want and sometimes have to go for something that is practical for us rather than 'swish'. Maybe that's where the problem is, it just takes a little bit of thought when voicing opinions or even bantering I think. When new people join the forum, they don't know who banters or who likes to wind others up!
  17. So for my 15% toll increase, I am expecting 15% more moorings, more refusal disposal points etc etc. Ah but, a similar size hire boat's increase is only 2% so that must mean it will only be a 13% increase in moorings etc. Ooops, forgot someone's salary/bonus increase which will no doubt be loaded to reflect what a fantastic job he has done in shafting so many private boaters. Alan is quite right, this quango needs replacing with a proper accountable elected authority. That's my rant over too!
  18. I don't do paypal either but could do a bank transfer, can that be organised?
  19. I thought the Navigation Committee meeting is set for tomorrow evening or have I got that wrong?
  20. Nooooo, please noooooo!! We moor in the north but the south is our playground. This year was magic with fewer hire boats down south, selfish I know but there it is. There were certainly many of the bigger hire craft making their way across Breydon but they do tend to make for the more popular spots where the pubs etc are and that's fine by me. I like peace and quiet. At least there is not a lot anyone can change about Breydon, you can't control weather and tides so the 'handicap' is sometimes there. I suppose if the tides are spot on and the weather glorious, the BA could levy a supplemental charge - on second thoughts let's not put silly ideas into those heads!
  21. They think we are upside down (and inside out too but that's another story!).
  22. Australia changes clock time around the same time as we do only they go back when we go forward and vice versa.
  23. Quote from Nav Comm member in that article - 'I think private owners on the whole would go along with a substantial increase in the tolls if it was made clear what they were going to get for their money' In my case the increase is just over 15%, I think that is pretty substantial! And is it clear how I am going to benefit from that substantial increase? Not really, no. Edited to add: I know this was last year's EDP but I'm sure the same applies this year!
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